You meant it

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I've formatted this wrong so when this is uploaded, the other stories I'm working on will show up before it. I'm too lazy to change it. Okay bye.

Tim walked out to a crowd of reporters but he happened to be in a good mood. One reporter popped up infront of him and shoved a mic in his face. "Hi Tim is there anything new going on in the family?" they asked excitedly. 

"Well Dick and his boyfriend-" he stopped realising his mistake. "Wait no I didnt-"

"RICHARD GRAYSON HAS A BOYFRIEND!" they shrieked, alerting the crowd. 

"I bet it's that ginger kid, Wally," an eager reporter theorised.

"Nah I bet it's that Kid Flash, he's always being flirtatious with him."

"You're both wrong because he's obviously straight." This particular reporter got a deadpanned look from everyone. "Go home, Derek." Tim looked to the camera with a nervous laugh. 

"Dick, if you're watching, please don't kill me for outing you two. I didn't mean to."

At home

Wally had his arm wrapped around Dick's waist watching Tim being interviewed. Then they heard what Tim said. Their phones blew up immediately and they stared at the TV. "He did that on purpose," they said flatly.

Back into the void for like a month.

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