4th day of Christmas

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CloeTheTealSnake requested this one and yes I used this opportunity to show off little Robin being a badass and I took the suggestion of Batmum or JL family content maybe a little too far

Our shout out is the wonderful Discordian Supergirl406! She does wonderful stories about Dick Grayson and has been a helping hand in some of my favourite one-shots that I've done. It's a crime if you don't check her out 

Selina didn't expect any visitors tonight. She was planning to have a nice night in, counting her newly stolen jewelry and polishing the older ones in the collection. She'd have some dramatic show in the background since she was always one for drama and a glass of nice wine. That plan went out the window when she heard a knock at the door. She sighed and picked up her gun just in case it wasn't a well-liked visitor, then looked through the peephole. A rather moody looking Dick Grayson stood at her door with a small rucksack on his back. He was dressed in near all black and had the gloves from his Robin suit on. There was no one with him. It was just him standing in the middle of the hallway waiting and scowling at the floor. How a ten-year-old got across Gotham with no supervision in the middle of the night, she didn't want to know. That would just make her faith in humanity diminish further than it already was. She put the gun on the table beside the door and opened the door before he got mugged by one of her neighbours. "I wasn't expecting you tonight," she greeted, intrigued in his arrival. The boy shrugged, desperately looking inside the flat so he didn't have to stand in the cold hallway anymore. Selina frowned and beckoned him to come in, closing the door behind him. "What brings you here?" By the look of that rucksack, this wasn't a happy stopping by before patrol. Her mind went to the worst but she tried to reason that it couldn't be the case. Bruce wouldn't have kicked him out. He adored the boy more than anything and even if he did find that he couldn't take looking after Dick anymore, he'd make sure he was put in the best orphanage out there. He wouldn't just kick him out with a tiny rucksack. "I was in the neighbourhood," he replied, casting his eyes to the floor and glaring at it. Selina didn't like this at all. He was normally so bubbly but today he was acting like a melodramatic teenager who's vape pen just got taken off him. "What's happened?" she asked. He pursed his lips as his eyes began to well up. "Oh, Dickie."  

She walked over and knelt beside him with a concerned expression. "C'mon, tell me what's gone on," she said, hoping for something she could work with. This was all a little unnerving. Okay, a lot unnerving. He sniffled in response, the floodgates about to open now he was thinking about the topic. "I won't tell a soul," she added. That wasn't particularly true. If this was something that she was out of her depth then she'd have to tell someone else so she knew how to deal with it but he didn't need to know that. "Bruce said I can't be Robin anymore," he admitted as tears began to make their way down his face. He desperately tried to wipe them away but they were coming much too fast for that. "Why?"

"He basically said because I'm too sensitive." She bit her tongue before she agreed with the statement out loud. Clearly this comment was making him upset and her agreeing with the guy he presumably ran away from wouldn't really help. She'd have to be careful about handling this or else the situation would get much worse. "Well, you are quite..." she abandoned that sentence rather quickly. Yeah, that wasn't the best start. Dick's scowl meant she should've abandoned it a little earlier. He gripped the straps of his rucksack and began walking towards the door. "I should've known you'd side with him. Everyone agrees with him," he ranted. Selina jumped up and put her hand on the door, preventing him from opening it. 

"I never said I agreed with him," she pointed out. Maybe she made it sound like she did but she didn't mean to. Being sensitive is a good thing sometimes. 

"But you do so what's the point?" he asked. He tried to get past her to get to the door but she held her ground. He groaned in frustration and grabbed something out of his pocket. 

"You're not going anywhere. It's midnight in America's most crime-ridden city and you're ten with no protection," she argued. He narrowed his eyes. 

"I'm going where I want. I don't need adults telling me what to do!" He threw the object at the ground, causing the room to fill up with smoke. In shock, Selina's hold on the door weakened and Dick barged past. He ripped open the door and disappeared down the hallway. She coughed and spluttered before collecting herself. God knows what this kid was thinking but she could guarantee it wasn't going to end well.

Once he escaped from Selina's apartment building, Dick decided that he shouldn't be Dick anymore. Selina had a point. He was a billionaire's kid in a crime-ridden city which was just the perfect target for any criminal wanting ransom money so he had to stop being that. He found an alley and got changed into his Robin suit that he'd stowed away in his rucksack. Not many would mess with Robin for fear Batman would be close by so he could move through Gotham unbothered. Here came a problem. Where was he going to go next? The leaguers would no doubt side with Bruce because they'd been against him being a hero in the first place so they were all out. Talia would be his next choice but she was always pushing the assassin agenda and he didn't want to deal with that. Now that he thought about it, that left no one. He was pretty much alone again. He kicked a nearby bin to vent some of his anger over the situation. This was bound to happen, why did he think this new set up was permanent? Nothing was permanent. Everything changed at some point. Since Gotham was home to Bruce who undoubtedly would come to drag him back to the manor he'd have to go somewhere else. In his rucksack, he had about twenty dollars. That could get him a bus out of the city but where? He still wanted to be a hero but he'd have to go somewhere that Bruce wouldn't think to look. At that moment, his eyes fell on a flyer for Jump City. That would do.

