5th day of Christmas

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Another_chapter requested more Titans stuff and I recently found some of my older fics that I just never posted so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone

Our shout out for today is Aromantic_Satan. They are absolutely a lovely human being and their works are wonderful so hop over n check em out!

This is a tad OOC but I think it's not that awful??


Not all missions were completed without a fair share of mistakes. This was one of those missions. It started out easy until an army of robots attacked. The Titans had to spend hours picking them off one by one and everyone had gained an injury or two. As they got to the final pickings and their frustration with the situation was at an all-time high, Raven witnessed the right trigger to set her off. The only problem was that the trigger was Robin. More specifically, Robin getting really hurt.

Raven was taking out three robots in front of her but she didn't see the fourth one coming up on her left since it was in her blind spot. Luckily, Robin spotted it. He'd already suffered a blast to the stomach which he knew he needed to sort out quickly once the fight was over and he was pretty sure something was internally bleeding since his last cough sent speckles of blood onto his green glove. None of this, however, prevented him from helping his teammate. He dodged the next attack from his robot enemy and somersaulted closer to Raven. Seeing there was no time to knock the robot out before it sent out the shot, the only way to save his friend was to block it. He looked at his staff. Yeah, that wasn't going to work. There was no other way. He dashed over at the highest speed his injuries would allow and dove in front of the blast. It sent him crashing into Raven but that was better than the initial shot. She grunted at the sudden impact and was about to loudly complain to whoever was tossing robots in her direction yet paused when she saw who it was. "Robin?" He groaned, his eyes tightly squeezed shut under his mask. There was a large burn mark in the middle of his chest and his brain was trying its best to pull him out of consciousness before it really hurt. Raven's head snapped up the robot that shot him. It was now gearing up for a second blow. Her teeth gritted together and she jumped to her feet as her skin turned pitch black. Six glowing red eyes appeared through the darkness, all of them clearly angry. Black tentacles shot through the air, striking the chests of any robots around her. Unfortunately, they couldn't tell the difference between her teammates and the enemy. Her blind rage made them uncontrollable.

Once a black tentacle had ripped through his enemy, Cyborg turned to thank Raven only to find the same tentacle try to strike at him. He shot it a few times but it was resilient and kept trying to attack him. He gave up and tried to outrun it, meeting with Starfire and Beast Boy who were also running away from black tentacles. "This is the last time we let you pick a mission," Cyborg announced.

"Hey! On paper, this looked easy!" Beast Boy defended.

"It always looks easy!" Starfire snapped. They should've just taken up the offer to volunteer at a soup kitchen. It would've saved them a world of trouble but no they had to go with Beast Boy's choice of defeating a robot factory for villains! "Rae quit it!" Cyborg yelled but he couldn't get her attention. His yell did successfully catch the attention of Robin, who was just moments away from passing out. He glanced over to where he heard the yell and saw what the group was running from. His eyes followed the black tentacle which eventually began at Raven's feet. Gritting his teeth together to deal with the pain, he reached up and grabbed her ankle. Her head snapped down to look at him. The red eyes did shock him a bit but he tried to keep a stern expression. One that showed confidence. One that showed her he wasn't scared. One that assured her she wouldn't be penalized for this.

The glowing eyes were slowly blinked away and her skin returned to its natural colour. The tentacles attacking her teammates disappeared, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief. She dropped to her knees and tried to shake off the unwelcomed migraine from the rapid draining of her energy then tried to retrace her steps. She was in a factory. They'd been fighting the robots for the last hour. She defeated three then- "Robin, are you okay?" she asked, whipping around to face her leader. He nodded but the small pool of blood underneath him said otherwise. 

"What was that for?" Beast Boy shouted angrily. He stomped up to the accidental assailant with a look like thunder. 

"I didn't mean it," she responded, her monotone stressing. She really hadn't meant to lose control like that. It was a long time coming she supposed. Suppressing her power like that and then it suddenly bursting out all at once, she almost forgot how to control it. "Mean it or not you could've hurt us," Cyborg chipped in. 

