Chapter 7 《Error.》

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Ink's POV

"I'm Unwanted... Just like what HE told me."


So many questions blared in my head. Who is He? Why does Error feel unwanted? Why did He tell him that he was unwanted? Does this have to do with the past? What?

Error just sat there in silence, staring down at his hands. He gripped his skull even tighter and yelled, "WHY?!"

I kind of jumped at his sudden burst of energy.

"WHY!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE?" Error screamed into the ombre of black and white colors mixing in together. There was nothing. Pure sheer, nothing. Was he trying to get everything all out of his head?

Error kept on screaming and screaming for more than- I really don't know. Time basically just stops whenever your in the Anti-Void. Sometimes seconds can be minutes. Some times minutes can be hours. Sometimes hours can be milliseconds. Days can be years. You can't really tell how much time has passed, really. I've tried. I brought a watch I bought from Mafiatale, into the Anti-Void.

Both hands completely stopped after taking a step through the portal. I even tried the Genocide void as well. I just got the same result.

Lets just say he screamed repetitively for a very long time.

Out of the corners of his eyesockets, I saw a few more years prick the edges.

He was... crying? Again? I thought he didn't cry... He's just an emotionless destroyer- right?

Argh! I can't let this get to me! He's just a destroyer and that's what he will always ever be. He is just a heartless, unwanted, glitched out-freak.

Error's POV

"WHY!?" I paused for just a second as I tried to calm down but got right back into my jumpy mood again.

"WHY!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE?" I miss him. I miss them. I miss the good days. I wish to go back. But I can't. I'm stuck in this awful mess. I did this. I let them suffer. My fault.

I screamed for a long time. Blaming myself for everything I have done. They didn't deserve to die. I did. If I died instead then everyone else would be living a happy life. No one would miss me. I know I still need to stay because of the balance but I don't think I could bottle this up forever.

Not even Geno or Fresh could help me. They would've been better off without me. Its just the games of life. Its all so stupid. I don't like this. I'm losing. Everyone is more than 100 points ahead of me. I'm pointless. I give up.

I noticed that I started to cry but that didn't stop me from screaming. My throat hurt. I don't want to stop. I have nothing to do. Why do I not normally think of these things? Like, I know I have done this countless times but the amount is growing every day. It's not like this time should be any different. What really makes this time different?

Clutching my skull, I cry even harder. They really meant the world to me. Now they HATE ME. Geno. I'm not sure about Fresh though. He can't feel due to him being a parasite. I like the fact that at least Geno cares about him. I used to hate Fresh. We 'fought' a lot. I would always blame him for everything and when Geno was not looking, I would at least hit him. That's just the minimum abuse I would give him. It was normal for me to punch him in the face. I would punch him so hard that it would make him fall back and I would also do the same because of recoil.

Geno cares for him and he could understand that they were brothers but he couldn't accept that I was his brother as well. Us three are brother. When we were little it was just us against the world. Apparently they were ripped out of my team and were dragged into the other side. I guess Fresh really doesn't care but whenever I try to talk to Geno, he ignores me. No matter how hard I'll try, it never works.

He says that I'm a monster. A destroyer. Unwanted. Yes. He's the one I have been mentioning earlier. I know that I destroy things but it's for the balance. I could just tell him but he doesn't let me talk. At least Fresh understands. I regret everything I did to him. He didn't deserve that kind of abuse. Especially from a heartless soul like me.

I don't think that we can ever fix this relationship. Our brotherly relationship. It's been broken long ago. I guess there's no point in trying to shine rusted metal.

Ripped out of my thoughts, I hear something or someone behind me. I whipped my head around to see who or what it was but it's not there anymore.

I walk towards to where I heard it and then tripped on something. "Ow..." I got back up and scanned what I tripped on.

Is this... A barrier? It blends perfectly in with the surrounding white. My dolls are nowhere to be seen as I hid them all some other point of the Anti-Void to avoid anyone seeing them.

Back to the reality, what the hell is a camouflaged barrier doing here? Wait a second... Was someone stalking me?!

"WHAT THE FUCK! WHO'S THERE!?" I yelled. No answer. Dumbass. They already left. I faceplamed my wet face. Suddenly having the urge to wipe my face, I did as I had felt like doing.

Whoever saw me, I hope they don't spread this. I'm doomed if they do. Shit. Why amd I so oblivious? This is pointless.

Wait- black ink?

Black- Ink-

A sudden rush of realization shot me like an arrow in the chest.

The only other two people in the whole Multiverse who can enter and exit out of the Anti-Void without any help is Fresh and Ink.

Fresh carries nothing around that even involves anything artistic.

That leaves us with Ink. He always carries art supplies around him. He also has a brush that is infinitely dripping black ink.

That means- no...


End of chapter 7

Welp. It looks like that I can't keep promises. Whoops.

Lesson learned: Never trust Protonumas with schedules.

I'm sorry that I couldn't write this chapter yet. There was midterms and my laptop was taken away from me and it's a pain in the ass to write on my phone so... I spent a hella lot of time just reading some Errink and Afterdeath books. (Lets just say I also read quite the lotta sinny books-

But anyways, I got it back now and midterms are over! That means more chapters! Maybe I might get another one out tomorrow-


Enough with my chit chat. Seeya, and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!

(I love that Error at the top. Reminds me of his real self)

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