A Special Request

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Hey guys 👋🏻

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So here's an early update because I won't be able to update tomorrow and I didn't want to make you guys wait for too long before the next update.

PS: I will not be updating the story again tomorrow 

The above song is 'Aashayein' from the movie 'Iqbal'

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The board has agreed to give Siya a chance.

Will Siya make the most of this opportunity?


Mahi arrived at the training camp, only to be jumped on by all of his younger teammates, or brothers as he likes to call them.

Siya was quite amused to see all the twenty plus year old 'kids' jump on her brother screaming, "Mahi Bhai" while her brother struggled to maintain his balance.

Just then Virat notices his little sister behind his Mahi Bhai and says, "Arre Siyu, you here?"

Siya smiles and replies, "Hi Cheeku Bhaiya. I just decided to join you guys for your practice sessions this time."

Jaddu's eyes immediately light up and he says, "Ab practice me maja aayega (Now we'll have fun in practice sessions). Vi, I bet that she can beat you in fielding practice. You know we used to train together in CSK camp and had so much fun."

Siya replies, "Jaddu Bhaiya, I really missed you this year. The RPS team is a little boring you know. Nothing like CSK."

Mahi says, "You do know that I'm standing right here and that I was the captain of the very team you are calling boring."

Siya replies, "Arre Bhaiya, I never said you are boring. It's just that the team environment isn't the best. I can't wait for this stupid ban to be over so that we can go back home."

Mahi smiles ruefully and says, "Me too. IPL just doesn't feel the same anymore."

Jaddu replies, "Arre, it's just a matter of one more year. Then the CSK family will be back together."

Virat interjects, "Now let Mahi Bhai go to his room and relax for some time. We'll all meet again for dinner."

Everyone nods in agreement and heads to their respective rooms to rest up until dinner.

They all catch up a little while having dinner before they get orders to go and sleep because their captain had scheduled an early morning practice.


The next day Mahi starts the practice session early in the morning as planned, with some of the players still being half asleep.

Siya and Virat were the only ones feeling extremely energetic in the morning as they warmed up with their big brother.

After the warm up session was complete, everyone went their separate ways to practice as per their schedule.

Virat pulled Siya with him to do some fielding drills and also to test her fielding skills.

Jaddu soon turned up and turned the whole exercise into a competition.

Mahi kept an eye on everyone, while also doing some keeping drills with his back up.

Soon enough Jaddu, Virat and Siya started a contest to see who hit the stumps more accurately in a run out attempt.

Siya and Jaddu were neck and neck, until Sir Jadeja surprisingly missed and Siya starts dancing and jumping around in joy.

Virat also encourages the young girl and dances with her because Siya had just beaten 'Sir Ravindra Jadeja' of all people in a fielding contest.

Once Mahi catches sight of them, he shakes his head at their crazy antics, before ordering them to get back to their training.


Unknown to the team, they were being watched by a few board members along with their Dada and Sachin Paaji.

The board members were quite impressed to see Siya keeping up with Virat, who was known to be one of the fittest players on the team.

Sachin Paaji requested them to watch Siya bat in the nets for some time, before making a final decision.

Just then they notice Siya running up to her brother and it looked like she was pleading him for something.

Dada chuckles and says, "I think she's trying to convince him to let her bat for some time. MS used to let her bat during the CSK training camps sometimes."

They all were making their way downstairs when one of the board members says, "I'm quite impressed with Siya's fitness levels. It's quite obvious that she works very hard to maintain her fitness levels, which is not seen very often in women's cricket."

Sachin replies, "Well MS was the one to enforce stricter rules regarding the fitness levels of his players, so it makes sense for him to train his sister the same way."

Another member looks surprised and asks, "MS has trained the girl himself?"

Dada smiles proudly and replies, "MS and Siya follow a very similar workout routine. MS hasn't taught her much about cricket, but he has been very strict with her when it comes to practice sessions. Siya got her discipline and learnt about the importance of fitness from her brother only."

The first member asks, "If MS hasn't taught her much about cricket, then who has taught her how to play cricketing shots?"

Sachin Paaji replies, "Siya actually learnt some shots by watching MS bat on the television. Since MS has started training her, Sourav, Rahul and I have taught her a few basics. Virat also taught her some shots, but during her matches she actually prefers the shots she learnt on her own."

The other member asks, "So she's also an unorthodox batter like MS?"

