You'll lose that hand soon

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I looked up Wonder Woman's weakness because I couldn't remember her having any. I look it up and it says that if she were to have her braclets bonded by a man she would lose her powers. The only reason that was a weakness was because her creator was a fan of bondage and wanted to put it in the comics with a good reason and I don't know if I should use it in a fanfic or something. Like I'm shook. Wonder Woman's weakness is a fucking kink.


"Bruce it's just a photoshoot. They're not going to kill me," Dick insisted as he walked to the studio. He had been offered to do a shoot and he really needed the money. Normally he'd pass but he wanted to buy a new motorcycle after he totaled his last one. "I have a bad feeling about them. I don't want- DAMIAN PUT THAT SWORD DOWN - you to be used." Dick sighed. Even when Bruce was worried about him, he couldn't give him all his attention. It wasn't a feeling of jealousy more like a feeling of neglect. He'd gone from Bruce's only son with all attention to the one that he couldn't get his attention for more than five minutes. "Just let me do this. You can't look after me 24/7," he said. "Like you even look after me for more than ten minutes," he muttered. Bruce heard it though and felt his chest tighten. "Dick I-"

"I've got to go. I'll talk to you later." Dick hung up and looked at the building. "You're on your own Grayson. You can do this."

As soon as Dick met the photographer, he got the feeling that something was off with her. She kept looking Dick up and down. Dick tried to brush it off as her being a photographer and trying to work out what poses he'd look good in. The photographer led him into a back room and began to shoot him. "I think there's something off with your suit," she proclaimed. Dick looked down, not seeing anything wrong. "Erm I don't see anything."

"Here, let me fix it," she replied, moving from the camera to Dick. She started by pulling the suit at his waist then her hands traveled down to Dick's butt. An instant blush covered Dick's face. "Can you not touch me like that?" he asked politely. The photographer stepped back but not before slapping his ass, the action causing Dick to squeak. Why did she have to be a creep? Out of all the people in the world he got the creepiest chick on the planet! He really regretted this but, on the bright side, if he survived he could get a nice motorcycle.

The photographer took a few more photos before looking at Dick with a thoughtful look. "I-is there something wrong?"

"There's something on the background, I just need to clean it." She walked to the back and pretended to wipe something off the glass. She walked past Dick and dropped a piece of paper. "Could you be a darling and pick that up for me? I have a really bad back." He nodded and bent down to pick it up, only to receive another slap on the ass. "I told you not to touch me like that, please don't make me repeat myself again," he said in a calm voice although he was as red as a tomato. This time she started getting really close to him, a hand wrapping around his tie. "I think we should try a few positions," she said. Dick lightly tried to get her hands off his tie, not wanting to hurt the woman. "I highly disagree with that." Dick replied, laughing nervously. His throat was now completely dry. What had he gotten himself into? "Well I'm the professional here." she insisted, moving to kiss him.

Suddenly, the door to the room swung open and Bruce stomped over to them. "Hands off," he ordered. She stepped back with her hands up, a devilish smirk on her face. "Do not contact my son ever again." Bruce then grabbed Dick's wrist and dragged him out the building. He opened the door to the limo and let Dick get in.

They sat in silence for a few moments. "Did she do anything?" Bruce asked worriedly. 

"Apart from slap my ass and try to kiss me, no." Dick replied. "How could I be so dumb?" he mumbled, putting his head in his hands. "Why did you even take the job?" Bruce asked.

"Because I was done taking money off you. I wanted to be independent and I end up being felt up by some weird photographer chick." Bruce frowned. 

"I should've looked her up before you left but the boys-"

"Were distracting you as always. I should've done the research anyway."

"But you shouldn't have to look after yourself." Bruce reasoned. Dick groaned and slumped back. "Can I stay at the manor tonight?" he asked. 

"Like you ever have to ask to come home." They chuckled, coming to a comfortable silence. "If anyone tries that again, I'll break their hand."

"I don't doubt that for a second," Dick replied with a smile.

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