Chapter 13

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-ReCap from last chapter-

"As long as you are okay with it. It sounds fine to me." Yoongi agrees. You smile and nod. Yoongi gets off the couch and you follow him to the room. You both take turns using the bathroom to change into pajamas. You both lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. It was silent but not akward. You hear snoring and you see yoongi is already asleep. He must have missed his bed. With every blink, your eyelids got heavier until you fall asleep beside yoongi.

-Start of Chapter-

You wake up with your head burried in someone's chest and firm arms wrapped around you. It takes you a second to remember everything. Then it clicked. You were sleeping in the same bed as yoongi. You then realize that your head is burried in Yoongi's chest and it is Yoongi's arms that are holding you.

You would have got up but this position was so comfortable. You didn't want to pull away. You just close your eyes again and let sleep overcome you, once again.

You are woken by the sound of the door being flung open. You immediately sit up and look to see who barged in. It was none other then jimin.

You suddenly felt the need to explain. "J-jimin" you stutter. "Wow, I take it you confessed your feelings. Or did he confess?" Jimin asked, a hint if annoyance in his voice.

"Jimin I promise neither happened and you are thinking way too much into this." You say trying to justify. Yoongi was still sleeping and had not removed his arms from around you.

"You don't have to explain. I don't need to know. It is fine." Jimin said with a sigh. "Jimin, I wanted yoongi to sleep on the bed but he refused. I asked if we could sleep on it together since we both wanted the other to sleep on the bed. He agreed to that. Nothing happened and I know I don't need to explain this to you but I feel like I should." You tell jimin.

"I believe you (y/n) but it really isn't my business. If something did happen I am fine with that. There is no need to explain to me." Jimin said sincerely.

"Anyways, Jin had me come to wake you up and tell you breakfast was ready. We thought yoongi already left. Mind waking him up since your already here?" Jimin asked.

"Last time I did that, I nearly lost my hands. Why should I do it again? I do value my life you know?" You reply.

"Yeah but you are fine. I am gonna leave and you are going to wake up yoongi. See you at breakfast." Jimin says and turns to leave. "Hopefully" And with that Jimin ran out the room. "Wow how encouraging." You mumble to yourself.

You lay back down debating on how to wake yoongi up. You took the time to admire his face. He seemed so peaceful as he slept. You honestly didn't want to disturb him but you knew he needed to get up.

"Yoongi. Please don't make this hard for me. Wake up" you say while slightly shaking Yoongi. "Please". You whine. "I'm tired leave me alone" yoongi mumbles. "Get up yoongi. Breakfast is ready." You plead. "Just lay here with me for a bit longer." Yoongi asks.

"No yoongi. The others will just come back. We need to get up." You say sternly to yoongi. His eyes slowly open and look into your eyes and he smiles. "you're beautiful". His deep and raspy morning voice didn't help. You blushed so bad, you could have passed as a tomato.

Yoongi chuckled and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Th-thank you yoongi" you stutter. "I mean it. You are beautiful even when you just wake up." He complements you again causing you to blush more, if that's even possible.

"Alright come on. You woke me up I might as well get some food out of it." Yoongi says and you laugh. "Okay. I suggest you use the bathroom first because my morning routine can take a bit." You say honestly.

Yoongi chuckles then grabs some cloths and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later he comes out with his hair brushed and his new outfit on. You then grab your cloths and complete your morning routine.

Once you walk into the kitchen, the seven boys greet you. "Morning boys." You reply to them and smile. "So how did you sleep?" Jungkook asked with a smirk. "I slept well thank you. Even though I doubt that's what you meant." You say and sit down and start eating. "How did you know? Okay so don't spare the details. What happened?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi glared at him.

"Nothing. Yoongi refused to let me sleep on the couch and I felt bad that he gave up his bed for me. I suggested that we share the bed since we both wanted the other to sleep on it. We both agreed to my idea. So nothing happened you dirty minded maknae." You finish explaining with a slight insult.

"I can't help it. I see how close you, jimin, and yoongi have become and I just can't help but see you with one of them." Jungkook gushes. "I am very close to namjoon yet you never say anything if we hug or anything like that. You have the worst excuses." You retort.

"Okay so maybe I can see you with namjoon, yoongi, or jimin. Thanks for adding to the list." Jungkook says with a new smirk.

"First, where did the innocent maknae go? Second, namjoon is like a brother to me." You say.

"Incest" jungkook fake coughs to cover it up as if he said nothing. You kick jungkook's leg under the table, causing him to jump and wince in pain.

After the very... eventful.. breakfast, you all head to school. You talk for a bit before class starts. Everyone had a separate conversation. Yoongi and jimin, j-hope and tae, namjoon and jin, leaving you and jungkook.

"I hope you don't take what I say seriously. I joke around a lot. I do really like the idea of you and one of the guys though." Jungkook says, initiating the conversation.

