Chapter 10

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-ReCap from last chapter-

"We decided to protect you, you never asked. It isn't an inconvenience for us. If it was, we wouldn't have offered to do it." Yoongi replies and tae nods. "Yes you would have. You wouldn't be able to not follow me. I'm fabulous." You joke and flip your hair. All seven of them laugh like crazy.

"It is my fault though. I should have told you." You say snapping everyone out of their laughing fits. Even jimin, who was on the floor laughing. This boy finds everything hilarious. "Wait, what do you mean?" Jimin asks. You sigh and hand namjoon your phone. He reads it and shakes his head then hands it to yoongi, who reads it then passes it to tae, who also reads it and passes it to jimin. The three who read it were silent knowing Jimin was about to flip out. Jimin's eyes widen and he looks at you. "Please don't yell. Lecture me and be mad at me all you want just don't yell." You beg Jimin. He stands up and walks to you. You look up at him and he leans down and pulls you into a hug. You were confused and shocked. You didn't know what to do so you just hugged him back.

-Start of Chapter-

"Just promise me one thing. You will never go anywhere without one of us. You aren't a burden to us. You have made all of us so much happier. You have a wonderful and unique personality. You are an amazing person (y/n). We want to protect you. All of us. We want you to be safe and happy. So promise me you will have one of us by your side at all times. Please (y/n)." Jimin asks while still holding you tight. "I promise jimin. I love you all so much. If it makes you feel better to have someone with me, then I will agree to it." You say and bury your face in jimin's chest while hugging him tighter. "Hey, I am the one who gives comforting hugs. Not Jimin." Namjoon whines playfully.

You pull away from jimin and jimin glares at namjoon. "Nope, she enjoys my hugs more. She is mine! Goodbye!" Jimin yells and picks you up bridal style, carefully so he didn't hurt you. You scream and laugh as he runs to a room with namjoon and the rest of the boys right behind him. "Put her down! She is mine!" Yoongi yells. "No she is mine!" Tae yells from behind yoongi. You laugh even harder which hurt really bad but you couldn't hold it in. "You two are too weird. She likes me more!" Namjoon yells while laughing. Jimin runs into a room and locks the door and puts you on the bed.

Jimin is panting and trying to catch his breathe while you hear the boys laughing and banging on the door. Everyone was laughing. This is what you wanted, needed. You needed these boys. They were like your family and they would be there for you to cry with or laugh with. They would cheer you up when you felt like crying and they would do whatever it took to protect you. These boys were your family now.

"Wow your lighter then you look. You need to eat more food." Jimin said while laughing. "Thank you? I think? Not sure if that's a compliment or not." You laugh as well. "Well your faster then I thought and all of you are weirder then I thought." You said while trying to catch your breathe from laughing so much. "Welcome to our family." Jimin said and eye smiled. "Welcome!" All the boys scream from the other side of the door. "I love you guys." You yell so the others could hear you. "We love you too!" All seven of them yell back.

Jimin unlocked the door and the boys all run in. They engulf you in a group hug. You hug them all back and ignore the pain. Your phone went off and the group hug ended. Jin was the last one to read your text so he had your phone. He looked down at it and then turned off the phone.

"What did she say." You asked jin. "She said you will pay for sending us on her friends." Jin said, obviously frustrated. "But she didn't! You went after her friends because I told you to!" Namjoon yelled. "Well jessica doesn't know that namjoon." Jin said while rolling his eyes.

Your phone started buzzing repeatedly. "Well this is new. She is calling. Let's see what she wants." Jin said will picking up and putting it on speaker. "Let's get one thing straight. I want the phone on speaker and I want BTS to listen as well as you got it?" Jessica demanded from the other end of the phone. "Well aren't you lucky? We are all here with (y/n). Now what do you want?" Jin asked trying to control his anger. "Well, (y/n) made you attack my friends. We were just having fun. It isn't our fault this girl is stupid enough to meet us alone and then just let us beat her. She is just dumb. My friends didn't deserve this and don't you think a broken nose is a bit far?" Jessica asked.

"What, she made (y/n) cry. I wasn't gonna let her get away with it." Yoongi said and shrugged. Jin rolled his eyes. "You still shouldn't have broke her nose you idiot." Jin scolded. "What? Jimin nearly killed the one girl. It's not just me." Yoongi defended. Jin looked at Jimin with wide eyes. "Not literally." Yoongi added. Jimin shrugged.

