Chapter 28

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~Christmas Day, 9:00 am~

I awoke from my sleep to the sound of my little sister knocking on my door and yelling, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!" The excitement in her voice automatically made me smile. I remember those good ole days of waking up early and running down the creaky stairs to the living room to open all of my presents. Russy and Miley would always get the most presents because they were the youngest, but I was still thankful for each and every gift I received.


"Okay, Miley, I'll be down in a few minutes," I yell back.

"WE'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU..." Her tiny footsteps thump down the stairs.

I stretch and sit up in bed. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I slowly throw the covers off of me, slide off the bed, and walk out of my room to the bathroom down the hall to brush my teeth.

Can't believe it's Christmas, I thought. Well, happy birthday  Jesus. 

When I finish brushing my teeth, I walk back to my room to grab my cell phone before heading downstairs. Julie has been blowing up my phone with pathetic apology texts ever since this past weekend. I should delete her number, but I read the texts anyway. I feel the urge to reply to her saying something nasty, but I don't have the energy to do it. So, I read her messages and never reply.

I've been thinking about Sam, too... last time we talked was... well I guess when she texted me about the Christmas dinner, but that doesn't count. It feels so weird. We used to talk to each other every day and now nothing. I thought she was just overreacting because that's what girls do -- especially Sam -- but maybe we both kinda got out of control.

"DIGGY! COME DOWNSTAIRS, WE'RE OPENING PRESENTS!" My mother's voice startles me out of my thoughts.

"I'm coming!" As I enter the living room, I see my family gathered around the Christmas tree. My mom is holding her camera with a huge smile on her face. My dad is lounging on the couch, he looks bored.

"We were waiting for you. What took so long?" My mom asks.

"I'm still sleepy." I yawn and sit on the edge of the couch; my dad gives me some dap.

"Can we open presents now?" Miley whines.

"Yes, sweetie. Open the big red one first..." My mom suggests.

Miley rips the box open, sending shreds of wrapping paper through the air. Her face lights up as she gets the first glimpse of her brand-new pink barbie doll mansion. She's been whining about that thing since the summer. I know she's ecstatic right now.


"That's really cool, Miley," Russy says, calmly.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Miley hugs mom and dad and skips back to the tree to open more presents. She ended up getting an easy bake oven, clothes, her own Bible, and a pink Hello Kitty watch. Russy got a pair of Air Jordan 14's in gray, some clothes as usual, video games, and a gold chain.

"I know you said you didn't want much, Dig," my dad begins.

"Who said that?" I jokingly ask.

He laughs a little, stands up, and picks out a gift wrapped in red and black paper, my favorite colors. "Here you go."

I take the box from his hands,  set it down in front of me, and unwrap it. As I rip the cardboard box that was hiding underneath the wrapping paper, I see something orange peek out from the inside. Opening the box completely, I see that it's a basketball.

"A new basketball. Thanks, dad... and mom."

"Don't thank me -- it was all your dad's idea," mom says, smiling.

"And it's not just any basketball... turn it on its side." My dad looks at the ball.

I turn the ball over in my hands and see a signature in black ink. I squint my eyes trying to make out the writing. Is that... Lebron?

"No way! You got Lebron James' signature? ! Oh snap!"

"Yup." My dad says like it's no big deal.

"How?!" I ask.

"I got connections," is all that he says.

I smile and play with the basketball in my hands, making it spin on my middle finger. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it," my dad replies with a grin.

Besides the autographed basketball, I also got some new Jordans and a VISA gift card with $150 on it. They could've just gave me the ball and I'd still be happy, but I'm thankful for the gifts I have.

"Alright. Now you guys need to get cleaned up 'cause we have Martha's dinner to go to," my mom reminds us.

"Ooh, we goin' to Mrs. Martha's house?" Miley smiles really big and jumps up and down.

"Yes. You can leave your gifts down here, but go brush your teeth and take a bath. Russy, you too."

"I already brushed my teeth," Miley says.

"Then take a bath."

Miley skips out of the living room to go upstairs but before leaving the room, she stops abruptly and turns around. She looks between mom and dad. "Are we gonna eat breakfast?"

