Another little something

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So it's not little it's nearly 3000 words but I wanted to get something out because I'm gonna get really busy soon 



Loyalty. It was something a Talon valued highly, even higher than their own life. Dick struggled with the new idea of loyalty his family told him. They told him loyalty was important but it wasn't everything. It was valued but not valued above life. They couldn't blame him for struggling with the new definition. It wasn't just training that made him feel so strongly about loyalty. In order to make a Talon, the Court needs complete devotion. Considering that most potential Talons didn't consent to be a Talon, the Court injected a concoction of chemicals that completely changed someone's mind. It made Talons crave someone or something to give them a mission. They needed missions to complete and someone to answer to. Even after being freed from the grip of the Talons for little more than three years, Dick still had this notion that those he's loyalty are those who give him missions. But not every person you're loyal to shares the same ideas or gives the same missions. Plus the fact that they didn't need to say "I order you to" or "I demand you to" for Dick to take their wants as a mission you can see how this could cause some problems. Especially when people don't know his full story. 

Young Justice was on a mission together. The stakes weren't high and considering how intense their first mission together was, it was a pleasant change of pace. They were on a simple patrol of an already cleared area and were promised afterward a fun night in with Robin. Since his family normally swooped him away as soon as the mission was done, they were excited to spend more time. The Island was quiet as the group strolled around. Robin couldn't help but be on high alert. It was just his nature to be. Every rustle caught his attention but he wasn't that different from Superboy. "Hear something, Robin?" Miss Martian would ask every time. He'd stay silent then shake his head, attributing to a bird or the wind. It was as they were finishing their walk around that Robin stopped suddenly. He whipped around and stared off into the port. A boat was being docked and a large group of people was taking boxes off of it. "We've got trouble," he announced. They turned around and looked in the direction of the pier. 

"Great and I here I thought we'd be having a quiet night," Artemis complained. Normally she was into a night where something happened but she really couldn't be bothered. Her muscles were already aching from the intense training beforehand and she'd rather the ability to move in the morning. "We need a plan and quick," Robin stated. "They're armed and I doubt they have any mercy."

"We should stay low and call this in," Aqualad said. Considering how their first mission went, he didn't want another situation like that to happen. If they called it in and got information then they could act accordingly and not bring up someone's potential trauma. "By the time we get anything, they'll be done. We should go down there and fight," Superboy protested.

"But if we go down there blind who knows what will happen?" Artemis defended. They could get into a world full of trouble if they didn't get enough information. This might be a League level thing. "Guys can you-" Robin began.

"I agree with Supes. May as well bite the bullet now," Kid Flash interrupted.

"Maybe we should do surveillance then decide?" Miss Martian suggested, hoping that would be a happy medium. They were running out of time to make a decision. The men were nearly done unloading their cargo. "Just pause for a minute-" the boy wonder attempted to say before he was interrupted again. 

"We already know they're up to no good. There's no point," the clone argued. His arms were folded across his chest as though that would bring more weight to his argument. 

"Can you just-" Robin said in a strained voice

"No point? These guys could be hauling dynamite! If we go in guns blazing we could blow ourselves back to Happy Harbour," Artemis butt in. He went to try again but it was too late.

"If we don't do anything then we could get in trouble," Miss Martian pointed out. Inaction could be worse than action.

"If we do something then we could get in more trouble," Aqualad testified.

"Rob, got any Bat or Talon wisdom we could use?" Kid Flash asked.

Suddenly there was a horrible sound through the mind link. It sounded similar to when you got feedback on the mic. Miss Martian instinctively dropped the mind link as the sound was ten times worse for her than anyone else since she was the one connected to the mind causing it. "What was that?" Artemis exclaimed, rubbing her temples. It felt like she was having the most intense mini headache of her life so God knows how the martian felt. 

"I-I don't know but it felt awful," Miss Martian responded, holding her head. Superboy put a stabilizing hand on her shoulder since she looked like she could pass out at any minute.

"Robin?" Kid Flash called. The team turned their attention to their youngest and took sharp intakes of breath. He was looking at nothing with a thousand-yard stare and eyes as wide as saucers. His shoulders had relaxed but it looked uncomfortable and unnerving. Blood dripped from one of his nostrils and trickled onto his lips. His skin was paler than before which showed off his yellow veins more predominantly. "Robin?" the ginger called again, shaking the teenager this time. 

"Missions contradict. Talon 1336 Faction 3 Section 46 will prevent communications for the next hour."

