Robin gives no fucks

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Cyborg and Beast Boy were always ones for a good prank. They had come up with one meant for Starfire. The prank was to exchange the milk for white paint and, as she could basically eat anything without getting ill, it would be victimless. Well it was supposed to be until Robin got in the way.

They had been sitting on the couch, waiting for Starfire to come in. When Robin came in they sighed. None had taken notice that he had taken the milk they had replaced out and poured a glass until Beast Boy suddenly shouted, "Don't drink that!"

Robin turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Why?" 

"That's white paint," Cyborg explained. Robin gave him a blank look then glanced at the paint. He proceeded to down the glass without a single look of disgust or pain. Then he put the glass in the sink. "Robin, you just drank paint!" Beast Boy exclaimed. Robin shrugged. "You could've died!"

"I lost the fear of death years ago," he said, walking out the room.

Beast Boy glanced at Cyborg with a slightly scared face. "He's messed up."

The concept just makes me laugh so this is probably shit to read

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