Chapter 14

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-Recap from last chapter-

Yoongi, jimin, and tae wait outside of the bathroom since they can't come in. You walk in and to your dismay, see Jessica and a few of her girls leaning against the stall and laughing. You try to ignore them and go into a stall unnoticed but that fails miserably. Jessica sees you and grabs you by the hair and throws you on the disgusting bathroom floor, without warning. You try to get up but you are instead greeted with a foot in the face.
It hurt but not as bad as normal and it didn't leave anything but a red mark on your cheek.

You fall back down and then hear a girl scream. "Get away from her right now! You have no right to treat anyone like that. Get out!" She shouts at Jessica and the other girls.

-And then-

"I'm Cassy, by the way." The girl says and smiles brightly. "I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you." You say and return the smile.

You and Cassy walk out together and are greeted with a worried look from the boys.

You look over to Cassy who looks like she just saw a ghost. "Are you okay Cassy?" You ask. She still seems pretty shook. "You... your Kim Taehyung." Cassy says still in shock. Tae flashes his rectangle smile at her and she looks like she is about to faint. "The one and only!" Tae says cheerfully. "And you two are jimin and yoongi!" She adds and points to them. They smile and nod.

"She seems really nice." Tae says with a smile still on his face. "I can't wait to get to know her." You add. Tae nods and the three of you head off to your remaining classes.

-Start of Chapter-

After school you walk home with the boys and tell them about Cassy and what she did for you. "Wow so you're telling me this Cassy girl actually fought off Jessica when she hurt you?" Namjoon asked to clarify. "Yep. I was trying to stand up and Jessica kicked me and that's when Cassy came. I couldn't believe it. She gave me her number in case I needed help." You explain. "Really? Can I have it? She seems really nice and i want to talk to her." Tae suddenly asks. You put on a slight smirk and look at Tae. "Does my tae tae have a crush on Cassy?" You ask.

"WHAT? OF COURSE NOT!" Tae defends quickly. "She just seems really nice and i think she would be a good friend" tae explains.

"Well I have to ask her if she minds but I doubt it. I think she likes you." You say and nudge him with your elbow.

"Thank you so much (y/n)!" Tae jumps excitedly. "So does Cassy know who we are? Like does she know about BTS?" Jin asked.

"I am guessing so. She immediately recognized tae, chim chim, and yoongi. So I am guessing she knows BTS. She didn't attack the guys or completely freak so I think she is perfectly fine to be around." You explain. The boys nod.

When you get home, you jump on Yoongi's bed and text Cassy.

(y/n) : Hey Cassy, this is (y/n).

Cassy : Hello (y/n)! How are you feeling? Is your cheek okay?

(y/n) : I am fine. Thank you for asking. I have a quick question to ask you.

Cassy : I am glad you are feeling well and ask away!

(y/n) : tae tae was asking if he could have your number. He says you seem nice and he would like to get to know you.


She seems very excited about this. "Tae!" You yell. Tae comes barging in the room. "What's wrong (y/n)? Are you okay?" Tae asks looking concerned. "I'm fine but here is Cassy's number. She is fine with you having it." You say and give tae the paper with her number on it. "Thank you so much (y/n)!" And with that he ran out.

(y/n) : I gave him your number. He seemed very happy. You may get a text from him in a minute.

Cassy : I got a text from him! I am so happy! V has always been my bias and now I am texting him. Thank you so much (y/n)!

(y/n) : Don't mention it. You saved me from Jessica and her minions so it is the least i could do. I was going to ask all the boys if they wanted to go on a walk with me but I can hold off if you want to text tae.

Cassy : no no, it's fine. I can talk to him later. Go have fun with the boys. (I am guessing you mean The rest of BTS).

(y/n) : yep. I don't think I am supposed to tell people but I trust you. I live with BTS. Long story for another time.  If you want you can come with us on the walk?

Cassy : Oh no! It's fine! Really! You should go hang out with BTS. Family bonding time. I will see you tomorrow at school!

(y/n) : See you tomorrow!

You walk into the living room and you only see jimin. "Hey chim chim." You say as you sit beside him. "Hey, (y/n)!" He said and perked up a bit.

"What were you doing?" Jimin asks. "I was talking to Cassy. I was actually just about to ask you guys if you wanted to go on a walk but they aren't here." You pout causing jimin to chuckle.

"Well I don't want to disappoint you but if you want you and me can go on a walk. Jin hyung and namjoon hyung went out shopping, the alien is on his phone in his room, Hobi and kookie are doing lord knows what and yoongi hyung is in the bathroom." Jimin explains.

