Aftermath of Slade

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Hiya guys I'm sorry for not uploading in a while, writer's block is a bitch. I was rewatching some Teen Titans (the original) and was like wow they could've made the Slade story so much angstier. So here's like the aftermath. Roy and Wally will be here as older bros. Roy isn't a clone. Roy would be like 21 and Wally would be like 17 or something. No robfire only friends, fight me. Story time go!


Cyborg sat on the couch playing an intense game of Battle Bots with Beast Boy. Starfire was watching, occasionally cheering when someone was winning, which annoyed Raven as she was trying to read. It was around seven at night and it had been Robin's first night back since being taken by Slade. Normally, Robin would do some training then some work, reports and such, then go out for patrol. He'd come home at around four am which worried all the titans. But tonight was different for Robin.

Each moment he spent alone felt like he was trapped by Slade again, too scared to fight back due to the safety of his friend's fate being controlled by Slade. Whenever he saw himself in the mirror, he saw the suit he was forced to wear as the apprentice of Slade. The 'S' carved into his wrist that had been branded over didn't give much comfort either. He didn't want to go out there again in fear of being captured and forced to do it all over again. The fact that it was seven at night, the time Robin usually spent training, was probably the main factor in why the Titans were so shocked to see their leader came into the room. His demeanor didn't help either. He held his right arm nervously, avoiding eye contact with them all. "Hey guys, can I sit with you?" he asked. They nodded and he took a seat beside Raven. He pulled his legs close to his chest, watching the TV. They sensed something was wrong with him but they didn't have much idea how to ask if anything was wrong. He had tear tracks down his face which didn't go unnoticed.

"Friend Robin, are you the okay?" Starfire asked after a few moments of awkward silence. 

"I'm fine. You?" he asked trying to get the attention off himself. 

"Worried about you. You haven't been yourself since we got you back," she replied. He visibly trembled at the thought of him, worrying them more. Cyborg paused the game, giving his attention to Robin. He may be the leader but he was still just fifteen. As the eldest Cyborg should really be the one he could come to. "Rob, be honest, we're not going to be mad if you say something is wrong," he assured him. 

"Yeah dude tell us what he did to you, it'll help to vent," Beast Boy added with a smile. Robin shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it. Can we just pretend this didn't happen?" he asked his voice broken. "No we can't Robin! You're not the same anymore," Cyborg exclaimed, standing up and aggressively gesturing.

What Robin did next was something none of them had seen before. He didn't glare or do anything the normal Robin would. He hid his face with his hands in a defensive way, like he thought Cyborg would hit him. Now they knew Slade had done something to their leader. They thought it was just black mail but Slade had to have abused him physically to warrant this reaction. "Rob, I wasn't going to hit you," Cyborg said. Robin just looked up at him and stood up, glancing at the team's faces. He then threw a smoke pellet and ran away to his room. He couldn't let them know. However, he did need a shoulder to cry on. Or maybe shoulders. He got out a phone and went onto a group. He called it, hoping they would pick up. "Yo Dickie we heard you went away for a while, how's things?" Wally asked. He heard sniffles and got worried. 

"Dick, are you crying?" Roy asked. 

"Can you guys come over please? I-I can't let the others know but I'm....scared," he cried. The boys with held gasps at how shattered their little bird was. "We'll be over soon. Stay calm Dickie." They hung up and Dick was left to cry in his room.

After fifteen minutes the door bell rang. The Titans gave each other questioning glances. "Erm, should I get that?" BB asked. They nodded and he opened the door. A blur of yellow went past him and a man ran in after it. "Hey, you can't just run in here!" BB shouted after them. 

"Where's Robin? He called us and we need to know!" Roy yelled. 

"Oh Red Arrow, err he's in his room. Last door on the left corridor." he replied. The ginger archer nodded a thanks then ran after the yellow blur which was assumed to be Kid Flash.

BB walked back to the Teen Titans. "It was Red Arrow and Kid Flash. Apparently Robin called 'em," he told the team. 

"Why? Are we not enough for him or something?" Cyborg asked rather offended. 

