The House Cup

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Ron's P.O.V.
  Today they tell us who won the house cup. Gryffindor has it by a mile, so unless Snape goes on one of his point sprees, there is no question of who wins it. Harry and I decided... Well, Hermione told us to pack becuase tomorrow is the last day.
  "Hey, Ron... Remember that mission you asked me to do?" I nodded. I hope he is about to give me good news. "Sorry... forgot to tell you. But she said no." I let out the breath I'd been holding and we packed some more.
  Hermione and Ginny came in after about 5 minutes of packing. "You're still not finished yet?" Hermione asked. She sighed and with a flick of her wand everything was packed up. "You could tell me how to do that." I said, taking her hand.
  We walked down to lunch and had a good time. Everyone from the other tables were glaring at us or throwing us nasty looks. It was awesome.
  We lost 30 points in Snape's class. Hermione is being anxious and panicky because she thinks he might take away enough for them to win. I told her that was stupid and she hit me.
  Professor McGonagall walked into class and we told her about Snape. "And how many points did he take away from this group?" She looked straight at Harry and I. "30 points professor! Can you believe it?! He accused me of telling half the class how to make the potion?" Hermione was... well, Hermione.
  "Alright, Ms. Granger... Where do vanished objects go?" She smiled, it would be her to know that. "Into nonbeing, which is to say, everything." Professor McGonagall nodded. "Nicely phrased. 20 points to Gryffindor."
  When dinner finally came, Gryffindor had lost 50 points from what we had this morning. We were still in the lead and when we walked into the great hall, which was covered in gold and scarlet. Hermione gasped and ran to the table.
  I saw her and smiled. She looked like a kid in a candy store. "Hermione... I think, you might be overreacting just a little bit." Harry said to her. "Um, no! I thought we were done for, the way Snape was taking points!"
  Everyone that heard her started laughing and Dumbledore got our attention. "Excuse me! Excuse me! I have been informed that I have a house cup to give out." Everyone at Gryffindor table cheered. Well, the points are as so; in 4th place, Ravenclaw with 340 points!" The Ravenclaw table clapped, but it was only halfhearted. "In 3rd place, Hufflepuff with 380 points!" The Hufflepuff table cheered. "In 2nd place, Slytherin with 460 points!" The Slytherin table cheered, mildly more than Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, but not by much. "And, in 1st place, GRYFFINDOR WITH 550 POINTS!" We cheered so loudly I thought something might break. "Alright, before we commence the feast, I have a few words. Void, crank, fizz, jumble. Thank you. Now, let the feast commence!" He clapped his hands together and loads of food appeared on the table.
  I ate until I was sure I would burst. We laughed and had a wonderful time. When we finally left it was after 10. Hermione and I walked hand in hand all ththe way back. We had a party that Fred and George said they had planned for a month. There was butterbeer and pumpkin juice that could last a month, easy.
  The party lasted for a long time. Eventually professor McGonagall came in and told us to go to bed... After she had a butterbeer herself. I was exhausted and happy. I wasn't prepared to leave, but I knew we had to tomorrow.

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