Chapter 5

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I Get out of my car and walk into the studio. I pull out my phone and text Josh saying 'here' I smile at the receptionist as she asks me "Hi, And How May I Help You Today?" she says with a cheasy grin. I admire her makeup. She had defined cheekbones and her eyebrows were on point, but something seemed off about her. Like she was hiding pain. Josh comes through the back door behind her and says "She's with me" The receptionist nods and presses a button. I hear a buzz and the door clicks open. "Just walk through here and stop at room 4B." I do what she says and come to a door that says 'Mr. Asshole' I laugh at the name and knock. Josh opens the door and gives me a nice warm smile. "Hey babe" he says. I smile back and great the band. "We just have to record the last segment then we will be out of here" 'Mr.Asshole' says, I grab a seat on the black leather couch and take out my phone. I text Andy and say "I'll be home soon he is finishing up at the studio" I send the text and put my phone in my back pocket. "Alright come on" Josh says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the studio. We walk out together, hand in hand. I felt the receptionist's eyes on me. I grab the keys in my pocket and open my Audi S5. It was my dads when he got out of collage and had my brother with my 'mom'. 

Sorry, I haven't updated in a while I've been really busy with swimming /and school work. School ends soon, so I'll hopefully be able to update more. LOVE YOU!!

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