Sorta Reverse!Batfamily

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Okay so by the title you're probably thinking what? So this is the Batfamily where Dick Grayson was still the first Robin but was 10 when Jason Todd came around who's 15. Jason is Red Robin whilst Dick is still Robin. Got it? Right so this happened because I was thinking about Nightwing seeing Red Hood and being omg Jason! And then I was like what if Jason was older and Dick was younger. Hence this story was created. Jason still becomes Red Hood and Tim still becomes Red Robin. Onwards with the story!!!


Dick meets Jason

Dick was sitting in the large living room, coloring in a banner for the new brother he was about to have. Life was looking up for him. The Justice League accepted him as family and so did Bruce and Alfred. Barbara would babysit him from time to time and they got really close. He had a family again, something he didn't think he'd ever have. Now he was going to meet a boy named Jason Todd who'd been on the streets for a while. He couldn't wait.

The door handle turned and he got up quickly. He hid behind the couch with the banner in hand. "As I was saying you'll meet Dick in-"

"Welcome to your new home Jason!" Dick yelled whilst jumping up from the couch. 

"I'm guessing that's Dick?" Jason said through stifled laughter. Bruce nodded with a smile as Dick ran over to them. "Hello! I made you this banner, it's not very good but that adds character," Dick explained showing him the banner. Jason laughed and tussled his hair. "Nice to meet you kid."

The night Jason died

Jason was about to go out and meet his mother at the abandoned warehouse she'd said to go to. He was a mixture of excited and nervous to meet his mother. Would she love him after all these years? Maybe they could live together. Bruce had been nice and all but he was 15 now and he'd lived there for about two years. He'd miss Dick the most but he could see him on the weekends. Jason was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Dick walk in with his Red Robin suit. "Jason, I know you're not going on patrol with Batman tonight. I hope your mother is nice," he announced. Jason turned to his little brother with a smile. Dick must've known that he wanted to go with his mother if he had the chance.

"I still care about you Dickie-bird. I always will," Jason told him whilst picking up the suit.

 "Good because I care about you a whole lot," Dick replied hugging him. "If you go with her can you see me at least on my birthday? Or their anniversary?" He asked. Jason hugged him back and nodded. "I'm not leaving forever. I'll still be your brother no matter what," Jason reminded him. (That bit hurt me to write.) Dick smiled. "You know it's been nice to have a brother again. So don't go getting yourself killed when you meet her," the youngest joked. They laughed together. "Well you get changed and let me know how it goes. I'd give anything to see my mum again," Dick said sadly before leaving. "I'm on patrol tonight so don't be afraid to call!" he exclaimed before running out the room. Jason laughed to himself. "You're one weird kid Dick."

It'd been a peaceful night. The air was cool and crime was low. It was like the world was luring them into a calm state before it happened. The event that sent Dick spiraling into depression again. Robin was sitting on the edge of a building facing the one that Jason was in. He smiled to himself thinking about how happy Jason would be when he met his mum. Sure he was going to leave but who cares? He was going to have something Dick didn't have and instead of getting jealous, Dick got happy for him. Batman joined him on the edge. "It seems Jason might be leaving soon," Batman said nonchalantly. Robin smiled at him. 

"He'll be happy. I'll be happy for him and you'll support him too," Robin replied. 

"You always surprise me," Batman muttered.

Then the warehouse blew up.

Robin gasped hard and hoped Jason and his mother were safe. Batman looked to him and knew instantly. "Jason was in there!" Robin yelled, jumping from the building and lowering himself to the ground. Joker was running off into the distance. "Batman you get Joker, I'll get Jason!" Robin ordered. Batman nodded and went after his greatest enemy. Robin searched frantically through the rubble. "Jason! Jason, where are you! JASON!" Robin screamed. Tears were flowing down his face like a river. The metal debris was cutting through his gloves but he didn't let that stop him. Jason had to be alive under this, right? He was going to give Robin a hug and thank him then everything would be okay, right? "JASON PLEASE ANSWER ME!" Robin screamed. No reply. Apart from the far off sound of sirens and the crackling fire it was silent.