"What is he a phone? Did we enter the wrong password or something?" Artemis joked to offset her worry. Kid Flash waved a hand in front of the teenager's face but got no reaction. 

"What're we supposed to do now?" he asked. They couldn't exactly fight whilst their friend was the human equivalent to being locked out of your phone. 

"Miss Martian, get him on the Bioship and contact Nightwing. He's the only one not on a mission right now. We'll handle this," Aqualad ordered. She nodded and did as she was told, picking up Robin with ease and carrying him inside. She sat him down on a chair and strapped him in to make sure he didn't slump over. "Robin, can you hear me? It's M'gann. I'm gonna call your brother," she told him. There was little point given what he'd previously said but she couldn't be sure that he wasn't completely passive. Maybe he could still hear what she was saying and the free part of his mind was taking it on board. His regular self might appreciate the message. "Missions contradict. Talon 1336 Faction 3 Section 46 will prevent communications for the next hour," he repeated. She frowned and used his cape to wipe the blood from his nose, relieved when there was no more coming. She then walked over to her own seat and called Nightwing.

Said hero popped within one second of the dial tone which helped ease M'ganns worries. At least she'd get a quick response on what to do. "What went wrong?" Nightwing inquired. She was about to say he shouldn't assume but something did go wrong. If she didn't know any better she'd think the Batfamily were psychic. "It's Robin. We don't know what happened but he said missions contradict even though we didn't give him a mission and now he's prevented communications for the next hour," she explained briefly. Nightwing looked at her with a little more interest. 

"What happened before he said this?"

"We were debating on what to do and KF asked for his opinion only to find he was having a nose bleed and wasn't responding," she answered. He pinched the bridge of his nose as though the problem was obvious. Was she supposed to know what was going on? She'd tried to do some research on Talons but most of it was above her access level so she only knew the basics. Was this the basics? "You overwhelmed him. Is he in a safe area now?" he asked. She nodded. 

"He's in the Bioship with me."

"In that case bring him back to the Mountain and I'll pick him up," he replied. He was about to hang up but she stopped him. 

"Wait!" He paused with a foul look. She winced back at her outburst but continued with her point. "How about you just tell me how to deal with this? Then the team and I can sort it out and you can continue with your work." He thought the proposition over for a moment. 

"I suppose work will be easier if he stays in your care and Lance can take over when needed." She nodded, liking this train of thought. "Fine. You may look after him. During this hour, you won't need to do much other than make sure he's safe. When the hour is up, he'll be fatigued and emotional. Give him Lucaszade and affection. He'll come down and either go to bed or socialize. Don't force him to do either. He gets "touchy" about it as Todd says. He'll also be incredibly malleable in this state. If you tell him to do something, he will. Last time this happened, Todd "accidentally" told him to jump off a cliff and we had to tie him to a post." She smirked to herself but straightened up after a moment. 

"Got it."

"Just don't get him killed and there won't be any problems."


In the hour it took for Dick to go back to normal, the team got to the cave and mentally prepared themselves for the worse. Since it was Nightwing who told them Dick would be emotional, they didn't really know what to expect. He thought people who cried after breaking up with someone for more than an hour were over-emotional so his scale wasn't exactly trustworthy. Connor carried him to the living room and took off his domino mask. It was then that they saw his completely golden eyes. They'd never seen his eyes that intense before. Sometimes they'd turn more golden than blue when he was upset but they mostly maintained their blue aspect. They turned on the TV and put on some random movie whilst they waited for him to go back to normal. "Should we get him eye drops or something? He's not blinked in a while," Wally asked.

"Nightwing didn't say so. I guess we could just in case," M'gann answered. She floated over to the kitchen and as she was about to reach for the eye drops, there was a loud gasp. That gasp came from Dick. He held his chest tightly as his eyes darted around the room. His breath picked in panic when he was in the in-between phase of finding where he was. He knew he wasn't where he last remembered but he didn't know where he'd come back to. "I don't-where-I," he stuttered as his mind worked overtime to compute where he was.

"Hey Dickie, you're at the Mountain. You froze on us back there but everything's okay now. Nightwing told us what to do," Wally greeted, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The teenager looked at him, first his stare going straight through him before recognizing that he was there. "Mountain?"

"Yeah. We're having our downtime now," he explained. Dick still looked confused.

"What do you mean froze?"

"You said your missions contradicted and you won't take any more communication." His face fell at that. 

"Sorry I tried to tell you to take me out of the mind link but no one would listen," he responded.

