Will you marry me?

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I can imagine Flash was so proud when Kid Flash made his first joke about a villian in front of them.


Bruce was filing through some work when there was a quick succession of knocks on his study door. He recognised the knocks as the work of the speedsters. It was either Barry or Wally, neither he cared to see at this moment. Unfortunately, both of them would whine to Dick and Dick would myther him about it. "Come in," he announced.

The oak door creaked open and a ginger with freckled cheeks popped his head in. "Heeyy Bruce," Wally greeted. There was a nervous smile on his face, making Bruce furrow his eyebrows. That didn't diminish the hard glare that was directing at him however. He was both unamused and impatient. "What do you want? I'm very busy at the moment," he told him sternly.

In reality, it was only an hour's worth of work but he wanted Wally to get to the point. "I wanted to talk about this marriage business," Wally explained. Bruce's ear perked up and he motioned to the seat in front of his desk. Wally sat on it shyly and messed with his hands, eyes firmly planted on them. "You've known Dick since he was a kid so I can trust you to answer my questions the best," Wally continued. "Has...has he ever mentioned settling down? That if he found the right person he'd give up the business, stick to being a cop?"

"No. He's made it very clear being a hero is more important than anything else in his life. He took after me like that," Bruce told him.

There was no point in giving him false hope. He gave a soft nod, a small genuine smile on his face. "Thought right. I was hoping for too much on that front." He gulped a little, very anxious in what he would say next. "Despite that...I would like your blessing to marry Dick."

An uncomfortable silence only broken by Bruce sighing a little. Wally couldn't read the man. He never could. His lover could, he was the best next to Alfred. "Do you love him? Truly?" he asked suddenly, staring out the window. "Of course! With all my heart," Wally responded. Did he catch Bruce smiling for a moment it was it a trick of the light? "Promise to stay true to him?"

"I promise sir." Bruce laughed slightly at the formality and was happy with the answers. "You have my blessing." Wally jumped up, grinning like an idiot, and shook his hand. "Thank you so much, you won't regret it."

"How will you propose?" Bruce asked curiously. "I was just going to ask him?" Wally said. He sounded unsure of this choice now Bruce had brought it up. "That won't do. Leave it to me. I'll text you once we're ready."
"What have you got in mind?" Wally asked. Bruce smiled and returned to his papers. "I'll let you know in time."

Dick was certainly surprised when Wally asked him to meet at Mount Justice. It surprised him because the most of the people who lived there were out on a mission. Why would he want to hang out alone there when they could do it in the comfort of his apartment. He walked through the Zetatubes and was greeted with rose petals. "What in the world?" he whispered, bending down to pick one up. "Wally?" he called. There was no response.

He cautiously followed the petals into the private beach that was hidden by the manmade mountain. He was greeted by Wally standing in his best suit and Tim fiddling with his tie. Damian was huffing loudly and Jason was looking at his phone. Bruce tapped Tim lightly, telling him to leave the bloody tie be. Selina looked giddy with excitement whilst Wally looked two minutes from fainting.

"Wally?" Dick asked, walking towards him in confusion. The pathway was lit by fire and Dick didn't trust a single person there with that. He could now see a projector had been set up behind them pointed at a blank screen. "Kyle, hit play," Damian proclaimed as Dick made it to Wally's side.

Suddenly, videos and pictures of them showed on the screen to Best Day of My Life. "This is so cheezy," Dick said, still confused. "That's what I said," Damian muttered. Selina shot him a quick glare but returned focus on the young couple. She could see the light in Dick's eyes that told her that.

The images stopped and Wally took Dick's hand in his, making him turn around to face him. "Dick I love you so much and I know I'm ready to spend my life with you," he stated. The acrobat's eyes widened and a small blush patterned his face. "What're you saying?" He got on one knee, pulling out a small red box and opening it. He revealed the robin ring and Dick teared up. "What I'm saying is, Richard John Grayson, will you marry me?" he asked.

It wasn't even more than a second before he got an answer. "Yes!" he exclaimed. A bright smile lighted their faces as the ring slipped onto his finger. "I love you," Dick said, wrapping his arms around Wally's neck whilst their audience cheered. "I love you too," he replied. He kissed Dick passionately and they swore all of Dick's brothers simultaneously gagged. They pulled apart and smiled.

Lil bonus thing I thought was funny

News of the engagement was a hot topic and Bart eventually found out. "Are we family now?" he asked.

"God no," Tim answered. Bart grinned at him and put an arm around his shoulders. "You shouldn't be so rude to your family Timmy."

"I will cut your dick off and shove it down your throat if you don't stop touching me this instant." He backed up instantly with his hands up. "Okay, jeezus, truce."

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