Chapter 9

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-ReCap from last chapter-

At the end of the day you and BTS go back to the apartment. For some reason the dance studio was closed today. You walk in and lay on one of the couches and stretch out. "Sit up (Y/N). We all want to sit down as well." Namjoon said and lightly slapped your legs. You sit up and namjoon, jungkook, and Jin sit on the same couch as you. Jimin and yoongi sat on the couch to the left with tae and j-hope to the couch on the right. Your phone buzzed so you looked down to see a text message.

"Was that Jessica?" Jimin asks. You slowly nod your head and read the text. "Let's play a game".

-Start of Chapter-

"What do you mean?" You asked jessica confused. "Let's see. How about you and the rest of BTS meet me at the dance studio". What does jessica mean? Why on earth would we do that. Lord knows what she has planned.

"(Y/N) what did she say? We are apart if this too now." Namjoon spoke up. You had gathered the boys in the living room after getting the text. "She said let's play a game. She said to meet her at the dance studio. All of us." You reply rereading the message in confussion. "There is no way. That jessica chick is crazy!" Jungkook yelled. "I will come but not with BTS. Alone or not all. I refuse to involve BTS in my problems." You reply.

"What did you say to her?" Yoongi asked in a stern voice. "Okay, I will agree to that. Meet me there in thirty minutes". "Ugh, I told her no. I told her I wouldn't meet her. She said i would regret it. That's it." You lied. "Don't lie to us. Remember when we first met on the roof? I told you to never lie to people." Yoongi said while giving you a death glare. "I need to go for a walk. This is really starting to worry me. I just need some fresh air." You lie again. Tae and yoongi stand up.

"No. I need to clear my head and I can't do that with you two following me." You say staring at tae and yoongi. "We are going with you. Period. Do not fight us, please (Y/N). Just let us protect you." Tae said softly. "I DON'T NEED YOUR PROTECTION! YOU SHOULD JUST FORGET ABOUT ME! I AM ONLY CAUSING PROBLEMS FOR ALL OF YOU!" You yell. You instantly regret screaming at tae. He looked shocked and hurt. So did the rest of them. You grab your jacket and run out of the apartment. Why did you scream at them? You were just so worked up. Why do they have to care about you? You are just a burden to them. You wish you could go back and hug them all and apologize and make everything better. You couldn't though. You had to meet jessica.

You finally get to the dance studio and you see jessica sitting at the door waiting. "What do you want? Just do whatever you are going to." You say while glaring at jessica. "You need to learn a lesson. I was going to beat you in front of BTS to get the point across to them that they can't protect you. I had a few friends to help me. I guess I just have to send you with the message." She said while chuchling. She snapped her fingers and six girls, way older and stronger than you, stepped out of the woodland and walked over to Jessica's side. All of them had evil grins on their faces. "I will make this as painful as possible." Jessica said and laughed with the six girls.

Before you could react to her comment, a girl grabbed your hands and put them behind your back and held them there. You struggled but you couldn't get out of her grip. Another girl came and kicked your shin. You scream out in pain and drop to the ground. The girl behind you keeled down so she didn't loose her grip on your hands. Jessica walked up to you and kicked you in the gut. You feel a tear slide down your cheek. Then jessica punched you in the face and your nose started to bleed like last time. She smirked and the girl behind you let go of your hands. You grip your stomach and fall onto your side. All seven girls started kicking you and laughing. You were crying and curled up in a ball trying to deflect the kicks as best as possible.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? GET AWAY FROM (Y/N) RIGHT NOW!" You heard a familiar male voice scream. The girls stopped kicking you and ran into the wood line behind the dance studio. You look up and see BTS running to you. "Oh my God (y/n), Why did you let them do this to you?" Jin asked. "You guys go get those girls. Quick." Namjoon commanded. The six boys took off towards the wood line without hesitation.

"It's going to be okay. I got you (y/n). I'm here for you." Namjoon comforted you and pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around you while sitting on the floor. It was late at night so nobody was out to see what just happened. "I can't believe they took it this far." Namjoon mumbled to himself angrily. "I'm so sorry. We weren't there for you when you needed us." Namjoon said with nothing but guilt in his voice now. "I should be sorry, not you. I yelled at you guys then ran out. I'm a terrible person." You say in between sobs while burying your head in namjoon's chest and hugging him tightly. This made you feel safe. "Its okay. We shouldn't have been so overprotective. We just love you and don't want anything to happen to you." Namjoon assured you. "I love you guys too." You chocked out.

