Chapter 12

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-ReCap from last chapter-

"You know what? I don't care about you anymore jimin." Jessica said as if it phases jimin. "Thank god." He mumbled. Jessica looked hurt. I hope those words hurt her because they could kill me. "Jungkook looks better anyways." Jessica said and turned around to walk away. You quickly pull away from jimin and grab her arm. "If you do so much as touch any of the boys, I will kill you. I am done playing the nice girl and letting you ruin my life. These boys mean everything to me. You won't hurt any of them. You should be crying right now. Jimin just said thank God you don't care about him. If he said that to me I think I would die. You really don't care about them and you will never be with any of them". There was now no evidence of tears in your eyes.

With that you let go of her arm and hop in between yoongi and tae with jimin right behind you. They looked impressed and really happy. "Let's go to lunch shall we?" You ask. "To lunch we go!" All three shouted at once. You laughed and walked off the the cafeteria with them.

After school you walk to the dance studio and tell the boys about how you stood up to jessica. They were all proud of you. "So she doesn't like jimin anymore?" Namjoon questioned while laughing about the part where jimin thanked God for Jessica leaving him alone. "Yeah. Better watch out. You may be next joonie." You say and laugh. We walked over to you and picked you up bridal style. "I like that nickname. Joonie." He said while carrying you. "You do understand I am capable of walking right?" You ask namjoon and giggle. "I am aware." He said and winked. You giggle and punch his arm. "Don't wink at me joonie." You say. "Why not? It would kill most girls. You aren't most girls though." He said and chuckled a bit. "Great now joonie is trying to kill me." You say and laugh. "No! I shall save you!" Tae yells and grabs you from namjoon. Now tae is holding you bridal style. "Well I guess I can forget walking today." You said and sigh. The boys laugh and nod.

-Start of Chapter-

You all enter the dance studio with tae still holding you bridal style. "Tae you can put me down now. I can't dance if your holding me" You say and chuckle. "I guess you aren't dancing today then." Tae said and showed off his adorable box smile. "Tae tae, I need you to let me down." You say to tae. "Fine. But only because you calling me tae tae is really cute and is making me weak." Tae replied. "I will remember that when I need something"

The class started and you and yoongi were paired as always. You two were doing better then most of the class. Hobi was doing good though. Your hope, your angle~, was usually ahead of the class with dancing. At the end of class everyone was exhausted because you all learned a few new moves and practiced it non stop then added it to what you know. Your water bottle was empty because a certain someone *cough cough* Taehyung *cough cough* drank all of it in nearly three gulps. You look at your empty water bottle helplessly.

"Way to go you alien look what you did! Now (y/n) doesn't have water!" Yoongi scolded tae. "I'm so sorry. I thought it was mine! Really (y/n)!" Tae quickly said in defense. "Give her your bottle of water." J hope said sternly to tae as if he was the father since namjoon was too busy gulping down his own water. Tae handed you the bottle without hesitation. "Thank you tae tae." You say and smile brightly. "No problem. I stole yours so I gave you mine!" Tae exclaimed.

"Should we head home? It is getting late." Namjoon asked. "You guys go ahead. I am gonna stay here and practice for a bit longer. I feel energetic again and it never hurts to practice." You explain. "I will stay here with you." Jimin immediately spoke up. "We learned our lesson already. We aren't going to leave you alone again. So I will stay with you and walk back with you." Jimin explained himself. "Thank you chim chim." You say and smile in jimin's direction. "Well we will leave now. I am extremely tired and I trust jimin to take care of you." Yoongi says. "Bye!" The six boys say as they leave. "Bye boys!" You say back to them.

You practice your dance and occasionally jimin joined in. When you finished, you turned the music off and looked at jimin. "All done!" You say. He chuckled and walked up to you and pulled you into a hug. "Ew, I'm all sweaty. Don't hug me!" You say and try to pull away from jimin. "I was sweaty a bit ago and I get to hug you so it doesn't phase me." Jimin says and hugs you tighter. "(Y/n)." Jimin whispered but loud enough for you to hear. "Yes chim chim?". "I...i umm. I think that I...ugh... i think that I-" jimin stopped talking because all he was doing was stuttering. "You think you what jimin?" You ask and pull away slightly to look jimin in the eyes. Jimin gulped and looked right into your eyes. "I think I like you. Like.. like you. As more than a friend." He said.

