Chapter 9《Brothers》

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(Warning, there might be a few things in here that are a little triggering like blood, and violence. Read at your own risk.) 

Error's POV

"Yes, yes. Thank you, Fresh."

We stayed like that for a long time as I kept on sobbing tears of joy into his neon jacket. Until, Fresh and I departed from the hug and looked at each other.

Fresh smiled, looking at me with joy. Real happiness. I could feel his aura growing stronger. I bet that he could also feel mine because we just kept on smiling at each other, our grins getting wider. 

The silence between us wasn't tense or awkward but a comforting silence that I could last forever with. 

After a few minutes, I hugged him again for a goodbye. I was just happy. Pure-sheer happiness. Later, Fresh left, saying, "Alright, Broski. I guess I'll take my cue. I'll swing by later my diddly darn pal, seeya around!" 

"Seeya, Fresh." I replied. 

Sitting there, alone, kind of felt a little weird right now. The voices haven't come back yet in a while... I wonder what's up with them. 

I'm... Just overjoyed by what just happened. 

Silently, I put on the necklace with a smile and stared at the picture that was inside. I want to keep this safe but I also want to keep it as a secret... hmm... I tucked the necklace into my shirt so no one could see it but I was still wearing it and put my hoodie on my head. 

Still smiling, I open a portal to Outertale. Just one portal wouldn't hurt, right? Let me think... Uh. Never mind. That will take up too much energy. Slowly, I closed the portal to make sure no one in Outertale heard it.

Again, I took and opened the locket, staring at the image. I can't believe Fresh gave me this. I knew that he had a kind heart somewhere in that 90's mess! 

I sighed, thinking about the good times where Geno still accepted me.  He was always so overprotective over Fresh and I. Fresh was the youngest, Geno was the oldest, and me being the middle child. 

I remember this one time where we were in the park. I think it happened when I was in... 4th grade? Yeah. Fourth grade. That means Geno was in 6th and Fresh was in 3rd. We were sitting in a tree, talking to each other until a random stranger pulled me down onto the grassy floor.

"Hey! Error! Are you okay!?" Geno yelled as he jumped down.

When I was about to answer, someone muffled my mouth with a handkerchief. I cried out for Geno as I was getting dragged away. My eyes were blindfolded as I screamed for help over and over until light flooded my vision again and I didn't feel anything on my mouth. I saw Geno repetitively  punching the man who almost kidnapped me. 

I thought that it was a good time to escape with Fresh so I called for him but there was no answer. I called for him again and heard some muffled screams of help. I ran to the noise and saw Fresh with a man who was wearing the same clothing as the one who Geno was beating up.

He was crying and looked very beat up. Quickly without thinking, I summoned a Gaster Blaster and hit the man, dusting him. 

I rushed over to Fresh who looked like he was about to faint. I held him in my arms and hugged him with tears in my eyes. Helping Fresh stand up, we both trudged our way to Geno and found him, still punching the man.  I covered Fresh's eyes because he was too young to see what was going on so I hugged him and made him face my chest.

Gripping at his skull, I also covered his 'ears' so he didn't her the screams of pain coming from the stranger. 

After a little while, the stranger got out of Geno's grasp and ran away with blood coating his clothes and face. I let Fresh go and handed him to Geno. My shirt was wet from Fresh's tears and my face was also damp. I  rubbed my tears away and asked Geno to call an ambulance and a police. People who were there to experience the whole thing ran toward us. 

Other people who passed my also swarmed us and asked what happened. There was a crowd around us and I knew was that Fresh had Agoraphobia. (Fear of crowds) I started to try and calm everyone down but the group just kept on multiplying by the second. 

Suddenly, Geno yelled, "EVERYONE! SHUT UP! SOMEONE HAS AGORAPHOBIA HERE!" and just like that, the loud commotion calmed down but Fresh didn't. He was shaking and crying into Geno's chest. I stood up and moved everyone away somewhere else until the police and ambulance arrived.

That was one of the most horrific moments of my childhood but that didn't compare to the mass murder I did when I became an insane adult. The only reason why I became an asylum mess was because of the disappearance of my brothers.

By then, I learned what my true powers could do so I teleported to the Anti-Void and hid there for a long time. The time where I was found wasn't too great either. I was trying to corrupt my first AU, Aftertale. Yes, Geno's Au.

The process was slow as it was my first corruption event. That's where I met Ink for the first time. Oh how I remember that day. It was the worst time of my life. I am assuming that Geno saw everything from the window he looks at his AU from. 

Hm... I just don't think all of that first corruption stuff was necessary though. I don't know why but its just a feeling.

After a few hours of thinking in the Anti-Void, suddenly Dream appeared in my face. 

"Hiya Error! Whatcha doing here?" He said with a forever ending positive attitude. 

"What the fuck- Dream?! How did you get in here?!" I yelled, backing away a bit.

"Oh. Its not just me, Ink's here as well!"


End of Chapter 9

Me: Hello, and this is 2018 Alexa speaking to you, over.

Descript: Why are you calling me on a walkie talkie when I'm right next to you

Me: Why, Descript. You were supposed to take cue!

Descript: Not sorry

Me: Fuck you *shoves off couch*

Descript:*Falls into a portal leading to hell*


Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Now say hello to 2018! I was pretty bored and I decided to write the next chapter because...


Not sorry (If you get the joke)

Anyways, I've just gotta ask. Do you any trom- 


The reason why I'm asking this is because I could really use a


I suck at puns 

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