Chapter 8 《New Year?!》

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Ink's POV

I didn't want to leave the Anti-Void as I just wanted to stalk Error for a little while. Oh shit, wait. What was I there for again? I better leave before Error even figures out that I'm here. This isn't my business to deal with anyways.

Swiftly opening a portal, I ran through it and closed it right before he even could see me. Hopefully he doesn't find out that I was there.

I found myself in Underswap, dumbfounded as I thought I opened a portal to Outertale. 

Oh well. Anyways, back to reality. I decided to talk to Blue because why not? Might as well make this accident useful. 

I walked to the brother's house as the soft snow crunched beneath my feet. It only took a few minutes to make it to Snowdin. 

I wondered what happened back there with Error screaming and all that... Hm. This is some new information. Heh... Kinda sounds like me when I lost Paint... Oh how I do miss him. He was the only one that cared for me while I still had my parents. Wonder why they only cared for him... Was he actually older? 

Suddenly, I was taken out of my thoughts and bumped back into reality as I approached the Underswap brother's house. I gently knocked on the door. Shoot, was that too soft? As I was about to knock a second time, the door suddenly burst open with Blue greeting me at the front. 

"HOLY ASGORE-" I jumped in surprise.

"Mwehehe! Hiya, Ink! What are you here for?!" Blue yelled.

"Oh- I'm here for-"


Confused, I asked, "New Years? Uhm... Blue, what do you mean by that?"

He pulled me inside and set me on the couch. It was soft but I didn't want to seem rude and lie down and take all the space so I just sat up straight.


I jumped at his response and analyzed it in my head until I screamed, "WAIT, THE MULTIVERSE IS GOING TO END?! WHY ARE YOU CELEBRATING THE END OF THE MULTIVERSE?!"

"No, no! Its not the end of the Multiverse, silly. That means tomorrow will be the first day of 2018! Thats why we're all excited to welcome a New Year!"

Then, I stop and took the time to take in and process everything he just said. Oh my god. Why am I so stupid? "Ohhh...." I replied.

"Mwehehe! Anyways, you want to celebrate with us or not!?"

I saw Carrot(Underswap Papyrus) enter the living room, filling the room with the smell of cigarettes. "You should, Ink. I think Blue would really enjoy it." Carrot said.

"Well, whatever you say so, Carrot." I chuckled. 

"YAAAY!" Blue jumped up and down in celebration. "I'll get the fireworks!" He yelled as he ran outside without another word. 

"Fireworks?" I asked.

"Yep. Every New Years, we have fireworks. Doesn't every other AU have them as well?" Carrot replied.

"I... never heard of New Years before... Now that I think about it, whenever it's December 31'st, I take a break of checking the Au's."

"Ah, that explains it. Oh well, you should hang out with people on this day then! New Year's is a time to celebrate you know!"

We sat there as I pondered who I would like to hang out. There's Underswap, Outertale, Underfell- oh wait. Nevermind, scratch that. I expecially would like to hang out with Error... Mainly because he's so... hot and dreamy...- wait. What? UHHM... Don't mind that and pretend like that never happened please.

Anyways, a few minutes later, Blue came back with fireworks and some sparklers. "I'M HEERREE!"

Carrot and I laughed and the three of us went outside. It was already close to midnight and there were other monsters outside, with eager expressions on their faces. Feeling their happy aura made me feel happy as well. (Even if I don't have a soul or feelings)

After an hour of waiting, there was suddenly a burst of color flying in the sky followed by another. And another. On after the other, the bright lights flew through the skies of the underground.

3rd Person POV

Ink watched in amazement as he saw the colors fly right before his eyes. He has never seen fireworks in real life. The only fireworks he saw were on TV and pictures. Carrot and Blue just smiled, seeing Ink's amazement.

Meanwhile, with Error. He was watching Ink, Blue, and Carrot from the Anti-Void with a sad smile. The trio reminded him when Geno and Fresh was still with him. It gave him nostalgic flashbacks to when he was watching fireworks with them as well. They celebrated with firecrackers and lights. 

Error loved fireworks, just like how Ink does. Wow. Who knew that such polar opposites have so much in common?

After a while of Error watching the trio, he shut the window and looked at Outertale. Everyone was watching shooting stars fly by. 

Error's POV

Huh. Must be their version of fireworks. 

I checked everyone's AU and they all seemed happy. Well, not everyone's. You can take GZtale. That mass murder-feels AU. Poor Ganz. He was still hiding from Papyrus. The one that caught my eye though was Aftertale.  I saw Geno, sitting in the save screen with someone else next to him. That person was Fresh. 

Heh, wow. I guess he does have feelings still... That's a good thing. I saw Fresh give Geno a little box that was wrapped up with a bow on top to give it some decoration. Geno unwrapped the box and when he saw what was inside, his eyes lit up. 

I heard Geno say, "Fresh! Thank you!"

Fresh replied, "No prob bro. Enjoy your new totally rad necklace, broski!" And with just that, he left.

I sighed as I closed the window. Staring blankly at the ground, I heard a portal open behind me. Without hesitation, I whipped my head around to see who it was and guess who stepped through portal? Yep, it was my bro, Fresh. 

"W-what are you doing here Fresh?" I accidentally stuttered a little to the newcomer.

"Broski. . . Happy New Years!" He said as he handed me a box that was identical to Geno's except the colors were different. 

Hesitantly, I open the box to reveal a little gold heart locket inside. I froze at the sight but came back to my senses to pick up the locket. Slowly I opened it to reveal a picture of us when we were younger saying, 'Brothers Forever'.

I stare at it and felt a few tears drip down my face and turned to look at Fresh. 

He was smiling. Not a smirk or a cheesy smile like you would always see him wearing but a real, genuine smile.

Without hesitation, I run up to him and hug him. My Haphephobia didn't matter anymore. All what mattered was him for now. I felt him hug back and pat me.

Silently, I cried a few tears into his bright, neon jacket.

"So... Do you like it?" Fresh asked.

"Yes... Yes. Thank you, Fresh."

End of Chapter 8

Oh the brotherly love! I cried while writing this. It may be bad because I was talking to a friend over discord while playing videogames with him and my brother at the same time. THIS IS WHAT I CALL MULTITASKING MY FRIENDS. I love this chapter even if it was one of the worst ones to be made. Anyways, I would like to greet you a happy New Year! Welp. I guess this is the last you will ever hear of 2017 Protonumas. Alexa. Eh. Whatever floats your boat. Anyways- seeya next year! Outtie and peace! *Salutes and jumps out of the window*


Me:*Yelling* I DON'T KNOW-

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