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Can not think of a title, sue me. So I was sitting staring at a wall and I was like oh what if I made that story I did about Roy, Dick and Wally about my lil reverse Batfamily. I apologize for rehashing a story but I changed a couple of aspects *cough cough* I'm an unorginal piece of shit *cough cough*. Lemme know if I've done shit wrong Oki? Coz I'm tryna add TT here and I'm tryna figure out how it'll work. Just know the new 52 is the first group here and the og are the second. That makes sense right?

Renegade/ Damian: 18
Red Robin/ Tim: 16
Robin/ Dick: 10

Champion sums up Dick so much I really like it, might be a long one this time so sit back and enjoy.


Batman gathered Renegade, Red Robin and Robin in the Batcave. Tonight was the night that Renegade would lead a mission with his younger brothers. "If any major criminals turn up, you have to call me," Batman ordered. They nodded and Robin smiled widely at him. Batman gave him a small smile in return and Red Robin ruffled his hair. "Now go have fun," he added. Renegade rolled his eyes and got in his car with Robin. Red Robin got into his motorcycle and put a finger gun to his head, fake blowing his brains out. Batman sighed as he watched them leave, "Stay safe kids," he muttered.

As they drove, Renegade checked their comm units. "Can we all hear each other?" he asked getting a resounding 'yes' from the others. "We're going to a warehouse where a serial killer has been hiding out for a while. After that we go on patrol until four," he explained sternly. He had to prove himself to Batman and couldn't afford any screw ups. Silence followed.

The silence was broken by Robin, "You nervous?" he asked.

"No, why would I be?" Renegade asked defensively. Red Robin rolled his eyes,

 "Because you've never lead a team before in your life. And before you say you 'lead' the Teen Titans you didn't, Star did," Red Robin replied.

"I did lead that team. Then you came in and pushed me out!" Renegade yelled. 

"Oh so it's my fault you went running back to Gotham? Well I've got news for y-"

"We're not doing this again!" Robin interrupted, rubbing his temples and letting a small yawn slip. The older brothers glanced at each other, like they were voting on who would ask. "Are you alright Rob?" Red Robin asked. 

"Yeah, just night terrors again," Robin answered hoping this wouldn't be a subject of a long discussion on his mental health. "I thought your medication was supposed to be stopping those," Renegade commented. 

"They don't work so I stopped taking them and took up therapy with Rae and Black Canary. Even they said the pills won't do anything." he replied coldly. "I'm ten so stop treating me like I'm five."

They pulled up outside the warehouse and quickly found hiding spots. Nothing was happening so Red Robin turned his attention to Robin. "I heard you were becoming friends with Speedy and Kid Flash," he stated, hoping for a reaction. 

"Yeah, what of it?" Robin asked, looking through binoculars. 

"They're terrible influences, Kid Flash is impulsive and Speedy is impatient." Renegade answered. "So they're like you two?" Robin asked with a sly smile. They scowled at him.

"Just because you're a side-"

"If you say sidekick you're going off this roof, we prefer partners. They're good people, you're just overprotective." Robin said. Red Robin dropped the subject. 

After a couple of minutes, Renegade gave the signal to move forward. Robin hid behind a crate and looked around the area. "I'm going around the back, watch my back," Robin informed, moving sneakily out of view. "Be careful we can't see what's back there," Red Robin cautioned. They heard a small gasp and worry infiltrated their hearts. "What's wrong?" Red Robin asked. 

"C-can you c-come down here p-please?" Robin asked. His voice wavered and he sounded scared but on second thought emotionless. "Rob, what's down there?" Red Robin inquired. He jumped off his building, landing near the warehouse. "There's so much blood, i-it's everywhere," was the answer. Red Robin rounded the corner and saw it. A child around Robin's age lay lifeless on the floor. Blood was truly everywhere and a look of extreme pain was displayed on their face. Their stomach had been sliced open and their intestines thrown out. They'd been strangled as well.