"Now that's a valid question. I'm starving," I chime in.

"You can eat a bowl of cereal, but we're eating in a few hours, you guys, at the dinner," my dad tells the both of us.

"But the dinner ain't until, like, three hours... we really gotta starve until then?" I complain. I don't know what it is, but Black parents always make their kids starve on holidays. For example, on Thanksgiving, we couldn't eat anything until all the guests arrived and the food was ready... and that wasn't 'til 2 o'clock! They lowkey be trippin' sometimes.

"You're not starving. Go drink some water or eat an apple. You'll be fine," my dad says with no remorse. I can only sigh. "Go upstairs and get ready, Miley."

"Okay." My little sister skips out of the room and up the stairs. 

I see Russy grab a snack from the kitchen and also head upstairs. I get up from the couch and head upstairs to put my basketball in my room, but my parents stop me.

"Dig, sit down for a minute." 

Confused, I sat back down on the couch and waited for the next words to come out of my dad's mouth. "What's up?"

"Your mother has informed me about a few... situations... that have gone on at school involving you and Sam and some other people. Honestly, I would have preferred if I heard this stuff from you, but whatever. Anyways, son, I just want to make sure that there's nothing bothering you, and if there is, I hope that you would come to me or your mother about it. That's what we're here for," my dad says with a serious look on his face.

"I know," I nod my head.

"Okay. Before we go to this dinner, is there anything that you want to talk to us about? I'm all ears -- and so is your mother." 

My mom nods her head in agreement, a look of concern on her face. I appreciate my parents' concern, but there's no way I'm telling them about the drama with Julie. Even though she lied to me, I'm kinda relieved I didn't get her pregnant... and I'm definitely not telling my parents I'm not a virgin anymore. Some things they just don't need to know.

"Honestly, I'm chillin' right now, dad. I mean, I'm trying to forget about what happened last week because it doesn't even matter anymore. Don't you say that we should forget about the past and look straight ahead? Today is a new day. We should make the best of it," I confidently reply.

"Since when were you the 'wise guy'?" My dad jokingly asks.

"Aye, I learned that from you."

"Alright, well... at the dinner, just be polite. Your mother is worried about you and Sam for some reason--"

"I don't want you guys to be arguing," my mom interrupts, "Maybe this dinner will give you guys a chance to make up and talk things through. You're too old to be mad over something stupid."

"Mom, I got it. I'm gonna be nice regardless. But I think I should try to stay away from her because she might still be mad at me and I don't wanna start any more drama."

"You'll be fine." My dad gets up and pats my shoulder before walking out of the living room. "Now let's get dressed so we can go eat!"

Getting up once again, I let out a sigh and walk upstairs to my room. I check my phone and see a new message from Julie again. I ignore it. Entering my bedroom, I lay on my stomach on top of the covers and close my eyes...


~11:18 am, arriving at Sam's house~

My dad parked the black Lamborghini on the side of the street near the mailbox and we all got out. I checked my watch. Why are we here so early? It doesn't start 'til noon. I wish he would've left out later. I looked up at the cloudy sky and observed my warm breath meeting the cold, frigid air. It's supposed to snow today, but we'll see if that happens.

"You get the gift?" My mother's voice asks.

"I got it." Russy's voice answers.

I continue to stare up at the sky as we walk up their driveway and to the front door. Mom rings the doorbell. We sway back and forth, waiting for someone to let us in before we freeze to death. Someone finally opens the door: it's Mrs. Martha.

"Hey!" She and my mom hug like sisters that haven't seen each other in a long time and we enter the warm house. She tells us that we can hang our coats in the closet and leave our shoes on the carpet, then she leads us to the kitchen where the food is being kept warm. I glance around and see no sign of Sam. Good.

"Oh, we brought a gift for you, too. Russy, give Martha the present." 

Russy hands Mrs. Martha the gift and she accepts it with a big smile. She opens the box and admires the KJV Bible with a black leather cover and an ornament in the shape of a cross with the word 'LOVE' on it. She hugs Russy, gives him a kiss on the cheek, and thanks us.