"You hurt (y/n) more than you can imagine and that hurts us as well. You hurt her far worse then we hurt your little friends. We just gave them a... warning." Jin said to jessica. "I don't care anymore. I could care less about those girls. Just know that  (y/n) will be much worse off if you don't leave her. Unless....." she trailed off. "I. Will. Not. Date. You. Get it through your thick head!" Jimin yelled into the phone. It scared you a bit because you still don't like him yelling. Jimin must have noticed because he walked over and hugged you and apologized. You hugged him back and told him he was fine. "Im not sure what happened or why you are apologizing but I don't really care either. Since you are still refusing, I would suggest staying by (y/n)'s side. She is going to need the protection." Jessica said and chuckled then hung up.

"I get that we are popular and people want to hang out with us and stuff but torturing someone we hang out with is way to far." Yoongi grumbled. "I know right? (y/n) is a friend and we want to hang out with her. What is so wrong with that? We sing and dance. Plenty of guys can do that." Jungkook said. "Those kind of people aren't ARMY. They are crazy. We should live our life and choose who we hang out with." J-hope mumbled. "Can we just talk about something other then that? We can do anything except talk about jessica." You say to change the subject.

"Come on (y/n), let's go talk about boys and gossip!" Jungkook said using a high pitched voice to imitate a girl. "Anything but boys. They are gross and yucky." You say with a high pitched voice while throwing your arms around making random gestures. Everyone started laughing and then j-hope attacked you with a hug from behind. The sudden impact made you fall and he fell in top of you. You laughed and rolled out from under him while he rolled after you and hugged you again. "EW! YUCKY BOYS!" You scream. Jimin was on the floor laughing by now and the rest were crying because they were laughing so hard.

You stood up and so did j-hope. He hugged you again from behind and wouldn't let go. "Why don't we watch a movie?" You suggest. "Yes! And let's watch a scary movie!" J-hope added excitedly. "YES!" You scream. "I will make the popcorn!" Jin yelled as he ran to the kitchen. "Alright let's go choose the movie." Jungkook said while walking out the room. "Hobi, I need you to let me go now." You say since j-hope was still back hugging you. "Fine." He sighs and let's go. You laugh and you walk into the living room with the rest of the boys who finally recovered from their laughing fits.

You all decided on Saw as the movie. You, yoongi, namjoon, and j-hope were all on the main couch. Jin and jungkook were on the couch to the left with tae and jimin on the couch to the right. Halfway through the movie, j-hope and tae had pillows over their faces, hiding from the movie. Jin was holding jungkook while jungkook tryed hiding his face so he didn't get scared. Then there is jimin who screamed like a girl everytime there was a jumpscare. Namjoon, yoongi, and yourself were the only ones not screaming or hiding. Namjoon and you did jump a lot while yoongi didn't flinch at all.

Everything was tense and the people were screaming when there was a really loud and sudden jumpscare. You didn't notice but you actually jumped right next to yoongi and side hugged him. At first yoongi tensed up from you suddenly hugging him. Once you realized what you did, you pulled away and apologized. Your cheeks were so red. Yoongi sighed and pulled you into his lap. He wrapped his hands around you and made you lay your head on his chest. You didn't resist and just stayed there. It was actually kind of comfortable. Very comfortable. You were blushing so bad and it was impossible to miss. You look up at yoongi and he looks down at you and smiles. You quickly turn back to the movie and watch the rest of the movie in Yoongi's lap with his arms around you.

-Yoongi's POV-

About halfway through Saw, there was a jumpscare which I was already expecting. (y/n) suddenly jumped to my side and hugged me tightly. She looked so scared and I could tell the jumpscare got her good. Once she realized she was hugging me, she quickly pulled away. For some reason my arm reached out and pulled her onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and pushed her head onto my chest. She didn't stop me and just stayed in the same position. Her cheeks were bright red. It was adorable. She looked up at me and I smiled at her. She quickly looked back at the screen. The movie ended and (y/n) hadn't moved an inch besides the occasional jump after a jumpscare. She never screamed or looked away though. At least she wasn't a coward like some of the other boys.

(Y/n) had fallen asleep in my lap. All the boys stood up once the movie ended. They all looked at me then at (y/n). I got up while holding (y/n) bridal style and carried her to my room. I sat her on my bed and covered her up and went back out with a blanket for me to use since I would just sleep in the couch. When I walk back out, everyone was staring at me. "It's so obvious you like her. Why don't you just tell her?" Jungkook asked me. "You wouldn't understand maknae." I replied. "You should tell her." Jin spoke up this time. "Easier said then done. We are friends and I don't want to ruin that. I might tell her another time but not now." I say glaring at Jin. "Yeah yeah. Whatever." Jin said and started walking away. "Night. I'm going to sleep." I say and lay down. "Night!" They all say together and go off to their rooms.

-To be Continued-

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