My childhood

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I was born at June 24th. When I was still a kid, I still knew my mom, knew what she looked like, and what she did for a living. I thought everything was perfect, even if I didn't question at all about my father or where he went, what happened to him, nada. She was probably the best mom anyone could ask for. Of course I would know if she just didn't wipe my memories of her. My memories of my childhood has a big hole in it, and I may never know what was in that hole in the first place. Now that I think of it, it was probably my mom because she was the only one who was there for me when I was a kid, who raised me, who made me happy back then.

She did really well for herself and me, she had a 3-story mansion, a cook, a maid, a butler, and even a driver if necessary. Atleast I think she would call the driver just to drive her around to where she probably needed to go. I would know all this information because they were the ones who- wait I'm going to get to that later. As I was saying, she did work hard for all that I have or inherited since she left. I turned six, she bought me a big birthday cake and sang me happy birthday. Little did six-year old me know that she was about to leave me after my birthday.

Yes, I do get flashes of my memories sometimes so I remember little of it but somehow it doesn't show her face every memory I get flashes of. But anyways, she left me and wiped my memory clean. I don't know how, but she just did and all the maids and butlers who she has had for years, decided to raise me after she left. She did say one thing that stuck to my brain after she wiped my memory though, and it is to "Come to Ben Parker who is indeed your dad if you need anything". I was really shocked to figure out that my dad was only a year older than me. But then again, I am from the future aren't I?

I did go to my dad Ben Parker who can I mention is the best dad anyone could ask for ☺️. I also met my uncle Trunks and my grandfather well maybe not grandfather because it's kinda weird calling someone who is also just a year older than I am. Which is not going to be so soon, since my birthday's coming up and I'll turn 20 then.

After I met my dad, I still go home to the house my mom left me. Which is a 3-story mansion and I still have to open the gate every time I get home in order to get to the driveway. But, thank god I have a button for that now because I'm too lazy to go open the gate myself or even have people to open it for me. It just seems mean that I make them work just to open the gates.

Yes, it does slide open as I press the button.

That is the 3-story mansion my mom left me and she left me quite a lot of money, but it does get lonely in that mansion. Not anymore though *smiles* because of someone 😉

Let me show you my babies.

That is my white Porsche 918 Spyder which I don't use that often since I have 4 babies and that's actually the newest because I just bought that last month or something.

This second one is my red 2013 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder

The 3rd one is my purple Ferrari 458 which I alternate using with the red Lamborghini.

That last one is my favorite of them all 😍. This is a black Koenisegg one 1 then I had them out some pink so make it look kinda "girly" and let the guys know the driver is a girl 😉

As I said, it does get pretty lonely in a 3-story mansion. But then this guy that I love entered my life and said that it won't get lonely soon, if someone else was living with me. He's made me the happiest girl alive and still has been. I got butterflies in my stomach when he said that he liked me and he still makes me feel butterflies in my stomach with all those addictive kisses we share 😊.

I love you baby! 😍😘 ToniM-

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