As she prowled the streets for the missing boy, Catwoman bumped into none other than Batman himself. "Have you seen Dick?" he asked her desperately. He'd never looked so stressed. 

"He came to my flat earlier but he ran out. He said you're not going to let him be Robin anymore," she explained. He shrunk back upon hearing about what he'd done. His eyes cast to the city below them. "What happened?" she asked. Well, it was more of a demand. She wanted the full story so she could get a hang of what was going on. All she knew was the ramblings of an upset kid who ran out before she could get much explanation. He sighed to himself and looked up at her. "I'll explain whilst we look for him," Batman replied. She nodded, ready to accept anything at this point, and they began their joint search for the acrobat. "A week ago, we walked in a triple homicide. Botched hostage situation," he began as they jumped from roof to roof, checking the alleys in between. "Neither of us was really okay after it. One had been a boy around his age. He started asking all these questions about mortality and whether there is justice. True justice," he continued. He hated even remembering how Dick looked when he was in that state. He was so pale and the bags under his eyes were darker than the night sky. It had all been so intense for both of them. "I didn't know what to do so I asked Canary for advice. She suggested he cut down on patrols and focus on being a kid. When I tried to explain to him that he wouldn't be Robin for a bit, he got so worked that he didn't listen to me." He never wanted to see Dick that angry ever again. Batman wasn't intimidated often, let alone by a child, but in that moment he definitely felt intimidated. "I found his bedroom window open and I've been looking for him since nine."

"Well I don't know what you expected," Catwoman responded. She knew he was struggling with how to care for a kid like Dick but he knew himself how addictive being a hero was. The potential of taking that away was enough to get him angry, he should've known it would be ten times worse for a ten-year-old who already had problems with change. "I know I messed up. I'm still new to this," he admitted.

"No kidding. Have you called anyone in to help?" Considering how well trained Dick was to disappear without a trace, they could do with bringing in the cavalry. He shook his head. Of course, he was too proud to let other heroes into Gotham but this was a little much. "Put your pride to the side and call them. Gotham is massive and if Dick has money with him, he could be anywhere." He hesitated until she gave him her best-concerned mum stare.


After stopping a mugging, Robin walked into the bus terminal and looked at the times. The bus to Jump City left in a few minutes. He smirked to himself since his timing had been near perfect and walked over to the right spot. He made sure to keep an eye on his surroundings, just in case Batman would pop out of somewhere to take him back home. Home. He wouldn't have one of those when he got on this bus. What would he do when he got into the city? Would they even need a hero? He shrugged off these worries and pushed logic to the back of his head. Those two could be quiet for the time being. He could lose Robin if he listened to those two and he didn't want to lose his hero status. It made him feel so important. Like his place actually mattered in the world. He wasn't just some circus orphan with this. He had to get on this bus. Speaking of, the bus pulled in and he got out the money he needed. Granted he got a few odd looks but he didn't mind. By the time they said anything to someone significant he'd be long gone. "One-way ticket to Jump City please," Robin requested, handing over the money. The bus driver looked him up and down with a suspicious look. "It's for hero business," he added.

"Can't you get Batman to give you a ride over?" they asked, still skeptical.

"He wants me to be independent," he answered cooly. The bus driver shrugged and took his money, exchanging it for the ticket. Robin took it with a smile and hopped on a seat at the back of the bus. The window stopped at the seat in front of the back seats so he could hide his face whilst he traveled over. Hopefully, the CCTV wouldn't catch him. If it did, he hoped by the time Batman reviewed it he'd be gone. Not many were getting on the Jump City bus so he was quickly on his way out of Gotham. He watched the city surroundings moving past him with some sense of regret. He kind of liked Gotham. It wasn't that bad. It was just a shame that Batman could take away Robin. If he never mentioned it, he'd never get on the bus.

Suddenly the bus ground to a halt. Robin's head snapped to the front of the bus where someone was getting on. Oh crap. Wonder Woman was getting on the bus and he suspected it wasn't because this bus went past her apartment and she forgot where she parked the invisible jet. He looked for an exit, finding the emergency door a seat in front of him. He vaulted over the seats and opened the door, jumping down onto the pavement. "Robin!" Wonder Woman called after him. She'd be on Batman's side. She would want to bring him home and strip him of the Robin title. Well, he wasn't going down without a fight. He ran into an alley and disappeared into its shadows. He couldn't get the bus to Jump City but there were other ways. He knew Gotham like the back of his hand. With this intricate knowledge, he began running through the backstreets without cameras. He kept to the shadows so anyone on the rooftops above wouldn't be able to spot him. Robin thought he'd gotten away with it until the caped crusader that was Superman flew down in front of him. "Robin, you don't understand-"

"No, you don't understand!" He grabbed another smoke bomb and threw it at the ground. He knew Superman could just blow the smoke away but he'd have enough time whilst he inhaled to open the sewer grate and climb down. Sure enough, by the time the smoke cleared, he was running underneath the streets. Robin took this moment of security to catch his breath and think through his plan. He could go through Bludhaven then to Jump City from there. He'd have to do most of the journey on foot but he didn't mind if it meant he could keep his title. He followed the narrow path until he found the next opening that would put him a few streets down. It would be risky to pop out but he couldn't stand the smell of the sewers any longer. He climbed up the ladder and slid the grate over, speedily covering it back up and running to the shadows. Bludhaven was half an hour away. Maybe they would give up by then. "Robin, where are you?" Black Canary announced. He cringed and started his journey in the opposite direction from where he heard the voice. This will probably be the hardest thing he's ever done but he might just pull it off.

