Do it for her birthday

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This was requested by GoingCheetah55

Dick was typing up some cases at work when two female police officers came up to him. They were giggling wildly and Dick just smiled. Everyone on the police force were close so he knew they were the soon to be bride Officer Price and her bridesmaid Officer King. "May I help you ladies?" he asked. 

"Actually you can. We had a little look at your background and we noticed something," Officer King stated, her green eyes shining with mischief. He just hoped it wasn't something the press would love. "It seems Mr Innocent was a stripper. Is that true Dick?" King carried on. A dark blush engulfed Dick's face. That's why the other officers kept looking at him funny. "It was a one time thing to get through college," he answered with a nervous laugh. 

"Sure it was, that's why you went undercover as a stripper last month," Officer Price taunted. "Hey, that was for work reasons," Dick protested. The women laughed. 

"Anyway, we wanted to know if you'd do it for Price's hen party. It's also her birthday. You wouldn't turn down an offer like that would you?" King answered.

This time Dick laughed, shaking his head. "That would be a no, birthday or hen do, I'm not doing that again," he told them. 

"Aww come on Grayson. You're a real spoil sport," Price whined. 

"Listen, I can get you a stripper for a discount but it won't be me," he compromised. The women looked to each other, shrugged then nodded. "We'll be happy with a discount stripper. Thanks Grayson, you're a peach," King said with a smile. He smiled back and watched them walk off.

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