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Reverse Batfamily
Young justice have their normal ages I just wanted Dick to be younger because I can.

Aight, I'm editing this ages after i made this thing so imma change ages and stuff. Sorry for the messed up ages at the start. Jason's death always confuses things for me

Dick sat in Mount Justice quietly. He didn't want to talk or hum or do anything. The silence was what he needed. Things at home were getting crazy. Jason and Damian were picking fights over everything and anything. Tim and Damian were worse than ever. Nobody had talked to him in a friendly manner for a week. He came to the mountain to see his friends but found it empty. So now he was sitting on the floor  behind a couch and holding back his tears. Words swirled around his head, none of them good. "You're an idiot Grayson!" 

"Stay out of my way!" 

"You're so annoying!"

"Why did Bruce bring you here again?" 

The team knew his identity now so he hadn't brought his sunglasses. He regretted it as tears trailed down his face. His pale hands found their way into his raven hair and pulled on it. "Stupid," he repeated. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. What made you think they liked you? It was all a show for Bruce." He didn't hear the team arrive over his self hatred filled words.

Wally's eyes widened when he heard sniffling from the commons room. "Do you hear that?" he asked the others. They nodded and Connor began to listen intently to figure out who it was. "It's Dick, he's crying," he announced with a hint of worry. 

"Should we leave him alone?" M'gann asked. Wally shook his head, frowning. 

"No, just stay quiet and stay behind me," he told her. They began to walk in, searching the room for the Boy Wonder. Wally looked behind the couch and found him. Dick was shaking and crying, his normal bright eyes dulled. He looked paler and thinner than usual. "Hey buddy, what's up?" he asked, sitting next to the crying boy. Dick jumped a little then wiped away his tears. "Home stuff," he replied with as he smiled as big of a smile as he could. M'gann gave him a hug. 

"I'm guessing your brothers are giving you a hard time?" she asked, helping him up. 

"When aren't they? It's just I could count on them to at least say they loved me once a week but they haven't. Not even Tim and he always says it. Bruce left Damian in charge whilst he and Alfred went away but I don't think it's going well," he answered. 

"Clearly," Artemis stated. She hated seeing Dick like this.

"Sorry for crying, kinda puts a downer on the mood," he joked with a smile that made them smile involuntarily. "Do they know they've upset you?" Connor asked. Dick shook his head. 

"You should tell them," added Kaldur. Then they heard a familiar feminine voice announce the arrival of Red Hood, Red Robin and Nightwing. (RH= Tim, RR=Jason, NW=Damian)


Damian sat angrily in the kitchen. He was still angry about Jason abusing his power as the person in charge. He'd snapped at Dick earlier when he asked him if he'd seen his rubix cube. Sure Damian felt bad but he hadn't apologized for his bad behavior all week, what's one more day to a 12 year old?

Tim was in a rotten mood also. He shouted at Dick for interrupting him during a particularly hard math problem. Dick was a smart kid and offered to help but Tim just yelled at him to get lost. Again he posed the question to apologize and came to the conclusion that Dick wouldn't take it to heart.

Jason yelled at Dick for spilling his cup of water, regretting it immediately he tried to apologize. Unfortunately, Dick had run off before he could say sorry. And this was just this morning.

It had been four hours since the boys had spoken. They all gathered in the dining room for pizza, except Dick. Damian had called for him but got no answer. "I don't blame him for not wanting to come down. We've been really hard on him, he probably thinks he'll get shouted at." Tim stated guiltily. Damian just rolled his eyes. "You're kidding me? We've treated Grayson the same, he's just being childish." he replied.

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you said you loved him? I used to say it everyday but this week I haven't. None of us have said it." Tim countered. "He already has the thought that we don't like him, what if this just cemented it?" he added. Jason sighed as Tim got up. "

You gonna talk to him?" he asked. Tim nodded. 

"If not me, who?"

Tim knocked on Dick's door lightly. "Erm Dickie, I know you probably hate me and the others but at least come get something to eat." Now that he thought about it he hadn't seen Dick eat that much over this past week. If he lost loads of weight Bruce would kill them. "Dickie I didn't mean all the bad things I've said this week. Please just answer me." Tim begged. Worry washed over him as he opened the door. There was no Dick. "Dickie? Where are you? Richard?" He got no reply. Tim raced downstairs to the others. "Drake, what's wrong?" Damian asked uninterested. "Dick's not in his room. He's missing," he answered, a little breathless from a mixture of panic and running. Damian's attention was immediately grabbed and he stood up. "What do you mean? Are you sure?" he asked. 

"Yes, he must've left since there are no signs of a break in," Tim answered. Jason began to freak out. "We were so hard on him when he's just a kid! Where would he go?" Jason asked. 

"Mount Justice!" Damian and Tim exclaimed at the same time.


Damian ran into the room first and noticed Dick. He noticed how pale and thin he was but set that discussion away for later. "Grayson!" he exclaimed with relief running over to him.

"Damian, what are you doing here?" Dick asked. Before he could get an answer, Tim ran in and tackle-hugged him. Jason joined, knocking Dick off his feet. "Dick, I'm so sorry for being mean to you this week," Tim apologized.

"I'm sorry too, looking after you all was more difficult than I had anticipated," Damian added helping Dick up off the floor. They  noticed he was in bad shape too. "I'm sorry as well," Jason muttered. "You all better be sorry!" Artemis exclaimed, standing in front of Dick. 

"We found him crying because of how you treated him," Kaldur added. 

"You know how he gets when you're horrible to him." Wally commented hugging the 12 year old. Dick let out a little laugh and wiggled out of Wally's grip. "Seriously guys, it's fine. I'm a drama queen anyway," he replied, dismissing their worry and his previous feelings.

Damian noticed the bags under his eyes and knew exactly where they came from. "The night terrors got worse, didn't they?" he asked.

"You do remember telling me to shut up after I was screaming from one, right?" Dick replied in a completely serious tone. Damian got a well timed glare from the team. "Let's get you home, we have pizza," Jason suggested, putting an arm around Dick's fragile form. 

"We'll be checking up on him later," Kaldur told them.

"Don't assume we can't take care of him, Atlantian," Damian warned sternly. 

"Sure you can. That's why he's lost weight, not getting enough sleep and came here crying," Artemis pointed out. "Guys calm down, we don't want another fight." Dick said. Damian sighed and walked away, glaring at the blonde archer. "Bye you guys!"


"Oh my God Dickie, you look like you haven't eaten in a week!" Tim exclaimed once they got home. "Tim it's fine," Dick replied, heading upstairs. "Hold it, you're staying down here," Damian told him. Anxiety spread through the young boy's body. "Why?" he asked. 

"Because I- we're worried about you. We've clearly stressed you out," Damian answered. Dick rubbed his right arm nervously. "I don't want you guys to feel like you've done something wrong. This is-"

"I swear to God if you say this is my fault, I'll hit you," Jason interrupted. Damian walked up to Dick and hugged him, surprising everyone. "You scared me back there, Grayson."

"I get that you were all dealing with your own stuff but it felt like I was back in mini Arkham with all of the people who hated me," he replied. Tim frowned and Jason looked down in shame. Damian let go and put a hand on his shoulder. "We're sorry. Now go eat before you wither away," he told the younger. "Wow, Damian tried to make a joke," Dick retorted before going to the dining room. "At least we have another week to fatten him up or else father will kill us." Tim and Jason nodded their heads in agreement.

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