"This is wonderful. Joe, when you gonna own your own church? I can't wait to see the free stuff you'll be handing out like suede leather Bibles, and fans for Christmas and Easter, and watches with Jesus' face on it." Martha laughs along with my parents.

"You know I'm not trying to own a church anytime soon. I just like being the candy man," my dad jokes.

"I know you got the money for it. Be buying all this religious stuff for people. Haha, I appreciate it though!" She gently sits the gift box on a short table and seemed to just realize the man that's been standing in the kitchen this whole time. "Oh! I almost forgot! This is a special friend of mine, Antonio. He works at JCPenney's also. Antonio, this is the Simmons family, they're like my second family. Joseph, Justine, and their children Diggy, Russy, and Miley."

"Nice to meet you." Antonio shakes all of our hands and smiles.

"Special friend, huh? How come you didn't tell me?" My mom whispers to Martha on the side.

"Shhh, you'll find out," Martha whispers back, "So, who's hungry?"

"I AM!" Russy and Miley shout at the same time.

"Good. Dinner is almost ready. Y'all can mingle in the dining room or watch television in the living room while you wait for others to arrive. Antonio, can you get Sam to come down here? She's been up there all day." Martha slightly rolled her eyes.

"Sure." Antonio leaves the kitchen.

"Can I watch TV in the living room?" Miley asks mom.

"Go ahead. Russy, keep an eye on your sister."

"Okay," he replies.

Russy and Miley walk to the living room. Not wanting to be alone with the adults, I follow my siblings and sit on the couch. I notice their Christmas tree in the corner of the room with lots of presents underneath it. I tap my fingers on my thighs. This is gonna be a long day.

While my siblings watch TV, I take my phone out of my jeans pocket and check for any new text messages. I received a mass email from our basketball coach saying Merry Christmas -- I replied with the same message. Time flies so fast. I remember first joining the basketball team four years ago. I was a skinny little freshman with braces. And look at me now. A part of the Wesley High Varsity basketball team who are the 2014 state championship winners! I met a whole lot of really cool dudes through basketball... it's crazy to think that in five months I'll be graduating and off to UCLA, never seeing some of them again. 

Man, it's been a really good four years! I don't wanna think about after graduation, but at the same time, I'm excited to go to college. I'll have my freedoms, I'll be hours away from my parents, I'll get to meet some cool peeps, face different teams from every state in the country, go to as many parties that I want to. And we can't forget the ladies... oh yea. I'm ready for college.

 Buzz. Buzz.

I check my phone. It's a message from Khalil: Yo, Merry Christmas!!

ME: Merry Christmas bro!


ME: At Sam's house 4 the christmas dinner

KHALIL: Oh, Becca told me about that. She's going.

ME: Are u coming?

KHALIL: I was, but my parents have plans that involve me so I can't -_-

ME: poor guy lol. Man I wish u were coming so I can hang with someone & so it won't be awkward

KHALIL: U still worried about Sam?

ME: I guess. Idk what she'll do.

KHALIL: I think you're worrying about nothing honestly. Just talk 2 her & make up. Ttyl.

ME: aight later

I sigh. Once I put my phone away, I notice that more people have entered the house and their loud voices echo from inside the kitchen. I see some old ladies from church pop their heads in the room and greet us. One little kid from our church and his cousin run into the room and flopped on the floor to watch TV with us. I guess this has become the kiddie room. I hope they don't expect me to be a babysitter.

"Diggy! Sister Wanda wants to see you." My mother's voice calls from the kitchen. 

I get up from my spot on the couch and walk into the kitchen. There are people standing around talking in the kitchen; some stand against the wall. There are some people I recognize and others I don't. Saying a friendly 'hello' to those that I know and sharing a friendly grin to those I don't, I make my way through the kitchen and see Sister Wanda and my mother. As I walk up to her, her wrinkly face instantly lights up.