"No it's not that. He's known them for longer and he probably feels more secure around them." Raven answered. "But friend Robin should feel secure around us, it's not fair!" Starfire complained. "Let's just go help them then," BB suggested. They all got up and ran to Robin's room. "Get back here you'll only make it worse!" Raven yelled as loud as her monotone voice could go. It didn't stop them.

Meanwhile, the two gingers knocked lightly on Robin's door. "Dickie, it's me and Wally, open up for us," Roy said calmly through the door. The metal door slid open, revealing a sobbing Dick. His mask was off revealing his wet blue eyes. They had dulled and he looked completely broken. "You guys, I can't be strong for them anymore," he told them weakly. The boys walked in and Dick sat on the bed. Roy wrapped an arm around him as Wally stroked his raven hair lightly. "What happened?" Wally asked worriedly. Dick hadn't been this upset in a long time. 

"Slade happened. He blackmailed me to become his apprentice and he started training me. But he hit me a lot, mentally and physically hurt me. He wanted me to kill, Wally. I couldn't do it! So he locked me in a room with shards of glass on the floor bare foot. I was in there for three weeks!" he yelled more tears trailing down his face. 

"Oh God, did you ever?" Roy didn't want to finish the sentence. 

"No I kept resisting. There was this little girl, only eight. He wanted me to shoot her but I couldn't do it. So he shot her himself then made me clean it up! She was so limp and the blood was everywhere. Then he hit me with a crowbar," he explained between sobs. The ginger exchanged horrified glances. "Dude you're here now, he's gone forever. He can't hurt you anymore."

BB, Cyborg and Starfire got to the room where Robin stayed. The door had been left open, allowing them to peak inside. They saw the two gingers trying their best to comfort Robin, who wasn't wearing a mask. He was crying and shaking terribly. It was utterly heartbreaking to see their leader in this state. They heard everything Robin had said. He'd truly been through hell and back to protect them. It meant a lot but also hurt them. They'd never be able to repay the debt that they owed to him. Raven caught up and saw how pitiful Robin looked. She couldn't help but feel sad for him. Starfire decided to announce their presence, tears of her own staining her skin. "Robin, I am so sorry about what Slade did to you. And I am more sorry you had to do it for us," she announced making all the boys jump.

Robin was quick to counter. "Star, it's fine don't worry about it," he replied, frantically wiping away his tears. "See I'm fine, nothing is wrong." It was worth a shot even though it failed.

"Rob, you were tortured," BB stated, a sick feeling rising within him. 

"Hey it's fine BB, I'll get over it. I've been through worse. Don't let me put a damper on your mood," Robin insisted. 

"Stop trying to make us feel better! We're not the ones who were forced to do things like you were!" Cyborg exclaimed, a tear slipping out of his human eye. 

"Please just don't cry, alright. Everything will go back to normal it's only a matter of time," Robin assured him. "Robin, put down the front and be yourself for once! You've already done this for us! Just let us help you for once!" BB yelled. He was full on crying now along with Starfire. Roy and Wally got up and hugged their brother. "Dickie, you need to work this out with your team. We'll check on you later alright?" Roy asked. 

Robin sighed and let them go. He walked over to his team. Seeing them cry made all this a thousand times worse. "You're like my big brother, I don't want you to feel hurt. So just tell us everything so we can go back to normal." BB said. Robin scratched the back of his neck. 

"Are you sure? You're a little young to hear about this type of stuff," Robin asked. 

"Robin! You were nine when you started! I'm thirteen and I've just started being a hero! Stop trying to get out of it!" BB yelled. Robin sighed. 

"Okay but I want to tell you guys something first, I guess it's for my own benefit really. My name's Dick. Call me any variation of it just don't call me Robin when I explain what happened," he stated. 

"Why?" Cyborg asked.

"Robin isn't weak like I'm being. Dick gets scared and cries. Robin stays strong. So if I'm going to break down, I want you to see Dick Grayson," he answered honestly. 

