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No no no no no! This cannot be happening! I get a perfect job that actually pays and bam! Quinn has to ruin it! The nerve! How dare that stupid son of a- oh sorry. Back to the story.

"Quinn! You've got to be kidding me! Principal Herman, please choose someone else! Anyone but Quinn!" I plead. And yes, I am on my knees praying to him.

"Ma'am this is unladylike behavior! Now go to the library and get to work or I'll find someone else!" He pushes us both out of his office then shuts the door with a bang!

I groan and start walking to the library. Quinn sees me leaving and catches up with me.

"I can't believe I'm stuck with you!" He says, almost as annoyed as me.

"Shut up. Let's just do our work, get the money, and not have to speak to each other." I grumble as I reach the library doors. I go to open it but Quinn stops me and opens it for me. I mumble 'thank you' then walk in.

"Works for me sweetheart." I roll my eyes then go to find the librarian, Ms. Frisk.

Now, about the library. It was built in the 1880's so it's pretty old. It's dusty, wooden, and creaks at every step anyone takes. There's two floors of book shelves, all filled with books, new and old. There's even a card system still! She could use the computer, but she's too old to understand it. That's about it. That's the old, dusty library I have learned to call home.

"Where's Ms. Frisk?" Quinn asks. I glare at him before walking up to the librarians desk. Ms. Frisk pops up from behind the counter and smiles at us.

"Are you my two helpers? You're adorable! Come come, let's get to work!" She squeezes my cheek with her wrinkly hand then directs us towards a couple carts full of books.

"Can you organize these dears? Thank you! I'll be back to check on you in an hour." She walks away, back to her desk.

"Let's get this over with." I grumble as I start grabbing books and placing them on shelves.

~45 minutes later~

"Ugh Jackie, this is boring! The silence is horrendous!" Quinn says, exasperated.

"It's not that bad." I duck behind a bookshelf and place a couple more books in their places. He pauses for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Remember this place?" He says.

"What do you mean?" I say, grabbing another stack of books.

"Two years ago? Every Tuesday? Somewhere around this bookshelf I think." He smirks and I immediately remember what he's talking about.

"Quinn you shut your mouth right now before I do it for you." I growl before putting the last stack of books away.

"Okay we're done. Go back to class now so we don't have to work with each other." I stomp away and out of the library. He looks up and watches me leave.

"Oh I hate him!" I whisper to myself. I walk back to class and take my seat just as the bell rings. I gather my stuff then walk out with Jeremy and Alicia.

"What did the principal want? You were gone all hour." I frown and tell them everything.

"Wow Jackie. That sucks booty!" Alicia exclaims.

"I know right! I have to spend a whole hour with him!" I grumble.  We walk to our other friends locker and I explain the situation to them as well. We start walking to lunch again when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to face someone I did not expect.

"Cameron?" I say, confused.

"Hey Jackie. How are you?" He awkwardly rubs his neck. I cross my arms and scowl at him.

"I'm. Fine." I mutter.

"That's. Um. Nice. So uh..."

"Cameron, what do you want?" He starts to smirk and I knew he wasn't trying to be nice.

"Oh just wanted to run it in your face that I've already moved on from the disgusting likes of you." I scowl, to angry to cry.

"Shut up."

"You're jealous aren't you? Stupid b*tch. But I guess no one can truly get over Cameron." He smirks and shoves me.

"Cameron I said shut up!" I shout. Hot tears start rolling down my face. He forcefully grabs my shirt and pulls my face close to his. He lifts me off the ground then leans in to kiss me, but someone pushes him off of me. The guy who saved me punches Cameron, whose face starts bleeding. Cameron runs away and I'm left alone with my savior. I crumple to the ground in a puddle of tears. The kid who saved me kneels down and asks if I'm okay.

"T-thanks." I say while wiping my face. I rub my eyes and look up. I gasp and jump backwards a foot or two.


"At your service sweetheart." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"Why would you help me?" I ask.

"I know when someone needs help." He frowns and his shoulders slump. i stand there awkwardly, biting my lip. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. Quinn extends his hand and i flinch, thinking he might hit me. Instead, he surprises me and wipes the tear away. My eyes widen in surprise and a small smile forms on my lips. 

"Well, thanks." I say quietly. A piece of my hair falls in front of my eyes. Quinn gently lifts my chin and brushes the hair behind my ear. I feel my face heat up and realize I'm blushing. Why am i blushing?? It's Quinn! I mean he is quite cute, and charming, and smart...what am I saying! 

"Quinn..." he cuts me off by gently pressing his lips against mine. I'm surprised at first, but i accept his kiss and actually kiss him back, although i hate to admit it. It was a soft, sweet kiss. It ends to soon and when i reopen my eyes, Quinn is gone, and i'm alone in the hallway. 

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