"Daniel! My, have you grown up to be a fine young man. Gimme some love!" She opens her arms and I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tight. I always liked Sister Wanda. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good," I reply, with a warm smile. As we stop hugging, she lovingly rubs my arm.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in a while. Why haven't you been at church?" Her eyebrows wrinkle even more as she waits for my reply. My mom giggles a little.

"I've had my basketball games on Sundays, so I haven't been able to make it each week, but our season is over now, so I'll be back at church," I tell her. My smile still hasn't faded.

"Okay... I'll let you slide," she says with a smirk.

"Yep, Diggy's team won their championship match so he's been kinda busy with that. But, can you believe he's graduating next spring?" My mom informs her.

"Nuh-uh!" Sister Wanda's jaw drops and I just nod my head and grin. "You are growing up too fast! I remember watching you when you were a toddler -- little ole thing -- when your mama had to run errands and you would just color in your coloring book and quietly watch cartoons on my couch. And sometimes Martha would bring over her daughter and I'd watch both of y'all. You two were inseparable."Sister Wander turns toward my mom. "Mhm... Daniel and Samantha were some good babies. Speaking of that child, where is she at?" She looks around the kitchen.

"She's probably around here somewhere," my mom says.

Mrs. Martha walks in from the dining room and greets some people. Antonio follows behind her. She claps her hands and everyone faces her, growing quiet. 

"Okay, everyone. Thank you for being here on this fine holiday to share a warm meal with me and my family. It's a little past noon, so we're going to prepare to eat now."

"Thank goodness!" Someone said making everyone laugh.

"I know, I know. So, once we get the food all ready to be served, you can get a plate and serve yourself. We're fortunate to have a big dining room and we've moved a few tables together, so if everyone will, we'd like you all to sit in the dining room. Thank you!" Mrs. Martha announces with a huge smile.

I check my watch. I'm prepared to eat. They better hurry up because I'm starving!!

"Martha!" Sister Wanda yells, calling her over to where we are.

Mrs. Martha rushes over. "Yes, ma'am."

"Where is your daughter Samantha?" 

"Oh, I don't know. She might be upstairs wrapping some of her gifts," Martha rolls her eyes, "That girl's always in her own little world. You want to speak to her?"

"Yes, please. I was just telling Justine that I remember when I would watch your babies when they were toddlers; they were always together--"

"Yes, they were." My mom and Martha nod their head.

"I want to take a picture with them two. Maybe by the front door," Sister Wanda suggests.

"Okay, Sister Wanda. Imma go get her." Mrs. Martha rushes out of the kitchen and upstairs.

Sister Wanda carried on some more small talk with me and my mom until Martha came back downstairs with Sam behind her. I have this knot in my stomach for no reason. But when I see Sam, I'm surprised to see her in a dark gray long-sleeved fitted dress with a huge black belt around her waist; the dress ended just above her knees. I didn't realize I was checking her out until Sister Wanda hit my arm and told me to snap out of it. Awkward. The adults were saying something but I wasn't even listening. Our eyes met and I felt this energy between us that I haven't felt in a while. The corners of her mouth turned up in a smirk. Her hair was super curly. I've never seen her like this except for at the basketball dinner, but that--

"Smile, Dig!" My mom yells. She's standing in front of us with a camera up to her face. Martha stands beside her, watching us. Sister Wanda stands in the middle of me and Sam. After ten seconds of "cheesing", they force us to take a picture together. Just me and Sam. Not again.

"Do you guys always have to take a picture everywhere you go?" I ask, trying to keep my annoyance from slipping out my voice.

"Come on, Dig. You act like this is hurting you so much. Just smile for the picture," my mom tells me.

"Act like y'all know each other, too," Mrs. Martha says.

Standing closer to me with her left hand on her hip, Sam still gives me that same smirk and brightly says, "Smile!". I wrap my left arm around her waist, glance at her for two seconds, then smile at the camera.

"Great! I just love you two. Gimme some sugar!" Sister Wanda pretty much takes the sugar from us and kisses each of our faces while embracing us in a giant bear hug. Being smushed together is NOT comfortable. After letting us go and walking back into the kitchen, I catch Sam smile at me. Why is she smiling so much? I've never seen this happen before. She must be up to something...

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