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I would put a picture of my mom if only I knew what she looked like *sighs* But anyways let's not always be gloomy now! That's what my weird friends say.

This is honestly the best dad in the whole world!🌎 I can't ask for more than having the best dad. Love you dad! 🤗Ben_Parker

I'm not really the jealous type unless something provokes that small part in me, then I will get jealous, but anyways. This is the guy who I love and will love until the end 💕. Who has done everything even one small teeny thing to make me happy and the happiest I've ever been ☺️.  You're my other half, and without you, I don't even know what I would do and where I would've been. Me being happy is probably the most important thing to the maids and butlers who raised me and you have accomplished that. And you know what? I intend to do the same thing for you and make you happy in whichever way possible and even in the impossible. I'll do it for you 💖. I love you so much Toni❣ ToniM-

That's Ace and this is his playmate Romeo 😊 and both of there cute dogs are my babies 😍😘

That is my grandfather, but I like to call him Peter since he's not really that old from how old I am *chuckles* Not really much to say, but I wish you wouldn't be that grandfather (which is usually supposed to be the grandmother) that nags his grand kids to get married and have kids. Yes, I have read about those, but I don't mind that much if you will be like that *chuckles*. XxPeter_ParkerxX

She is my unicorn 😂🦄. She is my weird best friend who is always beside me when I do weird stuff and you're always the one who goes along with my crazy "adventures" which is only when I get drunk and you go with me when I drink only to laugh at my drunk state. There's still more memories to make so just I'll just call you when I drink 😂 _lilyhatesyou .

This weird chick right here is my twin 😂. I have been friends with this weirdo for as long as I can remember. Since kindergarten I think 🤔. But that doesn't really matter, I was there for her when she needed me and she was there for me when I needed her. She is my rock and I am her's. Since her parents died and she was in the car with them, some kids used to bully her and she went through this sad phase and I was the one who helped her get through with that phase. She went through depression and the strong friendship bond we have is still strong till today. We were both in a sorority together in college, and we went through all the highschool drama shit together 😂. But I'll always be here for you no matter what the situation is. -OfficBarbaraPalvin-  Love yah weirdo! 😘😂

That is Toni's sister Catherine *smiles* Who has been the nicest and sweetest person I've ever met. We should hang out more! Or come by th house sometime. Looking forward to baking them good cookies 😉😅. I honestly think you make the best cookies! CatherinePaiz

Okay.... I cannot even 😂😂. This other weirdo right here is our friend Barry. Me, Barbara, and Barry are childhood best friends and he went to the same high school and college as us but he was at a frat house obviously. -The-Flash- He was another kid who helped Barbara when she was bullied. He was the second one to step up in the crowd of kids watching the bully just hurt Barbara. I can't believe you're getting married! In two months you said? You're so lucky someone put up with all your weirdness 😂. Just kidding, we all know you've had the charm on the ladies since college. Also, -rxsegxld-  look at this picture 😂😂

Last but not the least, my new friend who fits in my group of weird friends 😂. But she understands me and is also a potterhead. Which I honestly find in a friend 😂. Some dumbass people don't even know Malfoy for god's sake! And, she loves cookies and cream like I do ❤️😂. I don't even get why people don't like that flavor *frowns slightly* but anyways! I am so happy to meet someone with the same interests as me and is also glad that she's Barry's sister. So that she can look out for him when he needs someone close to family. I'll help you get the old Barry back though *smiles hopeful* but I doubt it's going to be easy, it is worth it for friends after all. I'm so glad I met this gal and hoping to hang out some more! -rxsegxld-

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