I'm gonna die!

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Okay hear me out, in this scene doesn't Eclipsa look like Dick in class?

Look at this then at Eclipsa, it's the same face. I'm not going insane am I?

With that out of the way I thought I'd have some fun here and by fun I mean have something dramatic happen.


Dick clutched his seatbelt as Jason buckled into the driver's seat. His younger brother wasn't exactly the best driver in the world let alone a careful one so when Jason demanded he drove due to Bruce forcing the boys out the house for a few hours, he was praying to anyone who would listen not to die. "I'm gonna die," he muttered as the hum of the engine became louder. "Stop being a drama queen I'm an excellent driver," Jason protested. "You're damn well not," he replied. Tim laughed and Damian rolled his eyes.

Dick was positioned in the back seat, as they knew he wouldn't be able to control himself if his favourite song came on, along with Damian who they couldn't trust not to do a random check of the driver's reaction speed. Tim was in the passenger seat because he was the only one who could be trusted there whilst Jason drove.

"Dick you're not any better when it comes to driving," Tim defended.
"That's why I don't drive! I ride a motorcycle or take public transport. At least I have the decency to know I suck at driving," Dick ranted.
"Will you shut your whore mouth already?" Jason shouted, successfully shutting him up. He did receive a very good imitation batglare however. "Why can't I drive?" Damian asked as though it was obvious. "Because that's illegal and Bruce will kill us if we let you," Tim deadpanned. He huffed and fell back onto his seat in a mood.

Jason pulled out the drive way and they found themselves aimlessly driving through town. "I want ice cream," Dick stated.
"You can't have ice cream because we have dinner in half an hour," Tim told him. "But that's so long! I'm already stuck in a vehicle of death at least let me go out with ice cream," he complained. "For the last time, you're not going to die because I'm driving!"
"You say that like you know the future!"
"I say that because I'm using my brain unlike you!"
"I use my brain plenty thank you very much!"
"Screw you!"
"Screw you too jackass!" Dick put a hand over his mouth quickly. "Dickie said a bad word," Jason sang. He repeated that until Tim joined in. "It slipped out! I swear to God if the last words I hear are those ones I'll haunt all of you!"
"We're not going to die!"

Whilst the two continued to argue, Damian noticed that a black car had been following them closely for the last ten minutes. They were now close to the pier and a car like that didn't really belong here. "Drake do you - Grayson and Todd stop shouting - recognise that car?" Damian asked. He got their attention and they all peered into the mirror. Jason's eyes widened. "I did tell you about those death threats didn't I?" he asked.
"Death threats? No you've not." Dick answered. "I should've because I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to hold our breaths." They gave him a confused look but Damian and Tim took the chance to gather as much air as they could. "Why do we need t-" Dick was cut off when their car was sharply rammed off the pier and into the ocean.

Dick's head slammed against the driver's seat whilst the others rushed out of the car. Damian smashed his window first, Jason close behind and Tim last. Unfortunately for Dick, he was still in a dazed state as water began to fill the car.

Damian popped up out of the water gasping for breath as did his brothers. "Everyone here?" Jason announced. "Here!" Tim shouted.
"As am I," Damian added. There was silence. "Shit Dick's still in the car!" Jason exclaimed, diving back down. Tim glanced at Damian but he'd already followed Jason. "Please don't be dead," he thought, taking a deep breath and diving beneath the water.

The water was freezing cold and their clothes clung to their skin but they knew they needed to get Dick out of that car as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, Dick realised his situation and raced to unbuckle himself as a burning sensation overcame his lungs and nose. His body had forced him to take a deep breath only to receive water instead of oxygen. He was going to die if he couldn't get this damn thing out. His vision was fading in and out. A sick feeling of fear and last minute adrenaline pumped through him but it still wasn't enough to unjam the seatbelt. Closing his eyes became easier than keeping them open and he soon gave in, keeping them closed.

Jason got to the car first and hoped what he was seeing wasn't right. Dick was floating motionless in the water. He immediately forced open his car door and tried to unbuckle him but like Dick had before, he struggled to. Thinking on his feet, he pulled out a pocket knife and cut off the seatbelt. This freed Dick and he, with the sudden help of Damian and Tim, managed to get him to the surface.

"Dick! Dick stay with me!" Jason shouted when his brother didn't respond to being out of the car. Damian quickly swam to a small motorboat he spotted by the pier and hot wired it. Tim helped him drive it to where their two eldest brothers  were floating in the ocean, the waves bobbing them up and down. They lugged the two onto the small boat and Jason instantly started pumping on Dick's chest.

He was not going to let him die that easily. Not because he didn't warn them. "Grayson, wake up!" Damian shouted, lightly slapping Dick's face repeatedly. "Oh God," Tim whispered. It was only now that they could see how pale Dick looked and the slight hint of blue on his lips.

Suddenly, Dick's eyes shot open and he rolled onto his side to throw up what seemed like a litre of salt water. He gasped for breath and shook violently. He went to stand up only for his knees to buckle. "Take it easy Dickie-bird," Jason told him as he catched him in mid air. Dick looked up at him with tired and red eyes. Even through Dick's half blurred vision he could tell Jason was worried.

"You look like a drowned rat," Dick commented in a croaky voice. That should help ease his worry which it did as Jason dropped him with a pout. "Really that's what you're going to say when you almost died?" Tim exclaimed giving him a tight hug and helping him up. He sat Dick on a bench and waited for him to catch his breath again. "Key word is almost. Almost died."

Damian glared at him like he was going to slap that dumb smirk off his face. He didn't though. He just rolled his eyes and got them back to the pier. They helped eachother up and just stood for a minute realising they could've all just died that very instant. Their last words would've been spoken in that car, their last breaths taken, their last moments.

"You think it's too late for ice cream?" Dick asked, breaking their thoughtful silence. "For fucks sake Dick we'll get you ice cream," Jason chuckled, putting an arm around him. "Yes!"
"You'll spoil your dinner," Tim commented as his shock began to wore off. "I'm more concerned about these clothes." Damian muttered.
"Bruce Wayne is literally our Dad I think we can live to ruin a few sweaters," Jason taunted.
"I want chocolate ice cream." Dick said unrelated to the conversation. "What the hell is your mind?" Jason asked. "I don't know but it's fun."

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