Dada replies, "To a certain extent, yes. She's got her own charm, but she's definitely picked up quite a few things from her brother."

The members nod and they all make their way to the nets where Siya was now ready in her pads, but still trying to convince her brother to let her bat against some of the pacers.

Siya says, "Bhaiya, please na. Bhuvi Bhaiya (Bhuvneshwar Kumar) ke saath practice karne do na (Let me practice withBhuvi Bhaiya)."

Mahi replies, "Pehle theek se warm up kar, fir jiske saath practice karni hai kar lena." (First warm up properly then practice with whoever you want.)

Siya whines, "Bhaiya please"

Mahi sternly says, "Siya, no arguments. You are not disturbing your routine."

Siya pouts, stomping her foot in annoyance, before going to do as she was told.

Dada comes up to Mahi and says, "Good job Mahi."

Mahi looks surprised to see his Dada and asks, "Arre Dada, when did you come?"

Sachin Paaji replies, "When you were telling Siya to do warm up before practice."

Mahi smiles upon seeing Sachin Paaji and comments, "Arre Paaji, you're here too"

Dada replies, "We were invited by the board to see Siya in action. In fact, we've been watching the practice from upstairs for quite some time now."

One of the board members says, "We're quite impressed with the way Siya was able to keep up with Virat. We're hoping to get a glimpse of her batting as well before we go making any commitments."

Mahi nods and replies, "Thank you for considering my unusual request and coming here to give Siya a chance."

The other board member says, "Well MS, we've heard about your sister and we were quite curious to see her play. Unfortunately, her state team didn't qualify for the final stages because some of us were hoping to watch her play."

Sachin Paaji replies, "Well I hope you'll keep a closer eye on her from now on."

The first board member says, "If she does well today, then we most certainly will."

Mahi chuckles and replies, "Don't worry, she always does her best."

Just then Siya comes running and says, "Bhaiya warm up done. Now can I practice with Bhuvi Bhaiya?"

Mahi smiles and replies, "How about you go for a few trail balls with Jaddu and Ash first? Bhuvi went to take a small break right now."

Siya agrees and goes to take her place in the nets, without paying attention to the other people standing near her brother.

Dada asks, "She didn't even notice us?"

Mahi replies, "She's missed these training sessions. Now that I am in RPS, I can't exactly let her join in the practice sessions. Also, she's really missed hitting Jaddu's balls."

The board members look at each other with confused expressions before looking back at the young girl standing at the crease, gearing up to face the first ball.

Jaddu takes his run up and bowls his first ball, which is left by Siya.

Sachin Paaji comments, "Good leave"

Just then Jaddu bowls his second ball, only to be hit over his head.

Dada comments, "Looks like you weren't joking about her missing Jaddu"

After a few overs are done, a board member asks, "Can we see how well she fares against Ashwin?"

Mahi nods and gestures for Ashwin to start bowling to Siya.

Ashwin's first two balls are left by Siya and it was quite clear that they were trying to mess with each other's minds.

Siya then smashes the next ball over long on and smirks teasingly as she looked towards Ashwin, who couldn't believe what had just happened.

Sachin Paaji asks, "Looks like you've taught her well. She's not falling for his traps."

Once Bhuvi returns, he is told by his captain to get ready to bowl after Ashwin.

Siya hits Ashwin's last ball over the bowler's head and confidently stands in her place, knowing that the ball will travel a long distance.

Dada says, "Siya had become much more confident in her shots now."

Mahi replies, "She's played many games now, in the domestic circuit and also with some local clubs. You gain confidence when you perform well in matches."

A board member asks, "There are local club games for girls in Ranchi?"

Mahi shakes his head and replies, "Not yet. I talked to one of the club owners to let Siya play with the boys. That's how the state team selectors found out about her in the first place."

The board members were quite impressed to know that Siya used to play with boys, before she was selected for the state team.

Bhuvi took his run up and started bowling to Siya, who left the first few balls to judge the bounce and turn.

Sachin Paaji looks closely to see Siya getting into position for a big hit for the very next ball and manages to connect the ball very well, despite losing her grip on the bat.

Dada was quite surprised to see the young girl play a few conventional shots with excellent accuracy.

(Siya just had to master the cover drive after the 'God of Offside' taught her some of his shots)

The board members now had no doubts about granting Siya permission to train with the new Under-19 team under the head coach, Rahul Dravid.

