Why do you have a golf club?

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This is reverse Batfamily sooo time to do ages. Also I realized that I write Jason as the eldest when he should be the second youngest but I like him as the eldest so he's staying there.

EDIT: Get fucked past me I changed all the ages


It was late that night when Dick woke up to a bump. He scrambled for his golf club he had under his bed for "safety reasons" and crawled out of his bed silently. He opened his door and peered out into the dark hallway. There was a dark figure moving towards him. On instinct he ran out and struck the assumed attacker in the shins. "Stay away from my family," Dick told him sternly.
"Dick it's me!" The figure sounded eerily similar to Jason. So similar that it was in fact Jason.

"Jason? What are you doing up so late? Or early?" Dick asked, lowering his golf club. 

"Why do you have a golf club?" Jason shouted. 

"I asked you first!"

"I asked you second!" 

"Will one of you just answer the damn question we're trying to sleep!" Tim shouted from his room. "Sorry!" they both shouted back. They looked back to each other. 

"I have the golf club for safety reasons." Dick stated. 

"I was up late checking the house. I thought I heard someone downstairs. Where did you even get that?" Jason asked, getting up. 

"I found it in Bruce's closet and he never asked for it back," he answered. Jason took the club off him and lifted it over his head so Dick couldn't reach up to grab it. "Hey! Give it back," Dick whined trying to scale his brother to get it. "Nope, you've lost club privileges. I'm going back to bed you do what you want," he said before walking to his bedroom.

Dick huffed. He wasn't sleepy anymore and he'd just be bored till morning if he went back to bed. He made his way downstairs and to the kitchen. A glass of warm milk might tire him out. When he walked into the kitchen, a strange feeling came over him. It was weird. It felt like someone was watching him. He tried to shrug it off as a thought coming from Jason. He did say that he heard something downstairs. Saying that, Jason had probably just snuck out to smoke and didn't want to get caught setting a bad example. He took out a glass and warmed up some milk. He stared into the microwave then noticed someone in the glass. At first he assumed it to be Alfred but Alfred didn't have a gun normally. "JASON YOU WERE RIGHT!" he screamed, running away from the guy. 

A bullet ripped through the microwave, narrowly avoiding Dick's arm. "Come back here you little shit!" The gunman shouted. He ran after Dick as he tried to run upstairs to Bruce's room. He made it past Jason's door but tripped over. "Why does this place have rugs everywhere?" Dick shouted, trying to get up. The gunman pointed his gun but fell to the floor before shooting the gun. "You know we should use golf clubs more," Jason stated, putting the instrument over his shoulder. Damian and Tim ran out their room in panic. Alfred ran up the stairs and was by Dick's side in a second. "What happened?" Alfred asked, checking over the small boy. 

"That guy snuck into the house with a gun. He tried to kill me." Dick said calmly. "He broke the microwave." 

"That's the third microwave this month," Tim sighed. Jason smashed the first two. 

"Can I have my golf club back?" Dick asked.

"Why do you have a golf club?" Tim shouted. 

"For safety! Now I want it back because Jason took it earlier!"

"You hit me in the shins with it!"

"You could've been an intruder!"

"I hate this family," Damian muttered, stomping back to bed.

This was kinda random. I'm in a weird mood.

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