Make Up... or Break Up?

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Harry's P.O.V.
  Ginny is still mad that I didn't let her hurt Pansy. If you ask me, she's being unreasonable. Hermione told me she agrees with me, Ron doesn't. Sirius doesn't, Remus does.
  I was in the middle of coming up with an apology when she burst in. "Hey, Gin-" I started. "No! Listen to me. That was stupid of you! You were supposed to support me! Why didn't you?'" I gaped at her. "Gin, I didn't want you to hurt her."
  She looked at me with her arms crossed and a look that Crabbe and Goyle would cower under. "No, that's not what I meant, I didn't want you to get in any trouble, I didn't want anyone to die. I don't even know what you were going to do. I love you Gin, I'm sorry" I was pleading with her. She turned and huffed. "Sorry won't make up for it." She went to leave.
  I grabbed her arm and tried to turn her around. She gave me a fierce glare and jerked away. When she stomped out, she didn't slam the door, so I had to. I slammed and could practically see the smile on her face. Why are girls so complicated.
  I fell on the bed and Ron came in. "What?!" I groaned into the pillow. "What happened, she went off half crying?" I shot up. "What the fuck?! She's the one that stomped out! I tried to say sorry and everything else." He laughed. "And we are both in the tea spoon emotional range. Hermione just finished telling me that, actually." He flopped onto his bed and nobody said anything. I had a feeling it would be a long day.

Ron's P.O.V.
  I don't remember falling asleep, but I did and found out that it was almost dinner time when I got up. I woke Harry up and we were almost to the door when Harry had a genius plan.
  "Ron, we've been in here all day right?" I  nodded and sat back down. "Well then, you could go to Hermione and apologize with her. Then tell her (when Ginny is around) that I wouldn't come out because... I dunno, oh! Say because I couldn't bear to see Ginny, knowing how stupid I was. Ron, this is a win-win situation! You get Hermione and I get Ginny!"
  I thought about it only for a second. "Alright, get on the bed and looked depressed, or whatever girls do." He did so, and I went down. Hermione was sitting on the couch and Ginny was sitting in the the chair, her face tear streaked.
  "Hermione," I said. They jumped and Ginny covered her face. When she realized Harry wasn't with me she relaxed. "I am sorry. It's not Ginny's fault. And it's not Harry's fault. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you either way. Do you forgive me?" She didn't look very forgiving so I did puppy eyes. She cracked.
  "Ron, it's alright and yes, I forgive you. She sat me down and got in my lap. " but, where's Harry?" She asked and Ginny sat up straighter, she thought I didn't notice. "He said he can't bear even looking at Ginny knowing how stupid he was. I've been trying to get him out all day, but he just won't." Hermione looked shocked. "Really?!" Ginny asked, with a rather hopeful look on her face. "Yeah, completely miserable." I stressed.
  Then a thought hit me. All of this time, I was angry that she was with Harry. Then I remembered what Malfoy did. If she wasn't with Harry, she could be with anyone else. Possibly someone who doesn't care and would try and force her- NO! I won't even think that. They had to make up.
  Oh I'll go get him then and maybe..." She didn't finish the sentence and went up to get him. I had my fingers crossed.

Ginny's P.O.V.
  I slowly walked up the stairs trying to think of what to say. What if he doesn't care anymore? I hope he forgives me.
  I slowly opened the door. "Ron?" He asked and peeked from under his blanket. He saw me and covered his face. "Oh, Ginny, you should go, I can't even... I don't know what to say to you." Damn, he was sexy when he was sad.
  "Look, I'm sorry Harry, can you even begin to forgive me?" He peeked up again. "Forgive you, why? It was me being stupid. I should have let you carry on. I- I just don't want you to leave me." A single tear ran down his cheek and I noticed I was crying too.
  "Of course I forgive you!" I cried and ran the rest of  the 2 feet to the bed. It was a wet tangle of hugs, kisses, and tears. "Come on, lets go back down there." I pulled him out of bed and down the stairs. When we got down there what else did we see other than Ron and Hermione making out on the couch.
  Ginny burst into a fit of giggles. Hermione jumped up. "I see you two made up." Harry said so happy it was contagious. "Oh and thank you mate." Ron said to him. "For what?" Harry looked legit confused. "For reminding me that my love for Hermione can survive anything.
  Hermione and I looked at Harry. "Really?" We said simultaneously. "Yeah he did!" Hermione focused on Ron again and as we walked down to dinner people stared... A lot of people. I remembered Pansy and held my head higher.
  I made a point to walk all the way around the Slytherin table, some people pointed and whispered, some jumped, and some hid behind their friends.
  Luna looked at me and beamed. She raised her glass and said, "that was very Gryffindor of you Ginny." People around her raised there glasses too. "To Ginny." They all said. "Oh, and Harry too!" Luna put in. Harry gave me a small hug and we sat down.
  Well, happily ever today for the hopeless romantic. ;)

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