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Jackie, we're done. I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested in you anymore. Get over it...

I kept replaying that sentence over and over again in my head as i watch Cameron walk down the hallway with his new girlfriend, Tiffany. You'd think I'd be sad and crying, or at least on the verge of tears. But no. Honestly i was angry.My fists were clenched and I was so mad all i could see was red. Now knowing this information, you probably also think i want to murder her face. But actually, Tiffany is a really nice girl. Cameron would be the one who i want to kill. That would be why two of my best friends Alicia and Gabbi are holding me back. He walks past me, smirks, then puts his arm around Tiffany's waist. She jumps a little, but he kisses the top of her head and she relaxes. Ooh i want to kill that boy so bad!

"Jackie, stop. That's what that a**hole wants. Calm down." Gabbi says with a soothing, calm voice. I start to relax and they both let me go. I slump against my locker and start drowning in a puddle of my own tears.

"He's such a d*ck! I hate his ugly pig face!" i manage to say in between sobs. My other friend, Hailey, comes up and asks what's wrong. Alicia explains it and she starts comforting me.

"Hey, it's okay. He's an ugly a** clown anyways." I giggle. I stand up and wipe my face.

"Come on, let's get you freshened up." Gabbi says, leading me to the bathroom. I start following her, but some idiot riding a skateboard runs into me and we both fall. He ended up on the bottom, me on the top. I'm about to yell at him when i realize who it is.

"Ugh Quinn! Watch where you going, jerk!" I glare at him and all he does is smirk.

"Hey, i would never want to run into someone like you on purpose. Gross." he laughs a little and i sharpen my glare.

"Hey get off me, will ya? It's just like it was that night..." i cut him off before he says anything more by slapping him. I quickly get off of him and stand up.

"Never speak of that again!!" I scream, then i sprint to the bathroom. My friends follow me and i lock myself in a stall. I start crying again as I lean over the ceramic bowl. I vomit loudly as I sob.

"Jackie sweetie? Can we come in?" Alicia asks gently. I nod and unlock the door. Gabbi holds my hair back as Alicia strokes my back. Hailey grabs some tissues and starts cleaning me up.

"I-I h-hate him-m more than Cameron!" I sob. I start crying and vomit in the toilet. I cry some more while my friends comfort me. I vomit one last time then stand up from the floor. I go to the sink and wash my face. Alicia makes sure my face isn't to red and puffy then we leave the bathroom. Outside waits Jeremy, our guy best friend. He immediately hugs me and doesn't let go. I try not to break down in his arms. He releases me then playfully kisses Hailey's cheek. She slaps him and glares at him. He rubs his cheek and laughs. I can tell he's thinking 'worth it' We all start laughing as we walk back to my locker. I grab my stuff then we head to each of our first hours. Jeremy and Alicia go to band, while Hailey and Gabbi go to choir. I go to AP Economics. Sadly, I have this class, and many of my other classes, with Quinn. He sits behind me in every class I have with him. Ugh!

Anyways, I take my seat and organize my notes. I grab a pencil and start doodling, since my teacher is always at least 10 minutes late to class. I draw a couple flowers and some fire. I don't know why, don't ask. It's just cool. I also draw a couple fish and crabs. Suddenly, a crumpled piece of paper lands on my desk. I open it to reveal a note from-you guessed it! Fricking Quinn. I slowly read it and I feel my face heating up.

Hey babe. Don't fret. We can do it another time if you'd like ;)

There's also a very inappropriate drawing of what I assume to be us. I stand up and turn to him with my hand raised, ready to strike his face. He's laughing at my reaction and I feel my face get even more red. I turn around and rip the paper to shreds. I toss the remains in the recycling and sit back in my seat. I put my drawings away and fix my hair. The teacher finally comes in and starts teaching. It's really boring so I won't tell you anything about that stupid class. Blah blah blah, ah! It's second hour! The one class I don't have with Quinn! Yes! I walk in the classroom and take my seat. A couple of my friends are in this class and I say hi to them as they enter. I'm ready for a Quinn-free hour, but then my name gets called down to the office. I groan but get up and head to the office. I open the heavy door and walk up to the receptionist. She directs me to the principals office and I immediately get nervous. I known on the door then enter.

"Jacklynn. How good to see you." He smiles.

"Actually, could you please call me Jackie?" I say, smiling back at him.

"Of course of course. Now, I have a task for you. As you know the library is very big. Our little old librarian is, well, old. She needs help. Do you mind coming down during second hour and help with putting all of the books back on the shelves? I'll even pay you $15 a week. Sound good?" He says hopefully.

"Yes sir! Sounds great!" I smile brightly, my nerves washing away. I love the library.

"Fantastic! It's a big job so I asked another student to help you. He's a very intelligent young man and I think you'll make a great team."

"Wonderful! Who is he?" I ask excitedly. Finally not some stupid idiot like Quinn! A smart, intelligent young man is just what i need!

"Actually, he just got here." He nods towards the doorway and I turn around. My jaw drops when I see who it is.

"Jackie, this is your job partner, Quinn."

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