"Quit it both of you, she wouldn't have hurt you," Robin defended. His voice was weak but he still managed to command the room. "She's our friend." He pushed himself up onto his knees and tried to stand up but his legs could no longer sustain his weight. Raven came to his aid and helped him up, letting him use her for support. "Friends can still hurt friends," Starfire argued.

"Let's leave this for now," he ordered. His teammate's faces were becoming fuzzy and blurring all together. Whatever was hurt it was probably something that should be looked at immediately rather than after a well-reasoned debate. "You always take her side," Starfire grumbled. "You're supposed to be on my side. That is the nature of being boyfriend and girlfriend."

"I'd love to have an in-depth conversation about this but we don't have the time," he argued back.

"And why's that-" She was interrupted by Robin turning his head to the side and having a coughing fit. One that clearly stained his hand with red. 

"Okay yeah we really don't have time," Cyborg announced. Their leader leaned limply against Raven as he barely kept awake. He just about heard talk of getting him home before his world went dark.

If there was one sound that Robin knew a little too well it was the sound of a heart monitor. He'd woken up to it too often to his liking and at this point, he'd lost count. That was all too telling. This time he heard the beeping it was accompanied by harsh whispers. He hadn't fully woken up to hear them but he knew they weren't any good. His eyes squeezed together then fluttered open. The room was dim, thank God, so he wasn't blinded as soon as he woke up. He slowly moved his head to the side and skimmed over the medical machinery and tools. The heart monitor wasn't out of place. It was accompanied by one that checked his pulse and blood pressure. There was a blood bag above him which he hoped had the right blood type in it. Not that he didn't trust his friends but they could make some stupid mistakes in a panic. He then turned his head so he could look at the room around him. The whispers he heard were actually muffled shouts from the corridor. He frowned unhappily but decided to let them go at it whilst he got his bearings. He could sort out the argument when he was fully awake. Robin did a quick check of his eyesight. He could see out into the other room, he could see the wall right to him and the window to his left as well as the ceiling above. Then he tried to sit up. The movement caused a small spike in his heart rate but nothing too concerning so he kept going. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he sat up fully and checked himself over. There were bandages around his waist and by the look of them they'd been on for around four hours or so. They'd need to be changed in two hours' time. He moved his hand across his chest, flinching at the pain caused by his fingers passing over the burn mark. "Rough mission then." His mouth was dry and his throat felt sore. Maybe his suspicion that something was bleeding internally was right. He glanced over to the digital clock by his bedside. It was his idea to keep them in the infirmary since it helped him get his head straight when he woke up in a completely different area from where he'd passed out. He watched the minutes tick by as the shouting outside persisted. "Uh someone!" he called, trying to get one of their attention in the hopes it would stop the feud. It didn't. "Guys I'm awake!" The fight raged on. He huffed and followed the wires from the heart monitor to his body. "Ah screw it."

Alarms blared at the machine detected a flat line. The team stopped arguing and rushed into the infirmary to see their leader sat up in bed with a bundle of wires in his hand. "Put them back on!" Cyborg ordered. "You're still in the danger zone from surgery."

"Fine. Why did I have surgery? Something to do with coughing up blood?"

"You have a tooth missing which explains the blood but the coughing was caused by a punctured lung from a broken rib. How you're sitting upright now is impressive," the older explained. Robin waved off his worry after reattaching the wires to the right places. 

"Broken ribs are a walk in the park. Now, let's return to that conversation we put a pin in before," he replied. 

"You haven't recovered," Raven pointed out.

"I don't need to recover to have a conversation. Get a chair and sit down because I know for a fact this hasn't been sorted out," he ordered. They huffed but did as he said. He might not have recovered but he had ways of making their lives a living hell if they didn't listen to him. They returned and sat down around him, suddenly shy about the topic they were being so loud with before. Robin was weirdly adult-like when it came to matters like this. It was like they were caught bickering at the dinner table and now he was telling them all off. "Raven didn't mean to hurt anyone," he reiterated.

"But she could have and you can't deny that," Starfire declared.

"I hurt you when I was Slade's apprentice and you all forgave me," he stated.

"That's not the same," Beast Boy protested.

"We weren't in control, we felt bad afterward and we'd take it back if we could. The only difference is that I actually caused damage," he listed. He put a hand on Ravens to support her and gave it a light squeeze. She gave him a nod in return, fearful that a smile may be misinterpreted. "You guys are shook up, I get that, but that's no reason to distrust her."

