Chapter 4

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"Good Morning Joshy Poo" I say opening my eyes to see the boy of my dreams. He puts his attention towards me and turns off his phone. "Guess what baby" he says giving me one of those sexy side smiles. "What bunny boo?" I say pulling my self up so I'm sitting on my feet. "Twenty One Pilots just reached 1 million followers on Twitter!" he yells "THATS AMAZING" I scream outdoing him. We hear footsteps walking up the stairs.
The door busts open and Andy screams "FUCK YAH" out doing all of us. He does an awkward fist bump into the air. We stare at him confusingly. "BVB IS GOING ON TOUR!!!" he yells and does a dance. "Andy? does that mean I have to go with you?" he stops his dance realizing what he has done. "No honey, you can stay with Josh. I can talk to the tour manger to see if Twenty One Pilots can open" I squeal in excitement. "Let's go eat breakfast!" Josh Yells. He jumps off my bed and runs down the stairs. Putting his fist in the air like a superhero. I giggle and say "I'll be down there in a sec, need to change" Andy nods his head in approval and shuts my door behind him.

I put my hair in a messy bun and run down the stairs. The smell of sugary, cinnamon filled cinnamon roles. I plop down onto the last step and say "I SMELL CINNAMON ROLES" I run into the kitchen. Josh is standing there stuffing his mouth full. He turns around to look at me and stops chewing. "Swallow baby" I whisper into his ear. He yells "THATS WHAT HE SAID" crumbs falling everywhere. "Ok I gave that one to you" I say Andy walked into the kitchen and grabbed a role. "The boys are coming over today to practice" he says. I reply "Ok, u need me to leave?" I ask. "Naw your good" he says. I normally leave so I don't get in the way plus Ashley doesn't get the memo as in 'IM NOT SINGLE'. So I might make Josh stay. Josh's phone starts to buzz. He pulls it out on his pocket and says "Ugh, it's Tyler, be right back" he walking out of the kitchen and onto the porch out back. "You mind if Josh's stays?" I ask Andy. "Sure" I put on a bright smile. "Hey babe I gotta go, problem at the recording studio" I nod my head signaling an 'ok'. "Well, never mind then" I say to Andy.
We hear the doorbell ring. Andy walks up to the door and opens it "What's up Andy?"I hear Ashley say. 'Time to go upstairs' I whisper to myself. I gingerly walk back upstairs. My bed is a mess so I quickly make it and found my phone. I plop myself down on my bed and listen to the boys downstairs.
E- Hey, u mind if I come to the studio? the boys are over practicing and I have nothing to do here
J-Sure! It must be annoying to live with them!
E-No kidding! Just wait for them to move in!
J-Like that's ever going to happen!
E-Let me get ready, I'll c u soon!
I put my phone down and started to get ready


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