"Why did I just hear my name?" Yoongi asks as he walks down the hall towards you and jimin. "Chim chim was telling me where everyone was. I wanted to go on a walk but everyone is busy somehow except you and jimin." You fill yoongi in.

"Okay. Well you two can go on a walk with you if you want." Yoongi offers. "(Y/N)! ARE YOU GOING ON A WALK WITHOUT ME?" Tae screams as he runs to you. "Well jimin and yoongi were going to go on a walk with me since you and the others were busy." You explain to tae. Yoongi scoffs because he said jimin and you could go. Not all three of you. But oh well, he is coming wether he likes it or not. "Okay Cassy told me you were going to go on a walk with us." Tae says, with slight disappointment in his voice.

"Well chim chim and yoongi are going to walk with me so you can talk to Cassy more if you want." You say and wink at tae. "Thank you (y/n)-ah!" And with that he left.

"Shall we go boys?" You ask. They both giggle and link arms with you. "To the park we go!" You cheer. As you guys are walking, you all decide to buy ice cream. Yoongi excused himself to go to the bathroom so it left you and jimin eating.

"Are you enjoying yourself (y/n)?" Jimin asks. "Yes! I am with two of my favorite people. How could I not enjoy myself?" You say with excitement. Jimin laughs and pulls you into a hug.

-Yoongi's POV-

I walk out of the bathroom to see jimin hugging (y/n).  I suddenly feel extremely jealous and my hands ball into fists. I calm down and walk over to them. I clear my throat and catch their attention.

(y/n) pulls away and smiles at me. "Yoongi your back!" She says excitedly. "I only went to the bathroom. It isn't like I was gone for hours." I joke and she giggles.

"Should we get home? It is getting late." Jimin asks. "Sure. Let's go!" (y/n) says and jumps up to start walking.

Jimin and I go to either side of her and walk her home. When we get home she hugs jimin and tells the rest of them goodnight before coming into my room. She went into the bathroom and changed then came out and threw herself onto the bed.

I can tell she is tired. I change and then get into bed as well. I look to see if (y/n) is asleep and she isn't. "(y/n)  there is something I need to tell you." I say to her.

Now is a better time then ever to admit my feelings for her. We are alone and the others are probably sleeping.

"What is it yoongi?" She asks and turns to face me. She is so pretty. She doesn't have makeup on and her hair is slightly messy but she still looks so beautiful.

"I don't exactly know how to say this because I have never had to do this before. I umm.. I like you (y/n). I really like you and I think I have for a while now. I just never knew how to tell you." I admit my feelings to her and I am so worried she is going to reject my feelings for her.

She blushed and shoves her face into the pillow. At first I was confused and then I hear her whimper. I immediately move the pillow from under her face and it is soaked in tears and (y/n) had tears streaming down her face.

"Oh my God I am so sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to make you cry. I am so so sorry." I said and pull her into a tight embrace. She wraps her arms around me and burries her head in my chest.

"I-it... i-is-isnt.. y-you." She says between sobs. "(y/n) Please clam down and talk to me. I can't understand you." I say and stroke her hair. She calms down and doesn't pull away but mumbles into my chest.

"You and jimin have admitted your feelings towards me. I don't know what to do. I love you both so much and I mean as more then friends but I can't decide which I like more. How do I choose? You both like me and I like both of you. It is so hard. Why can't I just like one of you? Why can't one of you hate me or something?" She says and occasionally gasps for air since she is still recovering from crying.

"It is okay, (y/n). You don't have to accept my feelings if you don't want." I tell her. It hurts to say that but if she will be happy with someone else then I need to let her be with them. "NO! I want to accept your feelings." She says and pulls away from me slightly so she can stare into my eyes. "I really do. I love you. I just don't know who I love more and it hurts." She says and I see pain in her eyes.

I don't know why but seeing (y/n) like this makes me feel so sad and weak. I just want her to be happy. Without realizing it, I lean in closer and closer to her. Our faces are centimeters away and then I realize what I'm doing. Both of our eyes widen once we notice our faces are so close. I close the gap and connect our lips. At first (y/n) is shocked but then she kissed back.

I pull away and look at her and smile. She smiles back. She is blushing and it is so cute. She burries her head in my chest and doesn't move. We both fall asleep with my arms wrapped around (y/n) and her arms around me with her head resting on my chest. It was the most comfortable postiton I have ever found to sleep in.

- To be Continued-

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