 "What difference would that make?" Artemis asked.

"Well, I wouldn't have had the trigger." They looked at him in confusion. He guessed Nightwing didn't explain. "I have loyalty to you all which, to a Talon, means I take orders from you. You just need to say your opinion or desire and I'll take it as a mission. When what you want contradicts what someone else I'm loyal to wants, I get confused and shut down." He went to explain further but his head felt too fuzzy to get another thought. He hated it when this happened. It just showed there'd be things he couldn't get rid of that the Court gave him. Plus it was downright annoying to go through. M'gann passed him an energy drink which he gratefully accepted. "We're sorry we didn't listen," she said. He looked so tired and she felt awful to be the one behind it. At least his eyes were returning to their usual color. 

"It's alright, you didn't know."

"So if I told you I want a sandwich you'd-" Wally's example was cut off when Dick stood straight up and walked to the kitchen. "Uhh I guess it will."

"But he's never done that before," Connor pointed out,

"He's especially malleable now," M'gann said, repeating Nightwing's turn of phrase.

"It's like returning him back to factory setting for a bit then," Artemis commented. Dick returned from the kitchen with a sandwich, Wally's favorite mind you. Then he snapped out of his and punched the ginger in the shoulder. "Don't do that!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you'd actually do it." The younger pouted and resumed his place on the couch to drink his energy drink. God knows he needed the quick pick me up. 

"Does this mean we can't have debates?" Kaldur inquired.

"Depends on the severity. Back there it was important to make a quick decision but I wouldn't have reacted the same way if we were planning a mission beforehand or you were debating on what to watch." He downed his drink and scowled at the bottle. He never wanted them to see him like that but that was just his luck.

"Are you alright?" M'gann asked. Dick shook his head. "You wanna talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about? Yet again my stupid Talon training just makes me even more abnormal," he answered. He sank further into the couch as though if he pressed his back hard enough into the green material he could disappear from the world. "We know how you feel," Kaldur offered. Powers were both a blessing and a curse. Artemis could relate too. It wasn't exactly easy to stay up all night only to hang out with friends and sit through boring classes all day from way too early in the morning. "Oh, your powers make you nothing more than a slave too? I must've missed that when I read your profiles."

"Dude." Dick rolled his eyes and stood up, storming towards the door. Everyone got so touchy with him when he got frustrated and it's not fair. They didn't go through what he did and they always tried to say oh we know how you feel but they never did! Only other Talons could relate to how he felt and no one else was another Talon. He couldn't sit there any longer and listen to the same old bullshit. "Where are you going?" Artemis asked.

"To train. I need to punch something."

"Don't go, we should talk about this," M'gann said, not noticing how much that sounded like an order. He stood rigid and walked over, sitting back down, before shaking his head and snapping back out of it. He sighed as he realized where he was. Great. He couldn't even walk out of a room. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to," the martian apologized as soon as he was coherent. 

"I'll try that again and I swear to God if one of you stop me I'll make sure I don't get any orders." With that threat, they let him walk out. They'd not seen him this mad in a while and didn't care to make it any worse. Who knows what an infuriated Talon could do?

It'd been an hour or more before they decided Dick needed a check-up. Maybe he would've cooled down by now. They slowly walked over to the training room, finding Dick on the floor with tears running down his face. He looked so tired. Of what they didn't know. M'gann floated over whilst she regretted insisting on him staying with the team. He would've been better with Nightwing. He wouldn't be sitting on the floor crying. He'd be in a warm bed with someone who could take care of him. They didn't know what to do. Nightwing gave them instructions but that didn't tell them much. It just gave them directions on what to do but that wasn't enough. They needed more guidance. The type of guidance you only got through experience and making mistakes. "Hey Dick, do you wanna tell us what's going on?" she asked, kneeling down beside him and putting a hand on his back. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude it's just so frustrating. No one is like me. It...gets lonely," he admitted. She wiped off his tears with a comforting smile. 

"You don't need to say sorry. Nightwing told us you'd be a little sensitive."

"When aren't I sensitive?" he asked with a watery smile. She helped him up and gave him a much-needed hug. It had to be scary. At the drop of the hat, you're suddenly unable to do what you want and you're forced to do what someone told them to do. There are no buts. There's no reasoning. You do what you're told and only realize you've done it once it's over. It must be even scarier that only people you're loyal to can order you around. You're putting complete trust in someone which they could abuse whenever they wanted. "How about we go watch a movie? You can pick," she suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

okay bye

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