Not five minutes later an arrow hit the ground no more than a foot away from him and began to fill the sticky red substance that would trap him there. Luckily, he was an acrobat. He ran faster then handsprang over the substance, did a somersault then went back to running flawlessly. "How?" Green Arrow exclaimed. Robin took it as a compliment and continued his journey, dodging all the arrows shot at him. He came to a crossroads where Batman and Catwoman blocked the way in front of him. He gritted his teeth upon seeing his mentor but he didn't slow down. He was determined to leave Gotham by tonight. "Robin, stop! Let me explain." Pfft like that was going to work. As he got closer, Robin built up enough momentum to run up one wall and bounce to the other side. He continued this until he got to the right spot. He landed just right and pushed himself off the wall, doing a triple backflip over the couple as they watched in awe. He landed with ease and continued dashing down the alley. "Did you teach him that?" Catwoman asked, enamored with this kid's skills.

"I can't say that I did. Flash, he's coming up to you," Batman informed the other hero through the comms unit in his ear. This was going to be much tricker than imagined.

A cloud of dust whipped up around Robin and he instantly knew it was Flash. He ran around the boy at full force, preventing him from getting any further. As Robin tried to find a gap in his front, Superman's strong arms wrapped around him and he was suddenly brought up into the air. He guessed this was so he didn't think to escape but how wrong the blue boy scout was. "Please just listen to me whilst I take you home," Superman begged. Robin turned in his arms with a frustrated look. 

"I don't have a home anymore," he argued. He pushed against Superman's chest, using the shock of hearing his dark tone to his advantage, and managed to break free. Before Superman could recollect him in his arms whilst he fell, Robin shot a grappling hook to another building. The superhero could only stare as the child skillfully pulled himself through the air and landed on the roof of the towering building. "This is going to be hell," he muttered. Robin stuck his tongue out at the hero tauntingly and began jumping from building to building before once again disappearing down a side street. The many alleys of Gotham were probably what Robin loved about the city. There was always a way to evade attention from unwanted watchers. Robin hid behind a bin, once again to catch his breath, before carrying on. He must've burnt at least 1000 calories with how much he was running today. It actually made him hungry. He shook that thought from his head. It would only make him slower and distracted. He couldn't afford that. "Richard." Robin froze upon hearing that voice. Oh, they really called in everyone if she was here. "Manners." He turned around and looked up at the daunting woman that was Talia Al-Ghul. "You look tired little one," she said. He panted, wanting to run away, but also knowing if he even tried it she wouldn't give him any mercy. Her sword glinted in the limited streetlight, making him gulp. "Answer me, Richard, are you tired?"

"No," he lied. She chuckled at him.

"Unfortunately, your appearance betrays you. I have to admire your dedication to leave Gotham," she replied. Her tone was misleadingly soft. There was this weird intensity with it that sent shivers down his spine. He liked Talia but not like this. Something told him this was not going to end well for him. "Now, Bruce didn't go into detail about this escapade but I can assure you this. Whatever the matter is, it isn't worth wasting the time of many heroes." He balled his fists up which didn't go unnoticed. "Do you beg to differ?"

"Yes I do," his anger hardly being contained. This intrigued the woman.

"Go on."

"Bruce is taking away Robin and I'm not just going to stand around whilst he does it. I'm not going down without a fight for my title." She chuckled again. It was actually annoying him. So much so that he didn't care about the repercussions for not being polite in her presence. "I can't deal with any more bad changes! I already lost my parents and now I'm going to lose the only thing that makes me feel like I'm worth something!" He glared at the ground and awaited his punishment. He said his piece. Talia stalked towards him, stopping when she saw him grimace in anticipation. She sometimes forgot how intense she was for the boy. "Your grievance is valid but I'm not the one to hear it. If Bruce hears this and maintains his stance then I will fight with you for your title. Until then, you must return to him." He looked up to her timidly. 

"You mean it?"

"Yes. Now, come with me."

Batman knew calling in Talia was his last hope and he'd probably hate what he had to do to return the favour but he had to do it. He needed Robin home. Speaking of the pair, he saw them out of the corner of his eye coming down the alley to the right of him. He whipped around with a relieved look upon seeing them walk hand in hand. "Dick!" he exclaimed. He scooped up the child and held him close in fear of losing him again. "You're not to pull a stunt like this ever again for as long as you live, have you got that?" he scolded.

"Please don't take Robin away from me," Robin pleaded.

"I won't, I promise." He kissed him on the cheek and cherished the smile he got. He hadn't seen it in days. Not since they saw that homicide. 

"That backflip was pretty cool little bird. You'll have to show me that one," Catwoman complimented.

"Is that my punishment for causing so much trouble?" he asked.

"You wish."

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