"I don't really know or understand the way I feel for some of you but I know exactly how I feel about the rest of you." You tell jungkook.

"Care to explain?" He asks. "Well you are like my little brother. I feel like I can trust you but you pester me a lot. Jin is like a mother. He is always cooking for us and keeping everyone in order. Joonie is like an older brother. He is always there to comfort me when I need it and he makes me feel safe. Tae is like a best friend. He always makes me laugh and is always there to put a smile on my face. J-hope is the same as tae. He is very close to me and he never fails to make me smile even in the hardest times. Then that leaves the two I can't exactly sort out. I love jimin and yoongi so much. I have different feelings for them then I do for the rest of you but i can't really explain it. It is like they are a combination of all of you. They are both like life long best friends since we know each other so well. They are always there to make me smile if I am sad and they comfort me when I need it. They never leave my side and they stood up for me when I was too weak too. You all did." You finish off.

You suddenly hear applause. You then see the seven boys clapping. Namjoon and Jin wiping away fake tears. Wait, those aren't fake tears, they are actually crying. "You guys were listening to me?" You ask curiously though the answer is obvious.

"Well when jungkook asks something deep like that, of course we are gonna listen. You sounded so smart while explaining that. Very emotional if you ask me." Jin says.

You look over to see yoongi and jimin smiling like idiots. They obviously liked that you said about them.

"Make way! Bestie coming through!" Tae shouts as he pushes the others out of his way. He puts his arm around your shoulder and flashes his rectangle smile. "Let's get to class shall we my bestest friend?" Tae asks causing the others to burst out laughing, including you.

You all walk into school with tae's arm still on your shoulder with yoongi to your side and jimin right behind you three. You get to class and hug jimin as he goes to his class.

The first classes pass by quickly and it's times for lunch. The three boys escort you to lunch. The eight of you joke and laugh during the entire lunch break. When lunch is over, you start to walk to your next class with the three boys after hugging the others goodbye, until after school.

Yoongi, jimin, and tae wait outside of the bathroom since they can't come in. You walk in and to your dismay, see Jessica and a few of her girls leaning against the stall and laughing. You try to ignore them and go into a stall unnoticed but that fails miserably. Jessica sees you and grabs you by the hair and throws you on the disgusting bathroom floor, without warning. You try to get up but you are instead greeted with a foot in the face. It hurt but not as bad as normal and it didn't leave anything but a red mark on your cheek.

You fall back down from the impact and then hear a girl scream. "Get away from right now! You have no right to treat anyone like that. Get out!" She shouts at Jessica and the other girls. Jessica smirks and goes to punch the girl but she catches Jessica's first and twists her arm. Jessica yelps in pain and the girl let go. "Get. Out." She repeated. Jessica and her group left without a second thought.

The girl sighed and offered her hand to you to help you up. You take her hand and stand up. "Are you okay?" She asks. "Yes. Thank you so much for saving me." You reply, grateful that she helped you. "Its nothing, really. I just can't believe she is messed up enough to hurt someone." The girl replies. "I would have stood up but being kicked in the face kind of threw me off a bit." You say and chuckle.

"I'm Cassy, by the way." The girl says and smiles brightly. "I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you." You say and return the smile. "I know we just met but here is my number. Call or text me if you need to talk or if you need help with Jessica. I can't believe I never saw you around school." She says. "Thank you for your number and I know right? I would have thought I would have seen you around. It isn't a large school." You agree to Cassy's previous statement.

You and Cassy walk out together and are greeted with a worried look from the boys. "We saw Jessica and some girls run out. Are you okay?" Jimin asks, concern lacing his voice. "I'm fine, thanks to Cassy." You say and gesture to the girl beside you. "Jessica suddenly threw me to the floor and as I stood up she kicked me. Cassy yelled at her and made her leave." You explain.

"Thank you for helping (y/n). We know she can fight back but when it is sudden and she can't register what happens, she can't do much." Tae says and chuckles. You lightly punch tae in the arm. "Don't make me sound like a defenseless two year old." You scold tae. He laughs and puts his arm over your shoulder again.

You look over to Cassy who looks like she just saw a ghost. "Are you okay Cassy?" You ask. She still seems pretty shook. "You... your Kim Taehyung." Cassy says still in shock. Tae flashes his rectangle smile at her and she looks like she is about to faint. "The one and only!" Tae says cheerfully. "And you two are jimin and yoongi!" She adds and points to them. They smile and nod.

"I am really sorry but I have to go to class. It was really nice meeting you (y/n). You too boys." She says, signifying the three boys who were waiting for me. "The pleasure was ours." They say together. She blushed and smiles then runs off to her class.

"She seems really nice." Tae says with a smile still on his face. "I can't wait to get to know her." You add. Tae nods and the four of you head off to your remaining classes.

-To be Continued-

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