Failsafe Rewrite

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Oi oi everyone! Decided to do a failsafe rewrite because I thought that even though M'gann felt bad, Robin got the bad end of the stick. Like his worst fear came true and they didn't really do anything with that so I'm going to. Get ready for a really fucking long one. Enjoy!! 


The bomb was going to go off soon. M'gann had gone outside, out of harm's way, which left Robin and Kid Flash. Of course Robin knew only Kid Flash would escape. Even after training for a situation like this, Robin knew that he wouldn't be able to get out in time. At least his best friend- no brother would be safe. The doors they planned to run out of were locked, much to their frustration. "Open! Come on!" Kid Flash growled angrily. 

"You can vibrate your molecules through it," Robin reminded him, his voice sounded sad. 

"But what about you Rob?" he asked. Robin smiled a little which worried him about the answer coming. "I'll stay here. Go through the door and meet up with M'gann."

Kid Flash shook his head. "No, you can hack into-" 

"There isn't time! I'm not going to sit here and let you get yourself killed! I've already lost most of the team because I'm such an idiot, now go through that door!" Robin practically screamed. 

"This would've never happened if you weren't so damn ruthless! If you hadn't sent Connor to his death then he would be here now and we'd be able to open this door! This is all your fault!" Kid Flash shouted back as tears gathered in his eyes. "You raised all our hopes as well! I thought Artemis was alive and you sent Superboy in telling M'gann that he'd just be teleported somewhere else! You knew he'd be killed but you sent him anyway!" he screamed, tears falling down his face. "I'm sorry! I just tried to be like Batman!" Robin defended tears starting to fall similar to Kid Flash's. "Well great job! You killed us all trying to prove that you're something you're not! You're parents are so disappointed in you!" Kid Flash shouted.

Silence. Robin took off his mask and threw it to the ground. "Rob wait," Kid Flash said, regretting his previous words. "I'm sorry," Robin whispered before running off. 

"Dick! Come on, dude!" Wally ran after him but was killed before he reached him.

Robin pov

I ran away because I couldn't bare the truth. Wally was right and I just couldn't hear that now, not when I'm about to die. I know it's childish but I'm just a kid. That's all I've ever been. I should've stayed 'traught' or 'whelmed' but I just couldn't. Not when I had to look into my friend's eyes and see his hatred for me.

I ran as fast as I could and I heard him call me. I didn't turn around, just kept running. Then he went silent, making me stop. There was no doubt in my mind that he'd been killed. Once again a team member died because of me. I am truly useless, aren't I? I hardly noticed the Martian who killed me. Honestly, I thought it would hurt more but after a couple of seconds I felt nothing. Fairly quick if you ask me.

Third person

Wally suddenly sat up and gasped. Had he just died? He scanned the room quickly. M'gann was crying into Connor's arms. Artemis was sitting on the end of her table with Green Arrow talking to her. Kaldur was staring at Robin, worried about him. Batman sat on the end of Robin's metal bed (like seriously they legit just got a metal slab and was like yep that's okay go lay on it) watching his son carefully. A couple of other league members were there including his mentor. There was a screen that only showed black. Wally began to trace back. He remembered the exercise then realized that was all it was. An exercise. In which he said awful things to Robin. "Shit," he whispered. He ran to Robin's bed side but Batman shot him a glare. 

"We saw everything Wallace." Batman growled. Flash moved from the edges and gave his protégé a disappointed look. "You have an apology to make when he wakes up. You'll be lucky if he forgives you for what you said." Wally opened his mouth to say something but closed it.

Suddenly, Robin sat up with a gasp. Tears trailed down his face and he glanced around the room. He was shaking and everyone stared at him worriedly. "Robin, are you alright?" Batman asked sternly. "I don' died...I need to go," was his reply. Before they could react, Robin got up and hand-springed into a full on sprint to the zeta tubes. Batman sighed sadly and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Wally, what did you do?" Artemis asked a little venomously. 

"I told him everyone died because of him and his parents would be disappointed. H-his parents died, he watched them fall to their deaths," Wally explained numbly. Flash put a hand on his shoulder. "The league needs to go on a off world mission. If Robin comes back, you tell us." They nodded.

Time skip from Dick running off to get his shit from the mansion

Roy was sitting at home on his couch, eating raw cookie dough. Probably not the most of nutritious of meals but he hadn't eaten all day and he couldn't be bothered to make actual cookies with it. He was enjoying the silence until he heard a knock at the door. He swallowed quickly and grabbed his bow, just in case. He looked through the peep hole to see a young teen with black hair and a duffel bag shuffling nervously outside his door. He was soaking wet and wore sunglasses to cover his eyes. "Come on Roy, please be here." they pleaded under their breath.

Roy dropped his bow and opened the door. He knew the voice as Dick Grayson aka Robin. "Dick, what's wrong?" he asked. Dick clearly avoided eye contact with him. 

"Just wanted a walk and I saw that your apartment building was close so I decided to pay you a visit." he answered. Roy raised an eyebrow. 

"So you went on a walk with your duffel bag?" he asked. Dick blushed from being found out and sighed. "Roy I can't be alone right now. I-I'm scared," he admitted. 

