Chapter 1 《2SPOOPY4U》

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Art belongs to me

Ink's POV

*Facepalm* What's up with monster's and that song? Undertale has reached the surface but just wow. You know what? I'm not actually not suprised that they're blasting Spooky Scary Skeletons throughout their whole neighborhood anyways. Jesus, sans. Speaking of him, I think that I'll go up and say hi for a little bit. It is October anyways so yeah..

I walked up to the skelebro's house and gently knocked on the door. "I'LL GET THAT!" There was some slight excitement in the voice which I could easily tell that was papyrus. The door swung open to be greeted by a tall skeleton. "OH! HI THERE INK! DIDN'T EXPECT YOU TO BE COMING!"

"Hey Papyrus! I just stopped by to say hi for a little bit."

"WOWIE!" Papyrus yelled in excitement. " WELL, MIGHT AS WELL LET YOU IN PERHAPS!"

I giggled, "Heh. Thanks."

"Heya Ink." spoke a familiar voice. He was wearing a blue jacket and a white sweater underneath. I  could easily tell that it was classic.

"Hey classic!" I sat down on the green couch and turned on the t.v.

"INK! WOULD YOU LIKE TO EAT ANYTHING?" Ink thought for a bit.

"How about some of your famous spaghetti?" His spaghetti wasn't actually 'famous' in Undertale but it was famous in the doodle shpere.


Sans quickly snatched  the remote from me while I wasn't paying attention and turned it back to Spooky Scary Skeletons with full volume. Quickly, he threw the remote out the window.

*Inhale* "Why must you do this to me?"

"Just cuz."

I fell asleep a few minutes into the song going on repeatedly, over and over again. Not until Papyrus shouted,"FINALLY! MY SPAGHETTI IS ALL DONE!" He marched over to Ink and handed him the spaghetti.

"Thanks Papyrus!"


I took A small bite and instantly, the baby blue oval in my right socket turned into a baby blue star that looked like the yellow star in my left socket. He really improved since the first dish!"Papyrus, this is delicious!"

"THANK YOU!" He stood his proud pose.

"Heh, Bro. Your so cool," Sans complimented.


"I think that's my que to leave now." I have just finished the plate of spaghetti. "Seeya Classic!"

"Bye, Ink." Sans replied.

With just a snap, I quickly teleported away to check on the Au's.

Error's POV

Huh. I wonder where Ink's at right now... He doesn't seem to be creating an AU right now. The thing is, whenever he works on an AU, I can feel the creation happening which I have no idea why but I don't like that feeling at all. The same thing goes for Ink. Whenever I'm destroying an AU, he can feel it too. How do I know? Well, this might sound stalkerish but hey, I was trying to find his weaknesses. I was spying him through a glitchy window when he was talking to Mr. Hopes and Dreams.

I felt  really jealo- AHEM. I mean I felt like destroying an AU until Ink spoke up and said," You know, I can actually feel the presence of Error destroying a universe... It's not pretty. That's my alarm for when he's destroying something."

Dream giggled. "Haha! Well, sucks for him! He probaly doesn't even know that your creating something!"

I got awfully triggered when he said that. Even though I knew that they didn't know about it, I still somehow felt mad. Eh, whatever. At least they don't know that. New info to process now.

Anyways, back to reality. I feel like that I should check on him... Instantly, I opened up multiple glitchy windows to search for Ink. After a bit of searching, I found him at Classic's doorstep. He looked like that he was leaving. Welp, at least I know what he's doing right now.

A few hours passed while I was crocheting a doll of the newest AU Sans , Computertale.  (Belongs to @puns_jokes_videos)

(Shitty art belongs to me)

I only got the eyes, mouth, sweater and eye glitch done. Crocheting is hard, especially trying to make the glitches that were pure squares and rectangles. Through the hole, grab, pull. Through the hole, grab, pull. That process repeated for a while until the whole doll was finished. "Ahhh... Finally done." I streched for a little until I heard a satisfying 'pop'. Desperately, I reached for my glasses and shoved them into my pockets in case If I wanted to go anywhere. In just a few minutes, I was already fast asleep.


When I woke up, I heard a few sounds that I was unaware of. Not until they were loud and clear, that's when I started to take notice of them. SHIT. They're back.

"Ugh. What the hell do you guys want?"

"Eh, nothing." Replied a voice that seemed to belong to a man. "We're just bored and came here to annoy you"

"Fuck off. Im  not dealing with your crap today."

"Remember, you can't really get rid if us so your defenceless." Chimed in a female voice this time.

They were right too. They were just voices that I couldn't get rid of. The annoying part is when they shipped me with Inky.


What dafuk did I just call him?


"PFFT! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Multiple voices burst out into laughter. I completely forgot that they can read my thoughts.

One voice teased," So, Error. When are you going to propose? It's been way too long too. Hurry up, were waiting!"

Another one added," Yeah! When are you going to propose? LEMME SEE THIS DRAMA BEFORE I PASS OUT AND DIE!"

"S-shut UP!" Error yelled.

This made them get quiet. Then there was a long award silence.

Okay! Finnaly chapter 2 is finished. Sorry for the absolutely long wait. Writing is pretty hard to do when you have so many books to catch up on and when you also have school. But anyways, I think I'm should go now. It's litteraly 5:02 am right now. Alright, seeya!

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