Hardcore Robin

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What's up dawg? That was terrible jfc. Cringy title but I thought hey robin has pretty vulnerable during my stories so let's have him show his bros how he can fight. Reverse! Batfamily because I just had to.


The night had been tough on the Wayne family. Dick hadn't been able to go on patrol due to having a panic attack at school. Some kid decided to get the Flying Grayson's poster and paint red all over it, sticking it to his locker. Damian and Tim were out on their own and came home early after being blown up, luckily they got away with just minor fractures. Jason and Bruce had to go through a little torture, nail pulling and beatings the usual, before arriving home. Jason sustained a broken wrist and various deep cuts with matching dark bruises. They all hoped that Dick wouldn't have to see them hurt like this, the kid could only take so much.

Alfred began to wrap Jason's hand whilst keeping an eye on Damian and Tim. Even after nearly dying they were still prepared to fight each other if things got heated. "How's Dick been?" Bruce asked, typing up his report on the mission deemed failed. "He hasn't been able to fall asleep and keeps staring at nothing, completely ignoring me if I ask him something. I think you should take him out of that school sir, thing's are only going to get worse," Alfred answered finishing up helping Jason. They sighed, some wincing in pain with the action. "It's a good thing Dick didn't go out with us, who knows how he would react to us getting hurt?" Tim stated after swallowing some pills. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?" A young voice shouted in horror.

They turned to see Dick who was wide eyed and eager to help. His hair was a mess and he'd clearly been crying before he came down. "Dickie, what are you doing up so late? I get that you're Robin but you have the night off, remember?" Tim replied, trying to lighten the mood. Dick ran to Damian, checking him over, then did the same to the others. His face showed pure worry and even a little anger. "Who hurt you?" he asked. 

"Just some bad people, don't worry yourself," Damian answered coldly. But Dick was stubborn. "Names, I want names," Dick ordered.

"Dick, just go back to bed," Bruce said tiredly. "Give me the names and I'll go to bed," the boy wonder bargained. "Fine, Robert Lion and Tana Sparks, now go to bed," Bruce said. Dick nodded with a smile and ran upstairs. "I wonder why he wanted names?" Jason thought aloud. 

"No think only sleep," Tim replied sleepily.

Dick locked his bedroom door and got changed into his Robin suit. Sure going alone was dangerous and against the rules Bruce set in place but screw it. They messed with his family and no one is allowed to get away with that. He located their last known whereabouts and noticed they were heading for the same place on the docks. He smirked, "Well this will be much easier than I thought." He opened the window and jumped out, landing on the grass gracefully. Luckily, he had hacked the security systems so that he could leave undetected. "Let's hope I don't die doing this, before or after I fight them," he muttered to himself. He began to run to the docks with a large smile on his face. Yes he was only a small eleven year old boy but he could deal great damage when he wanted to, and he really wanted to.

A couple of hours passed and Bruce decided to check up on his sons. He went to Tim's room first, finding him fast asleep. Damian and Jason were found in a similar way. He was relaxed until he reached Dick's room. It was locked. 'He never locks his door,' Bruce thought. "Dick, can you open the door for me?" .... "Dick open the door." .... "Richard open up!" He ended up waking the older brothers with his yells. "What's with all the yelling?" Jason asked, holding back a yawn. "Dick locked his door and isn't answering me," Bruce explained. Their eyes widened with fear. Many possibilities ran through their heads and none of them were good. "Wait, he asked for those names. He's gone after them hasn't he?" Tim announced. 

"Of course Grayson has!" Damian yelled ramming his shoulder into the door.

Once the door was down, they ran in and found an empty room. The bedroom window was wide open, the curtains dancing in the night's breeze. Tim ran to the window and studied their garden. "We've missed him!" Damian picked up Dick's computer and found where he was heading. "Grayson hacked the Bat-computer? Not so smart are we, Drake?" he asked sarcastically. "Not the time. Have you got coordination?" Bruce asked cutting Tim off from retorting. Damian nodded. "Send it to all our navigation equipment whilst we get dressed." Bruce ordered. He just hoped his little bird was safe out there. 

It took about half an hour to get to the docks and they were all filled to the brim with worry. They ran towards the building where Robin was supposed to be and heard shouting accompanied by a single gunshot followed by a yell in pain. "Robin!"

Moments before

Robin had just finished tying up Lion and Sparks when Sparks pulled out a gun. She fired but the bullet merely scrapped his arm. It still hurt as blood poured from the wound, causing him to yell in pain. He kicked the gun from Sparks' hand. Then his brothers and his Dad came rushing in. "Rahat," (crap) he muttered. 

The family were surprised by what they saw. Robin was holding his arm with a smirk. Lion was unconscious and looked really bad, his leg was at an unnatural angle along with his arm. Sparks was now cradling a most likely fractured hand and had a black eye. "Am I in trouble?" Robin asked meekly. "Forget that! Did you do this?" Jason asked, in complete shock. Dick nodded shyly. "Grayson, that's impressive," Damian praised with a ghost of a smile that only Dick knew was there. "They hurt you, I couldn't just let them get away with it." He ran over to them, Bruce picking him up and placing him on his hip like a mother. "Can you guys take me home please? I don't really want to bleed out running home," he asked. Bruce nodded. 

"You're not in trouble if you never do this again." Bruce told him. Tim tussled Dick's hair saying, "And don't hack the Bats computer, that's my job."

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