"Come in you idiot," Roy said lovingly.

Dick walked in and Roy took off his soaking jacket. Surprisingly, Dick's clothes were dry so he sat down on the couch. He clearly wasn't himself and Roy could see it. His right foot kept tapping. "What happened then?" Roy asked sitting next to him. 

"Do you remember those simulators Bruce and I were working on?" Roy nodded. "Well we tried it out today. The simulation was a doomsday mission in which we had to think under stress. It was designed so we would fail no matter what. But in there things went wrong. I didn't stick around to know why." Dick began to shake. "I did bad things in there. They died and it was all my fault." He was beginning to cry so Roy pulled him into a hug. Roy held him tightly, feeling his shirt dampen. "Why do I do this? Everyone I care about died because of me. I may as well be a murderer." Roy's eyes widened. He gently shushed him and took off his sunglasses. Dick's normally vibrant blue eyes were dull and full of pain. Tears kept falling no matter how hard Dick tried to stop them. "My parents, Bruce, Alfred, Wally, the Justice League, Conner, Kaldur, Artemis, M'gann, all of them. It's only a matter of time before their deaths are real like theirs. It'll all be my fault," Dick sobbed. 

"Your parents didn't die because of you Dick, you know that! We're sorting this out now," Roy told him standing up.

Dick wiped a few tears away and tilted his head. "We're going to Mount Justice and you're gonna see that they don't blame you." Dick just broke down and Roy had to hold him again. 

"You don't understand, Wally told me it was my fault! He blamed me for everything! He said my parents would be disappointed!" he cried. Roy felt his blood boil. 

"We're going there, even if I have to carry you there." Roy stated. Dick held onto him. "Carrying it is," he muttered a little frustrated. Dick looked up at him and Roy saw the frightened child that he had seen only a couple of times before. Wally was so going to pay. "Away we go Princess Grayson!" he announced making the younger giggle. "We'll sort this out."

*In a deep announcer voice* back at Mount Justice

They sat in silence. They didn't want to talk about what happened. Not only were they dealing with an inner battle, Robin hadn't called them to show them he was okay. No one knew where their little bird was and that was extremely worrying. Then the female computer voice announced the arrival of Red Arrow and Robin. Wally smiled and ran to the tubes along with the team. They all stopped when they saw Roy and Robin in their civvies. Robin had sunglasses over his eyes but you could tell he'd been crying. He held Roy's hand tightly and bit his lip.

"Robin, we were so worried! We didn't know where you were or anything!" M'gann exclaimed. She hugged him tightly as he faked a smile. They saw through it but appreciated the effort. "What are you doing here?" Artemis asked spitefully. 

"I'm looking after Rob since he came to my apartment on the verge of tears blaming himself for a simulation gone wrong. Now we're all going to talk about this so Rob doesn't put anymore pressure on himself, he already had enough." The team nodded in agreement.

When they walked  into the common room, Robin refused to make any eye contact with any of them. They shared worried glances. Robin sat on the couch with Roy beside him and M'gann on the other side. Wally sat with Artemis, Kaldur sat on an armrest and Connor sat on the love seat. Roy started them off. "So who died first?" he asked. Artemis raised her hand with a glare. 

"Would've guessed. Anyway do you blame yourself for her death?" Robin nodded and Artemis gave him a questioning look. "But why? You didn't see the Martian."

"Exactly. I'm supposed to be the most vigilant here but I missed that. I could've saved you." Robin explained. His voice was quiet which only emphasized how sad he must feel.

"Who died next?" Kaldur raised his hand. 

"Should've been me. It's clear I can't lead this team at all," Robin said. Connor was next, "I knew you would die and I sent you in any way. I made M'gann feel terrible because I was trying to be Batman, just trying to focus on what I had to do. I didn't take into account how bad you would feel when I revealed that Connor was dead." M'gann hugged him tightly, God knows he needed it. "I'm sorry I made you feel like that M'gann I know what it's like to lose someone you really care about." M'gann teared up and smiled. 

"You're too kind for your own good sometimes," she said.

Wally felt his guilt build when it was his turn. Roy shot him a 'I-know-exactly-what-you-did-and-you're-not-getting-out-of-it-that-easily' look. He sank back into his seat. "Wally, you have an apology to make," Roy said his voice deathly low. Even Artemis was scared by his tone. "Roy it's fine." 

"No it's not Robin! I upset you so much that you ran out crying!" Wally exclaimed. Robin sighed. "You didn't say anything I didn't think already." Wally kneeled in front of him. 

"That doesn't make it right." he told him. 

"I just want my brother not to be mad at me," Robin replied before crying more. Wally let his tears slip too. "I'm not mad Rob. You did what you had to."

He pulled Robin in for a hug and Roy rolled his eyes joining in. "They look like brothers," M'gann said telepathically. "They have known each other long enough. If not brothers they're the closest group of friends I know." Kaldur told her.

Sugar in a basket that was a long one. Hope you liked it imma go try to work on more. Seeya later!!!

EDIT: how the hell did you guys like this?

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