They nodded and they walked back to the main room since his bedroom wasn't exactly the best place to talk. He sat down and waited for them to prepare themselves. "Dick, did he hurt you? Like really hurt?" BB asked. Dick nodded, avoiding all eye contact. He pulled off his gloves to reveal cuts and bruises. One particular cut caught their eye, an 'S' that had been both cut and burned into his pale skin. "I covered most of it up when you guys brought me back. I couldn't have you worrying about me," he said with an almost smile.

"When you talked about the killing aspect, how many times were you ordered to?" Cyborg asked. Dick let a few tears slip, "Often. I was given several opportunities, each time I didn't, each time I suffered the repercussions."

"What type?" Starfire asked, secretly not wanting to know. Dick let more tears slip before showing.

They had seen his scars before but now he was going to have new ones. New ones he wasn't prepared to see,  let alone his teammates. Yet he still lifted his shirt, taking it off completely. There were long slashes, whip lashes and dark bruises. "He would tie me down then start doing what he liked. Whipping was a favorite of his. Sorta like Joker and his knives. One time he strapped me down to a chair and electrocuted me. Not enough to kill or render me unconscious. Just enough to give me as much pain as possible." he explained putting his shirt back on. "Please don't think of me as weak but the reason why my routine is somewhat wrong is because I keep thinking I'm going to be back there, with him. Alone I feel like he's watching from the shadows, waiting. With you guys it isn't that bad. Pathetic really, isn't it? I'm fifteen and scared of being alone," he told them, tears falling faster than ever. 

"No it's not pathetic. It's natural. Just because you're a hero doesn't mean you can't be normal," Raven replied. "Yeah, I'm normal." he repeated sarcastically. "Answer me this. Is it normal being brought up in the circus? Is it normal watching your entire family fall to their deaths? Is it normal finding out that one had survived but was in a coma? Is it normal hoping for them to wake up everyday? Is it normal watching them die? Is it normal being tortured by various villains? Is it normal being a complete disgrace to the Batman name? IS IT NORMAL HOPING THAT THE MAN WHO RAISED YOU WILL COME SAVE YOU EVEN THOUGH IT'S BEEN MONTHS SINCE YOU'VE TALKED TO HIM AND HE PROBABLY WISHES HE NEVER ADOPTED YOU? IS THAT NORMAL?" Dick yelled.

The team watched in utter shock as this once strong leader broke down. "Because if it is, I'm the most normal person you've ever met," he whispered. 

"Dick, you've been through all that?" BB asked. Dick nodded and hid his face from them. 

"I know you guys have had it rough and I probably sound like a spoilt kid right now, but I just want the man I called Dad to come and tell me everything will be fine."

At that BB got up and hugged him tightly. "No Dick, you've had it a lot worse in my eyes. And Slade doing what he did just made everything worse." he told his leader. BB was crying harder than ever and so was the team, even Raven. "Hey, I'm sorry I yelled. Don't cry. I may want to be the kid here but I've not been I kid since I was eight." Dick retorted. He hugged BB back. 

"That's when you saw them die wasn't it?" Cyborg asked. He nodded and felt small arms wrap around his back. This time it was a sobbing Starfire. Then Cyborg and then Raven. He laughed lightly to himself. "Guys you worry too much," he said. 

"Says the guy who does patrols all night just because he was raised in Gotham," BB retorted.
"Touché." They laughed slightly and un-hugged. 

"Listen I'm going to take my sleeping pills and go to bed. If you hear screaming just come wake me up and I'll be fine. Night terrors get worse when you're stressed or scared." They nodded and watched him leave. 

"We made the right decision on making him leader." Cyborg stated. 

"True, but did we make the right decision to think he was incapable of being a teen who felt teen things?" BB asked. Silence fell on the tower. Maybe they should treat Robin less like Robin and more like Dick Grayson, the young acrobat who lost everything and had to start a new.

Holy fuck that was a long ass story, over 2000 words. Well I just wanted to thank you all for 2K reads and thank you all for giving me the time of day, God knows I don't deserve this. Enjoy your lives kiddos!

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