Prolouge 《Oh Boy...》

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Ink's POV

Hello, Creators. I'm, Ink Sans but just call me, Ink. I create AU's for humans and monsters to live in. I made it so they can live "in peace" but there is this one sans that is like me but then not like me. He is called the destroyer or better known, Error sans. Error destroys my creations because he thinks that they all are glitches in the multiverse and throughout the doodle shpere. AU's are not glitches, they are homes to different kinds of humans and monsters. They all deserve peace.

  Error is a cruel and terrible person. When we first met, we knew at first sight that we were destined opposites. I caught him in the act of tying up a poor monster's soul in Dancetale,  about to shred it into pieces. Of course, I let my instincts take over and immediately charged at him, brush in hand, ready to take down whatever happened next. Swiftly, I ran up to him, about to stab him with the soft side of my brush and to get a few strokes in there but he dodged. It was pretty impressive for someone who was facing the creator.

  Quickly, he sent out the same kind of strings that he used to wrap around the other monster, making it fall and flee. "Hngh..." Error groaned. I dodged and noticed that his hands were tied up in his own strings. "Lord fucking christ. Why now?" Error mumbled to himself but loud enough that I could hear it.

  "Hey, buddy. You look a little tied up in there"

  "Heh. Shorty, I wouldn't underestimate anyone yet right now." I groaned. I know I'm short but I hate it when it's used against me.

  "So what? Whatcha gonna do if you can't use your hands?"

  "I warned ya. Now your going to regret what you just said" Suddenly, he broke free from the wrath of his own weapons and used a few glitchy gaster blasters on me. No luck. I was still too fast for him. I sent out some bones and a few rounds of paint. Nothing. He barely dodged in time and copied those exact same moves at me.

  The fight went on for hours until we both were out of breath. The only thing you saw around you was white. Pure white. He destroyed the AU... God knows about how long that one would take to rebuild again.

Error's POV

Ugh. Why did that rainbow asshole have to ruin my fun...
I'm just trying to enjoy and kill some free time here. You do recognize about how hard it is to destroy at least 1 fucking AU? He thinks that they are 'homes' to diffrent kinds of humans and monsters and that they deserve peace but no. Just, no. They are filty glitches in this universe. They don't deserve any happiness or friend- ... UGH. Nevermind...

  I still remember that one day where I found squid and it was still the same routine every day since that incident.







  It's always the same no matter what happens in each battle. We always get the same result which leaves us breathless.

  I still remember the day when I met Ink like it's first sense. We have been fighting each other a lot since then. It all happened when I tried destroying that monster's soul like I mentioned earlier. That's when he lunged at me with his overly-sized brush.

I instantly noticed just in time and dodged fairly quickly. I used the stings that were occupying the monster and sent them at Ink but then he dodged that like how I dodged his attack from earlier.

  Shit. My hands were tied up. I really can't believe that this is happening right now. Especially in front of the creator. "Lord fucking christ. Why now?" I stood there struggling a little bit, staring at the navy blue strings that has held my hands captive. Oh well, at least they're easy to get rid of and to make them reappear.

"Hey, buddy. You look a little tied up in there." Pfft! Wow! He really has no clue on what's going on right now.

   "Heh. Shorty, I wouldn't underestimate anyone yet right now." I heard him groan and I smirked, somehow knowing that he hated being called short, just by his reaction.

    "I warned ya. Now your going to regret what you just said" With one tug, all the strings disappeared and reappeared organized neatly on my hands in a split second. I sent out a few gaster blasters at him but he dodged. Just as I predicted. He tried sending a few bones at me which was also part of my prediction. While I teleported, I decided to choose my next move which was to use his own moves against him.

  We went on for hours, just running around Dancetale and spitting words at each other. I was out of breath. Since I'm a sans, I would run out of air easily due to the original being so lazy. Damnit sans. The good news is that I destroyed the universe while fighting Ink. Good job multitasking skills. White, ombre, black, nothing. That's all what I could see within miles of the whole, what used to be Dancetale. The only remains of it left was the dust of the poor monster's who were caught in the wrath of my strings.

Proluge End

Heya! Thank you for reading my story. I really appreciate it. Sorry that it's short. I'm still planning on what to do with the future of this story and school is in my way so... yeah. Give me suggestions and comment any questions you want to ask! I would be glad to reply to each and every single one! Also, I just wanted to say that If you want to add an OC in then just tell me what they are and describe what they look like. I would love to add some more characters into the shitty fanfic I'm trying to make. Anyways, I'm supposed to be doing homework now so I'm going to go now. Seeya!

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