"You were blackmailed, she just lost it," Beast Boy continued. "She's unstable."

"That's enough," Robin stated firmly. The younger flinched back at the intensity in his tone. He didn't like it when Robin got mad. There was just something about him being mad that completely switched up a room. "I risked my life for Raven today and I'll gladly do it again. I'd do that for all of you. For you to suggest that she would put you at risk on purpose is unfair and frankly rude." He thought the argument had ended there and he was just about to suggest that they apologize when he saw Cyborg open his mouth. "What would you know Robin?" Cyborg said accusingly. His voice was quiet at first before it gained confidence. 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's be honest here, your mentor is the most untrustworthy guy in the League and would gladly put lives of heroes at risk for the sake of the "greater good", so what would you know about trust?" The room fell into a deadly silence. Robin's brief look of shock turned to one of pure malice. He let go of Raven's hand and grabbed the thin bedsheet, twisting it up in his fist. "You have no right to bring him up," he stated. Starfire reached over to his other hand to try and calm him down before he did something he'd regret. 

"It's important to the argument though, isn't it? If your perception of trust isn't right then you can't accurately weigh-in," Cyborg replied.

"I know him much better than you do."

"You ran away. If you trusted him then you'd tell him where you were going."

"Get out," he demanded.


"Get out! All of you!" The heart monitor picked up as he tried to control his anger. They stood up and near but ran out the door. Well, Cyborg didn't get up. 

"You're being immature-"

"Out!" He sighed and followed the others. There was no point talking to him when he was like this.

"This is my fault," Raven announced as they gathered in the living room. "I should've controlled myself better." Starfire sighed and held out her hand as a truce. She didn't want to deal with this and how Robin was feeling. She hoped that her other teammates will follow so they once again only had one issue. "I overreacted. The mission was hard and I was feeling upset. You were the best outlet I had," she admitted. Raven took her hand, agreeing to the truce. 

"I guess I overreacted too," Beast Boy added. "You kinda scared me back there. I haven't seen that side of you since that whole Trigon incident."

"I apologize for scaring you. It wasn't my intention," Raven replied. They all looked to Cyborg who was beginning to cool off from the confrontation. He looked back at them then rolled his eyes with a sigh. It wasn't worth getting angry about anymore. If they all truly didn't trust her, they wouldn't have let her back into the Tower let alone help with Robin once they got him back. "Alright, I'll admit I'm in the same boat as Star and BB. You aren't a real threat I suppose," he responded.

"That'll do as an apology," she said in jest. He smirked at her as the weight of bringing up Batman hit him. 

"Should we go back in there?" he asked.

"Leave it till we need to change his bandages. He'll need a lot longer than you to calm down," Starfire suggested. She knew him best so they trusted her judgment. It wasn't like any of them wanted to run back in there anyway.

An hour later, Starfire accompanied Cyborg and Raven into the infirmary with the hope to finish the final predicament of the night. Robin was on his side and his eyes were closed. He must've been really tired from the outburst and his injuries. Only Starfire seemed to notice the digital clock was missing. She walked over to him and gently shook him awake. "Robin, it's Starfire. You need to wake up." He hummed as he reluctantly opened his eyes.

"Have you made up yet?" he asked groggily. She nodded and helped him sit up. "Good because acting that mad near made me pass out." The three heroes stared at him in confusion. That brought a smile to his face. "You think I'd get that mad about a guy I could care less about?"

"But why would you pretend?" Cyborg asked, completely befuddled.

"You guys weren't going to forgive Raven without the right motivation. Considering it wasn't me getting hurt I thought I'd try out me getting upset which worked," he explained. They went to say something but stopped. He was cunning and this wouldn't be completely out of character for him to do. "Huh," Cyborg stated.

"I guess I should say thanks?" Raven said unsurely.

"You're welcome. Do you mind giving us two a minute? It's kind of weird having two other people watching me getting my bandages changed," he asked. They nodded and granted him his privacy with his girlfriend. 

"You just made that up."

"Broken clock give it away?" She nodded and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"And I can tell when you're lying."

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