They were convinced that this young Dhoni was destined to be the next big thing in Women's Cricket.

The board members told MS of their decision and added, "It's quite clear that she's destined to be a great player. We assure you that she will have full support from the BCCI to ensure that she can make her international debut soon. She'll be under Dravid's wing for over a year and we'll also be keeping an eye on her."

Mahi smiles and replies, "Thank you so much for your time."

The board members shake hands with MS, Ganguly and Tendulkar, before leaving to get the official paperwork done.

Sachin Paaji says, "Well Mahi, looks like your confidence has paid off. I'm sure that Siya will be making her India debut in a few years."

Dada chuckles and replies, "Mahiya, I'm very proud of you because of how well you've trained Siya. She's going to learn so much with Jammy and I can't wait to see how well she performs in the next tournament."

Mahi smiles and says, "As long as Siya has you all rooting for her, she'll continue to do well. Though I really hope that Jammy Bhai can help her improve her batting technique."

Sachin Paaji replies, "Jammy will figure out a way to help her. He turned an attacking batsman like you into a one of the best finishers in the world, so I'm sure that he can handle this as well."

Mahi can't help but chuckle at Sachin Paaji's comment, knowing exactly how the change had come about.


(I don't know if it's true, but I feel that this incident definitely helped Dhoni become the world's best finisher)

Just then Siya runs towards them and asks, "Dada, Sachin Paaji, when did you both come? Bhaiya, why didn't you tell me that they are coming?"

Mahi replies, "Gudiya, they have been here since the time you've gone to bat in the nets. I didn't know they were going to come today itself, but I think the board members were only free today."

Siya looks confused and asks, "Which board members?"

Sachin Paaji replies, "The cricket board members who have now allowed you to train with the Under-19 boys under your Jammy Bhai."

Dada adds, "Bachha, you completely blew them out of the water. Today even they saw you as a future superstar."

Siya perks up and asks, "So they will really give me permission to train with Jammy Bhai?"

Mahi smiles and replies, "The official paperwork needs to be done, but they have said yes on behalf of the board."

Siya asks, "So I will get to train with Jammy Bhai like Bhaiya wanted?"

Dada replies, "Yes you will. But let me warn you that Jammy is very strict when it comes to practice."

Siya points to her brother and says, "That's alright. Jammy Bhai can't possibly be worse than this Hitler over here."

Sachin Paaji and Dada can't help but laugh at the comment, while Mahi shoots his little sister a look and Siya gives him a cute look in response.

Virat comes to greet them and asks about their conversation, so Mahi decides to call the entire team together to inform them about the good news.

Once the team forms a huddle Mahi says, "Okay, so we had a few board members here today to watch Siya play. I had sent them a request to let her train with Jammy Bhai while he's training the Under-19 team."

Virat interjects, "Mahi Bhai, they accepted your request, right? Our Siyu is very talented, so I'm sure that they would be impressed with her. They did see her play properly, right? Bhai, batao na (Bhai tell us)."

Sachin Paaji says, "Arre Cheeku, sawal poochne band karoge tab hi toh hum bata paayenge ki kya hua." (Arre Cheeku, if you keep asking questions then how will we tell you?)

Virat bites his tongue, while everyone chuckles at his expense.

Mahi smiles proudly and continues, "Siya has been granted permission to train with the new Under-19 team. They'll get the paperwork done soon so that Siya can join their training camp soon."

Everyone cheers loudly and congratulates Siya for the wonderful opportunity.

Dada announces, "Aaj hum sab saath me dinner karenge (Today we will havedinner together). My treat."

The team celebrates for a few minutes, before being ordered to complete their practice session by their captain.

Siya whispers to Dada and Sachin Paaji, "See I told you he is Hitler."

Dada and Sachin Paaji can't help but chuckle when they hear Siya's comment.


A few weeks later, a man is seen smiling at his computer screen because he had just received an email from the cricket board informing him about the arrival of a young female star at his Under-19 training camp.

Dravid reads the contents of the email that were stating things he already knew about his Mahi's little sister and he couldn't help but feel proud of his younger brother for training Siya in such a way that she could easily give her best despite being under pressure, just like her brother.

The great Rahul Dravid was now really looking forward to the start of the next Under-19 training camp.


Siya is going to join the training camp for the new Under-19 boys team.

Wonder how this experience will help Siya?

Let me know what you guys think ✍🏻

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