You were in shock. Did you hear that correctly? Did Park jimin just say he liked you? Was this a dream? You pinched yourself to see if it was a dream. Jimin chuchled nervously. "This isn't a dream (y/n)." Jimin said and put his hands on your shoulders. "I don't know what to say jimin. I always knew who you were and you were always someone I loved and then we grew so close ever since you came to my school. I never thought I would ever hear you say those words to me." You explain, still in shock. "So umm..." Jimin said obviously a bit confused. "Jimin, I like you. I really do. I am just sort of confused. I know I have feelings for you but I also have feelings for someone else. I was hoping neither of you returned my feelings so I couldn't hurt either of you." You explain. "Who is the other person you like?" Jimin asked.

-Jimins POV-

I finally found the perfect time to tell (y/n) I like her. It was just the two of us and nobody else was around. Of course I was afraid she would reject me but she was just staring at me with her mouth gaping. She explained that she never thought I would return her feelings and that she has grown close to me. "Jimin, I like you. I really do. I am just sort of confused. I know I have feelings for you but I also have feelings for someone else. I was hoping neither of you returned my feelings so I couldn't hurt either of you." She said and it felt like someone drove a dagger through my heart. She liked someone else. I mean yeah she liked me but she also liked someone else. I asked who it was though I figured I knew exactly who it was.

"I do like you but I also like Yoongi. I don't know how to explain it. I really like both of you. Everytime I try to tell myself I like one of you over the other I always find a way to argue with myself. I have never been able to choose. I am so sorry. It probably isn't what you wanted to hear." She said and looked down at the floor.

"(Y/n), I understand that you like both me and yoongi hyung. I am not going to lie to you, I think he likes you too. I wouldn't be surprised if he admits it in a few days. He is like me though. He has never been in a relationship and neither of us know what to do. You don't have to answer me. I understand if you end up deciding you like yoongi hyung more than me. As long as you are happy, I am happy. Even if you being with someone else is what brings you happiness." I tell her, whole heartedly. She looked up at me and I saw tears in her eyes and then a tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped the tear away and pulled her into another hug and she hugged back, tightly. So tight that you would think her life depended on it.

I meant what I said to her. If she wants to be with yoongi hyung, I understand but I am not going down without a fight. I will do everything in my power to keep her but in the end if she doesn't choose me, I won't stop her. She deserves to be happy. I just hope I am the one who makes her happy.

- Readers POV-

Jimin pulled away from the hug and eye smiled at you. You return the smile. The two of you walk back to the apartment. "Jimin, please don't tell yoongi and I like him." You ask jimin. "I won't. Like I said, I am pretty sure he likes you but I won't tell him or push you to tell him." Jimin said. "Thank you jimin." You say sincerely. You were glad jimin would keep your feelings for yoongi a secret.

You both walk in the dorm and as soon as you walk in, everyone is there waiting. The six boys pull you and jimin into a group hug. "(Y/n) your safe! Nothing happened to you!" Jungkook shouted. "Yes I'm fine. Chim chim made sure I was safe." You tell them. "Thanks jimin. Our marshmallow is safe." Jin says. "Wait what? Marshmallow? I am not a marshmallow." You say glaring jokingly at jin. "Let me rephrase, our vicious yet adorable marshmallow is safe." Jin says. "Better." You say and smile.

After the group hug, everyone, except you and yoongi, went into their rooms after saying goodnight. "Please let me sleep out here tonight. You need a good night's sleep." You say to yoongi. "Nope. I am sleeping on the couch. Until we get another dorm with enough rooms, the couch will do just fine." Yoongi says. "Please yoongi. I feel horrible that you sleep on the couch and I sleep in your bed. It is unfair." You complain trying to persuade him. "No (y/n). The couch is comfortable enough and you deserve a comfortable bed. Please don't argue because I don't like fighting with you." Yoongi says.

You think for a moment and then you got an idea. An akward idea, but it may just be what you need to get yoongi to sleep in the bed. "How about this, we sleep in the bed together. It is large enough for us to both sleep on it. Since we both want each other to sleep on it, why don't we just share it?" You propose your idea.

"As long as you are okay with it. It sounds fine to me." Yoongi agrees. You smile and nod. Yoongi gets off the couch and you follow him to the room. You both take turns using the bathroom to change into pajamas. You both lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. It was silent but not akward. You hear snoring and you see yoongi is already asleep. He must have missed his bed. With every blink, your eyelids got heavier until you fall asleep beside yoongi.

- To be Continued-

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