Then Robin saw a battered arm under a large piece of metal. "JASON!" he yelled before running over to the metal piece. He couldn't lift it up a lot but it was enough for him to grab Jason's arm and pull him out. "I'm here Jason everything's fine," Robin told him. The teens eyes were shut and blood covered his body. He checked for a pulse. Nothing. "JASON PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! JASON PLEASE! I CAN'T LOSE ANOTHER BROTHER!" he screamed it so loud that Batman could hear it. Batman ran back quickly and saw Robin hugging Jason's limp body. He was in his Red Robin uniform which did it's best to hide the blood. But Robin was crying his little heart out. Batman couldn't help but cry with him. "I'm so sorry Dickie," he said when he reached the pair. He'd raised them both and now he had to watch his youngest hold onto his brother for dear life. "I should've been there," Robin sobbed. "I should've stopped this. This is all my fault," he added making Batman's already broken heart smash into little pieces. "Don't blame this on yourself," Batman told him sternly.

The sirens got closer and a medical team ran to them. They knew from the scene that there was no hope for Red Robin. He was dead. Commissioner Gordon walked up to them and put a hand on both Batman's and Robin's shoulder. "I'm so very sorry," he said solemnly. Robin cried more. "He just wanted his mum back. Why couldn't he just have that?" He sobbed. Commissioner Gordon hugged the trembling child and looked to Batman. "Inform Bruce Wayne his child has been killed," Batman said almost emotionless. Even the commissioner could see the un-shed tears in his eyes. "Which one is he?" he asked. 

"Jason Todd," the dark Knight replied. 

"Poor Dick, he's already lost so many people. We'll inform him right away," he stated. Robin pulled himself away from the old man and looked up to Batman. "I want to go home. Please just take me home," he pleaded. Batman picked him up and felt him cry into his shoulder. 

"I understand if you need time off," Gordon said.

"No, I'll be back tomorrow night. Robin on the other hand will need some time off." With that Batman walked away and took Robin home.

That night the manor was filled with the sobbing of Dick. No matter what they said he couldn't stop crying. When he eventually fell asleep he had night terrors. It took a month of constant care and love from his new family to get him back to his normal self.

Bruce hid his feelings on the matter and had a memorial made for his dead son, Red Robin.

Nightwing meets Red Hood

Batman had been on patrol with Nightwing, like the old days, when a man in a red mask tackled him to the floor. "Traitor!" they yelled. The voice sounded familiar but Batman couldn't place it. But Nightwing could. "Jason!" he exclaimed in both happiness and shock. It'd been many years since that night but if this was Jason then his brother never died. He still had Jason. "Jason Todd?" he asked. The man stopped tackling the dark Knight and turned to Nightwing. "Dickie-bird?" he asked.

"Jason you didn't? You're here? You-you lived?" Nightwing asked walking up to the figure.

 "Like Red Robin would ever die," Jason remarked.

"No you don't get to joke! I held your body! I felt your pulse! How is this even?" Nightwing asked beginning to hyperventilate. "I wish I could tell ya." He sounded sad but that faded when Nightwing's breathing still hadn't evened out. "Calm down, you'll pass out," Jason answered walking over to him.

Nightwing hugged him tightly and laughed a little. "You dick I thought you were dead. I've had nightmares about that day for years. Why didn't you call or something?" Nightwing asked. 

"Yes Jason. Do you know how much trauma you put him through? He wouldn't leave his room for weeks. It took a month just to get him to smile again." Batman scolded. Jason pulled away from Nightwing and stared at him. "I'm so sorry. But I'm here now and we're still brothers. Like I promised that night." Nightwing smiled. 

"You're lucky I missed you so much or you'd have a broken arm right about now." The pair laughed.  "Looks like lil Dickie-bird grew up! You're Nightwing now right?" Jason commented.
"Yeah just trying to step out of this guy's shadow," Nightwing replied.

Nightwing had his brother back. Even if his brother had turned into an anti hero, he was still happy. Now he could make jokes about being a hero to a whole new person.

Hoped you liked it coz I cried alot when I wrote about his death.

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