Gender. (I won't be erased)

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Hello my dudes! Time to get this out of the way.

I've questioned by gender from the time I knew what gender was. I was always close to boys and girls but boys much more naturally. I um... I think I have thought I might have been trans? For a long while. I actually would wear boys clothes a lot and watch Star Wars religiously, play it as well.

I've been always a bit more educated than my age group around me. So yeah, that's out of the way now.

But yeah, being with girls was actually a huge task for me because they were childish in a different way. They were having crushes on boys and HARASSING THEM! Full on harassing.

I got into fights with boys a lot in first year (when I was seven) and always would hear, 'You're a girl, you can't beat me.' So I got the label feminist every time I said that my gender doesn't mean I can't kick ass. In truth, I just did not feel comfortable with girl and got angry when it was used at me.

So yeah, I won every fight I had. And when at the end of the year I met my friend group, I was quick to establish that I wasn't a stepping stone and that they didn't need to explain what to do in stick fights.

I would say i became an alpha (you know wolf pack kind) in my friend group quickly. Second year, I still fought. And I fought my way to the top by being able to hurt someone E A S I L Y. They had no chance, I was heavier and taller.

Second year was also the time I started to get harassed much harder by an abusive bitch. Which kept my gender questioning down a lot.... as I fucking wanted to survive without being too hurt.

Third year! The time I first lost all of my friends but the boys I made friends with in second year. It was... fun... and I grew to fight a lot more violently, causing real bodily harm (don't recommend pushing bitches that are trying to attack you, you get blamed.) and yeah. Abusive bitch was destroying my friendships because Hell Yeah, that's needed. So I started to fight back with my best friend. It was surprisingly stressful, death threats, whore calling and shit. And this is around the time I first started to truly understand what LGBTQA+ was and I thought I might be bi because I had liked girls and boys (I didn't know what the fuck trans or non-binary were.) oh yeah, I got therapy back then.

My fourth year led me to my depression becoming not aggression anymore because PUBERTY! And if you have caught up, I'm not my birth gender, that was so fun........ N O T. Plus, because my body was becoming feminine, I started to get called girl more. Y E Y. And yeah. They um...... how do I say this without sounding weird? My friends kinda started laughing at the fact I was more feminine than them. Which I will pay back on as soon as any of them get puberty properly! And I got to know what being trans was and thought I was trans. I'm not trans but I started purposefully going more and more like a boy and tried to shut down anything feminine. Which, again, P E R I O D A N D P U B E R T Y! It was just not fucking possible.

Fifth year! I got depression diagnosis because my therapist before had ignored when I clearly said 'I don't feel anything'. So yeah, I was officially a child with fucking depression and gender problems. Fuuuuuun. And yeah. I used to be aggressive? Honey, now I couldn't even look a person in the eye! Although fifth year introduced me to Aaron better, my great friend who is like me, a fucking pervert. Also, I joined theater! Keep that in mind, there was a trans boy there. I also found out about non-binary! Which, some of you will say that I was late. I would like to tell you that I grew up with people who didn't believe in non-binary before I came out.

Sixth year... around December... I was left in the cold of Finland with the trans boy from my theater, who I will call Samuel because that's what he is called to this day, even if I no longer talk to him. I also made friends with a girl called SAM, which is confusing, anyway, I was in the cold with Samuel who was talking about being trans and I told him, because he was trans and knew about LGBTQA shit that I struggled with gender and explained how I felt like I was a boy and a girl in the same body. He was quick to tell me the label for this, bigender, which was amazing for me, I had N E V E R heard a name for this shit. I came out to my dad immediately, he didn't take it seriously, I'm still a girl to him. But anyway, my Swedish teacher was the next person I came out to and it was fucking amazing, she took it seriously. So I started telling every teacher so it wouldn't be feminine words.

Anyway, I want to skip to this year. So, I have never before in my life been called Eko before I made this account. I didn't know what I should be called but Eko stuck to me personally. And even then, when I got close to someone and said my ex name was Anna, I was always called Anna. The first person that I got close to and who didn't called me Anna was Cat (caffeinetea ) and that's really homely for me now, being called Eko. I almost forget to respond to Anna because Eko is so much more natural for me.

But really, I wanna thank J (Hello_Im_Crazy279 ) as well. J has been the first person I got comfortable enough with to voice chat. Sounds stupid but I feel like my voice is too feminine and I kinda don't like it. So J really helped me with that one.

I'm probably gonna do a face reveal someday. But guess what? I have a very feminine body and I feel like I need to hit the gym, get a binder and other shit before I'm comfortable enough.

This is mainly as a I won't be erased thing. I'm finally comfortable with my gender and then the trump shit hit the news.

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