Robin was standing in front of them, just staring at the body blankly and slowly swaying. He couldn't look away no matter how hard he tried. Red Robin ran up to him and covered his eyes as well as averting his own. "Robin, are you okay?" he asked not receiving a reply. Renegade eventually joined. "He saw the body," Red Robin told him. He nodded and walked towards the body to check it out. "They're the same age as him," Red Robin added, holding onto Robin who began to shake. He kept saying they because any distinctive features had been destroyed. "They're also warm. The killer is still here," Renegade announced, brushing himself off. 

"So? Robin's in shock!" Red Robin exclaimed. 

"Snap him out of it so we can get the guy then," he ordered. He received a glare from his brother. "How can you be so cold? I don't know what's going on in that labyrinth of a mind he has and you just expect me to 'snap him out of it'!" he yelled angrily. 

"Lower your voice or we'll give ourselves away," Renegade told him, his voice dangerously low. 

"You already have," a familiar voice announced. They looked up to see Joker looking down at them. He threw a canister down that released a green gas, knocking them out within seconds. "Oh this is going to be a hoot."

When Renegade woke up to faint whimpering sound. Everything was black and he felt immense pain in his hands. "Hello?" he asked in a flat voice to keep away the panic. "Is that you Damian?" Red Robin asked in a timid voice. "Yes, where's Robin?" he asked trying to shift out of his obvious restraints. He hissed in pain, regretting moving. "I don't know," Red Robin answered. "The last thing I remember is Joker. Can you see anything?" he asked.

"Not a thing. Did you hear anything before you woke up?"

"No. I don't know where we are either. Great work Demon Spawn!" Red Robin exclaimed. 

"How is this my fault? You were the one who gave our position away by shouting! You couldn't just get him out of shock could you? He's seen worse!" Renegade shouted.

An insane laugh shut them up. "You two are so fun to watch," Joker announced, pacing around the blindfolded boys. "Where's Robin?" Renegade asked sternly. 

"He's here, just not awake yet. My turn to ask a question. Have you ever heard a Robin sing?" he asked removing their blindfolds. Now they could see Robin was in front of them; his hands were bound together and had been wrapped around a meat hook. Robin was still asleep unknowing of the danger he was in. "Robin! Let us go you clown maniac!" Red Robin shrieked. Renegade decided to take the time to look at his hands to see what hurt him and found screws drilled into his hands. Joker tutted at them and walked over to Robin. "Now now. You haven't answered my question. Have you ever heard a Robin sing?" They raised a questioning eyebrow and shook their heads. "I've heard your screams before but none of them amount to his. They're like a song and I just had to listen to them again," Joker stated, shaking the young bird awake. 

Robin woke up and began to panic when he saw the familiar pale face of Joker next to him. "Are you ready for some fun?" Beside Robin was a small table with silver instruments on them. There were knives, hammers, pliers, screwdrivers and scalpels. There was also a small tub of salt that worried all of them by just being there. Joker picked up a knife and began to twirl it around. "Don't you dare," Renegade warned. The maniac laughed at him. 

"Trying to be Batman are we?" he asked walking over to the teen in question. "Pathetic really. You have the less painful death yet you still find the need to act tough, like old Batsy," he commented, slapping him across the face. "You and Red over there get to starve to death but Robin? He gets to feel the slice of his skin and the sting of salt in his wounds as he slowly dies in front of you, quite a show." Their eyes widened with fear.

"He's only a child! Torture one of us instead," Red Robin insisted. Joker scoffed at him.

"Your songs are so plain. His have raw emotion that you never had." He returned to Robin and slowly dragged his blade down his skin. Robin withheld a pain filled scream but as soon as salt was added he let it out. "There we go, I've missed that pretty song," Joker praised creating other cuts in the same fashion.

After a few hours of pure agony, a man wearing a clown mask entered. "Sir, you must leave for the meeting with Gotham's villains," he announced. Joker had been kicking Robin to a bloody pulp on the floor when he entered. "Oh fine! I'm bored with him anyways," he replied wiping his hands on a cloth. "Sorry boys, enjoy the rest of the show," he announced walking out and licking the door. Once he left, Tim began to comfort Dick the best he could. He was crying on the floor, struggling to breathe and holding his sides. Blood poured from his cuts and the salt didn't help. "Dickie it's okay, everything's going to be fine. Just breathe in and out for me," Tim told him, holding back his own tears. "It hurts Tim, it really hurts," Dick cried. 

