I bet I'm faster than you

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Robin was really bored as he sat in the lunch room of the Watchtower. Considering it was the central hub for all heroes it was a surprisingly uneventful place. He looked around for some source of fun and noticed only Kid Flash and his mentor were in the lunch hall. A devilish idea popped into his head. He went up to the desert area and grabbed two cream pies (don't taint that with your sinner thoughts.) He then walked over to his table with a grin. "Hey Wally and Unchi Barry, wanna make a bet?" Robin asked. They turned to him, their eyes immediately went to the deserts. "I bet that I'm faster than both of you," he said confidently. 

"Pfft no way!" Wally exclaimed. "Alright. If you two win a race against me then you can have these deserts. If I win you'll have to write up my reports for a week. Deal?" he asked.

The speedsters looked at the deserts then to each other then to Robin. "Seems legit. Okay, we'll do it." Barry responded. "Great! First one to do a lap of the cafeteria from my table wins." They nodded and got ready to run. "1..2..3!" The speedsters set off instantly as Robin picked up the pies and held them up. As they ended the lap they ran face first into the pies, successfully getting cream all over their uniforms. Robin burst into laughter and almost doubled over at the sight of them covered in food. "There's your deserts." He managed to say through laughs. 

"Robin I swear to God!" Wally yelled. Robin giggled and ran away, quickly finding a hiding place from the angered ginger. Flash started to wipe off the cream when Batman walked in. "Oh hey Bats," he greeted cooley. The Dark Knight just turned back around and walked away.

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