"Can you stand? We need to go back to the apartment. I need to get you cleaned up. You have blood all over you." Namjoon said softly while stroking your hair. You shake your head. You were hurting too much. There is no way you could stand. Your legs would give out immediately. Namjoon picked you up bridal style. "Thank you namjoon." You mumble before leaning onto his chest again. "Anything for you, (y/n)." Namjoon smiled weakly and started walking to the dorm. "Wait! What about the others?" You asked as you realized they were still gone. "They are going to take care of those girls. They touched you. They beat you. They made you bleed." He swallowed. "They made you cry." He finished. "They will be okay right? The guys not those girls. I could care less about them." You ask namjoon. "Trust me, the boys will be just fine." Namjoon said with confidence.

You got back to the apartment and namjoon sat you on the couch. He came back with a first aid kit. He started cleaning all your cuts and bandaging them. "Jin is usually the one to do this." Namjoon chuckled. "Well as long as you don't break me, were good. You can break anything but me." You said and chuckled weakly. It hurt really bad to laugh or even move. "No promises." He said and laughed. You laughed and then punched his arm. "It hurts to laugh you jerk. Don't be funny." You said jokingly. "Okay. That is all the cuts that I could see." Namjoon said and stepped back to examine you. "I did a good job if I do say so myself!" Namjoon exclaimed satisfied.

"Thank you so much namjoon." You say and look him in the eyes. He smiled and sat beside you. "Like I said earlier, anything for you (y/n)". He put his arm around your back and carefully pulled you into another hug. You hugged him back and rested your head on his chest. "This probably sounds weird but this always makes me feel safe, like... when I hug you." You admit and blushed a little bit. "It makes me feel like I am keeping you safe. Like I can protect you easier." He admitted as well. Namjoon was so nice and comforting. He was like the big brother you never had. He always made you feel safe and like you belong. Namjoon kissed your forehead and layed his head on yours.

You started to drift into sleep and then you heard the door open. You and namjoon directed your attention to the door. The six boys walked in and looked at you two. "Oh, did we intirupt something?" Jin said and smirked. "What? Can I not get a hug when I feel sad?" You ask. "And can I not hug (y/n) if she is sad?" Namjoon asked. The six boys shrug and sit down. You pulled away from namjoon and sat back down beside him. Yoongi and tae sat on the same couch as you and namjoon. J hope and Jin sit on the couch to the left, leaving jungkook and jimin to sit on the couch to the right.

"Thank you guys. I am sorry that I caused so much trouble." You apologize to everyone. "(y/n), please stop apologizing. Every single time you are beat, you apologize to us. You never did anything wrong so don't apologize." Jimin said and stared into your eyes. "Well I did run out after screaming at you guys. I should at least apologize for that." You say while staring back at jimin with sad eyes. "I was being annoying. I wouldn't let you go anywhere on your own. I am sorry for that. I shouldn't have pushed you to the point where you screamed and ran off. It may have ended up differently and you wouldn't be like this right now." Tae said, obviously blaming himself.

"I would have been beat wether you came with me or not. I was stupid." You say. You felt so bad for agreeing to meet jessica now. "What do you mean? We may have been able to find some way to keep you safe." Yoongi asked you. "I don't like someone needing to protect me. I feel like a burden asking for you guys to walk with me everywhere I go." You mumble. "We decided to protect you, you never asked. It isn't an inconvenience for us. If it was, we wouldn't have offered to do it." Yoongi replies and tae nods. "Yes you would have. You wouldn't be able to not follow me. I'm fabulous." You joke and flip your hair. All seven of them laugh like crazy.

"It is my fault though. I should have told you." You say snapping everyone out of their laughing fits. Even jimin, who was on the floor laughing. This boy finds everything hilarious. "Wait, what do you mean?" Jimin asks. You sigh and hand namjoon your phone. He reads it and shakes his head then hands it to yoongi, who reads it then passes it to tae, who also reads it and passes it to jimin. The three who read it were silent knowing Jimin was about to flip out. Jimin's eyes widen and he looks at you. "Please don't yell. Lecture me and be mad at me all you want just don't yell." You beg Jimin. He stands up and walks to you. You look up at him and he leans down and pulls you into a hug. You were confused and shocked. You didn't know what to do so you just hugged him back.

-To be Continued-

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