"I know but we need you to do something very important to help us," Damian spoke up. "Damian, he is not in anyway able to help us! He's going to-"

"He's going to help us! Grayson get the screwdriver off the table," he told him. He began to squabble with Tim over Dick's condition.

Dick managed to crawl to the table, grabbing the screwdriver, and crawl over to Damian and Tim. "What now?" he asked weakly.

"Use it to unscrew my hand," Damian told him calmly. He managed to free the older's right hand before losing all energy. "Did I do okay Dami?" He asked as Damian freed his other hand. "You always do Gray- Dick, just hold on for me," he told Dick. He freed Tim who immediately went to Dick, setting his head on his lap. "Tim?" he asked slowly losing consciousness. 

"I'm here Dickie, just stay awake for me. That's all I need you to do, just concentrate on me." Tim answered holding his hand and stroking his raven hair. "I lead us right into this, huh? I'd never seen a body that bad since... You know," Dick replied, tears in his eyes.

"DAMIAN, STOP STANDING AROUND AND CALL BRUCE OR JASON! JUST DO SOMETHING! I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE HIM!" Tim screamed. Damian nodded and called both, a guilty feeling rising.

A few minutes passed before the door was broken down. "What happened?" Jason asked. He was wearing his Red Hood get up and they could hear his fear. He ran to Dick. "Ja-Jason?" he asked with a small smirk. Jason felt tears in his eyes as he held the weak boys free hand. "I'm here Dickie-bird, we're taking you home, okay?" Dick nodded and Jason scooped him up running out the building, his two brothers following closely. Batman waited outside and when he saw his youngest son his heart dropped. "Dickie! It's okay Tati's here. We're gonna save you," he told him as Jason passed Dick over to him. "Can we go home?" he asked with a smirk.

"Of course, just hold on and stay awake."

The next couple of hours were a blur. Damian was scared and felt extreme guilt. Tim was angry at Damian and scared for Dick. Jason, Bruce and Alfred just hoped they could save him. Luckily they did. He had two broken ribs, multiple scarring cuts and bruises everywhere. He was sent to bed to sleep but we all know Dick doesn't exactly sleep well...

Damian and Tim offered to check on Dick. "Grayson?" Damian asked as he opened Dick's door. Dick was crying in his bed, his body shaking violently. "Oh my God Dickie. What's wrong?" Tim asked running over to the boy. He sat beside the boy as Damian sat on the end of the bed. "He's gonna get me again! I'm gonna be like that kid!" Dick sobbed, covering his face. 

"I won't let him do that again I promise," Tim said comfortingly.

"Drake, don't make promises you can't keep." Damian warned.

"Oh like you can talk. We all took a promise that Dick comes first and you didn't even care about him!" Tim replied. 

"I do care about him! I've always cared but I don't show shit like that because it will be held against me! You don't think it hurts me that he got hurt on my watch? Well it does!" Damian yelled, letting a tear slip down his face. "He could've died tonight and it would've been my fault!" Dick sniffled and reached out his hands. Damian softened and sat beside him. He hugged Dick lightly and felt the guilt in his chest. "I get it Dami. If you make promises you can't keep it'll hurt the person more. That's why I don't blame you for tonight," he said. "You're a great brother and you're not going to lose me if you show you care." Tim felt bad and put a hand on Damian's shoulder. "Dick's right. I shouldn't let the blame fall on you. If anything it's Joker's fault."

Dick smiled and Damian let go. "Would you guys mind you if you stayed here? Just for tonight obviously." Damian smirked and climbed into bed with him as did Tim. They gave each other a quick glare as they put their arms around Dick. "Knock it off, I can hear you glaring. Not exactly something to sleep to," Dick joked. 

"Sorry." They both replied as the trio fell asleep.

Let's just say that Jason got some good blackmail for Damian that night...

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