Going Home

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Ginny's P.O.V.
  I woke up at about 10 and went down to the common room. Harry wasn't down there. Ron wasn't either, but Hermione was. I yawned and stretched and went over to her. "Hey Hermione." She jumped a little, I guess I shouldn't walk up behind people without warning them. "Oh, hey Ginny. I won't see you guys until July. I just got a letter from my parents."
  Aww. I like it when Hermione comes over. I won't have anyone to talk to and I don't know when Harry will come... "What are you doing?" She shrugged. "Nothing, really. It's boring when the boys aren't around." I nodded and we stared at the stairs, as if we could make them come down that way.
  Well, it worked. Harry came down the steps looking tired. "Hey Gin." He said in a yawn. He came  over and sat down and I sat in his lap. Hermione looked over at us. "Is Ron up?" Harry shook his head and she dashed up the stairs. "When are you coming to see us?"
  "I don't know, actually. Sirius told me that I was going to be staying with him for awhile, but after that I'm going to the burrow." I kissed him. Ron and Hermione came down and Ron looked upset. "But why?! Can't you come back earlier. I will miss you." She laughed at him like he was a toddler and they sat down.
  We anxiously whiled away the time by talking or whatever else. After lunch, we all went out to the train. We got on almost first and got an empty compartment. It was me, Harry, Hermione, and  Ron. There wasn't as much talking as there was kissing, but there was still talking.
  The trolley witch came around and Harry paid for everyone. At one point I dropped my wand and it rolled under a seat. "Harry give me your wand a second." He gave it to me and I tried to look under the seat. It was really far back and a was wondering how I could get it when I heard  Hermione "accio". The wand flew out and Hermione caught it. "Thought you were having problems." She gave it to me and I sat both mine and Harry's wand next to me.
  The train ride ended and I wondered why it was over so soon. I gave Harry one last kiss, because I wasn't about to do that in front of my mom.
  We got out and my mom gave each of us a hug. Harry went to leave, because after all the time he's spent with us he thought he would get away. "Harry, Sirius told me you'd be staying with him. We are going to go over there too, because that house is in no condition for living after 12 years. I don't know who will come and pick you up, but I don't think the muggles will appreciate us back at their home." She squeezed him and I was sure that he would burst open.
  Harry left to go to his muggle family and I waved goodbye to him. I went to stick my wand in my pocket and realized that there was another one in there already. It was Harry's. "Mom, I have Harry's wand, I need to give it to him." She nodded and I went over to him

Harry's P.O.V.
  Ginny was coming my way. I wonder why. "Harry, be careful who you give your wand to. I had it in my pocket and you wouldn't have had it until you saw us if I hadn't remembered." She shoved it into my hands and I hurried to put it away. Uncle Vernon looked at her like she was something found in the trash. "Is she one of your lot?" Ginny glared at him then turned back to me. "Forever?" I smiled and hugged her. "Forever."
  She went back to where everyone else was while Fred and George made kissing faces at her. "Who is she?" Dudley turned to me and asked, "your girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded. "Yes, actually. She is my girlfriend." Dudley looked like he might faint from horror.
  We left and went back 'home' where I hoped I wouldn't stay for very long. "Oh and by the way, my godfather should be coming to pick me up. You know, the one that's went to Azkaban for murder." I had 'forgotten' again to tell them he was innocent... But, oh well.
  I went to my room and unpacked. I thought about my year and what it was exactly. I came to my conclusion at the end of my packing. The year was what it always was. It was just a school year... With a little extra magic.

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