Take a chance on me

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123321gn requested this and let me indulge in a lil Graybat - might do more of it in the future 

I did a lil research for this about Zatanna and Robin because I couldn't remember if they dated after the new year's kiss and from what I found they may have dated but for this let's say that they dated for a month but broke up

Also, can you tell I don't like Zatanna - nothing personal just felt like she was thrown in as a love interest for Robin when he really didn't need one

Everyone knows Robin had a friend aside from those in Young Justice but they'd never actually had proof other than second-hand stories and some media leaks. Today was the day they got their solid proof. He and Batgirl Zetatubed to the mountain, laughing to themselves about something the team didn't know. "I know right?" Batgirl said through a giggle. The team turned to the pair with intrigue except for Zatanna, who was immediately on edge with the display. She'd never seen this girl before. Why was she wearing a suit? Maybe this was Batman's other kid. She hoped it was. "You gotta bring me along next time," Robin told her.

"I'm betting on you coming." They composed themselves and walked over to the other heroes with jovial smiles. "Guys, meet Batgirl. Batgirl meet Young Justice. You know Wally of course," Robin began. The gingers nodded in acknowledgment of one another. Their secret battle of the gingers was still going on but they were more iambically now. "This is M'gann, Kaldur, Rocket, Connor, Artemis and Zatanna."

"It's nice to meet you," M'gann said, jutting out her hand with a smile. Batgirl took it and shook her hand, matching the smile. 

"You too. It's great to finally see the team that's keeping this little guy so busy," she replied as she messed Robin's hair. He cackled and batted her away in a friendly manner. 

"How long have you been working?" Artemis asked. For some reason, she felt like she'd heard her voice before. Maybe she heard it on an interview of the hero but for some reason, it felt more familiar than that. She shrugged it off. "Not long, just over a year. Rob and Batman have been my mentors," Batgirl answered.

"How long have you two known each other?" Zatanna asked in a pointed tone.

"Like three years or so? That's counting our civilian IDs," Robin answered. He didn't understand what caused her tone but brushed it off. She might've had something annoying happen today. "I thought since she's gotten along in training it was about time she fought you lot in case one day she wants to join," he explained. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm happy in Gotham though I find it incredibly cute that you're just dying to spend more time with me," she teased. None of them missed the tiny blush dusting Robin's cheeks at the notion. 

"Oh shut up. You guys in for some training?" They looked at one another. They were going to do it anyway and they could do with a fresh face since they had their friends' moves down. "We'd love to work with you," Kaldur responded on behalf of the team.

"Great! Can I pick my poison?" Batgirl inquired. They nodded. "I choose Connor. Let's go, big guy." He raised an eyebrow at her but shrugged. If she wanted to fight him then she could and eventually fail then realize her mistake.

They all gathered around the pad as the pair stepped on. She marveled at the tech since it was a little different from the Batcave. Batman kept his rather simple like the minimalist he is but she could always appreciate a little extra touch to programs. "I'll count you two in. Go easy on them," Robin announced.

"I will," Connor replied. The younger scoffed.

"I wasn't talking to you." He held up his hand. "One. Two. Three." He swooped his hand down. "Go!" He got to a safe distance and watched excitedly as they began to circle one another. It was quite adorable to see him so supportive of his clearly close friend. "Hey, Wally? I need you in the kitchen really quick," Zatanna said after watching the raven-haired boys expression for a little too long. The ginger nodded and followed her into the kitchen. Granted he wanted to see the fight considering how hyped Robin was but he knew better than to piss off a magician. Once in the kitchen, Zatanna checked around for any unwanted followers. "What can I do you for?" Wally asked.

"You know Batgirl and Robin out of hero duties right?" she asked. He nodded. "So you know how they act together?" He nodded again, unsure of where this was going. "Are they together? Or trying to be?" He huffed.

"Dude, you're not really pining after him, are you?" he asked. He wasn't going to play into the teen drama she was trying to drag him into. He knew Robin well. Very well. Well enough to know that their break up messed him up for a bit and that she was the one to break them up in the first place because she wasn't ready for it. "No, of course not. I'm just wondering if he's moved on," she lied.

"Look his business isn't mine to speak about. If you wanna know, ask him. You're both mature enough to work together after the break up so you're both mature enough to talk about it," he told her firmly. He walked past her and back to the group so he could watch the fight. This isn't something he cared to be involved in.

Wally returned as Batgirl was flooring the super clone. Robin cheered for her as the robotic voice announced her as the winner of the match. She stood up and held her hand out for Connor to take. He did but with an embarrassed look on his face. He speed-walked to the side of the pad and waited for the shame of being beaten by a newbie to wash away with time. She caught her breath and looked to the other teammates. "Hmm which should I choose?" she pondered aloud. Her eyes rested on Artemis and she smiled. She'd seen her around school and had always wondered how good she was at fighting. She was rather slim to be a fighter but from what Robin told her she was a lot of fun to train with. "Blondie, you're up," she said, pointing to her. Artemis walked over to her and, after seeing how she destroyed Superman's clone, she was a little nervous about it. "I'll fight you as long as you make it possible for me to walk in the morning," she joked. Batgirl smirked.

"Then you better put up one hell of a fight." Robin put his hand up and once again counted them in, swooping his hand down with a grin. He loved this. He could see the little moves she'd picked up on whilst being with him and it was kind of giving him a sense of pride that she actually took on what he showed and told her. "Where's Z?" he asked Wally passingly. He shrugged. Batgirl overheard his question and pulled a face at his tone. Caring. He shouldn't care. Okay maybe she was protective and a little jealous but she didn't like it all the same. He shouldn't care about her. She could treat him so much better. Batgirl was shaken from her thoughts when she caught Artemis' fist coming towards her. She dodged it carefully and grabbed her wrist, swinging the archer around and onto the floor. She straddled her and held her hands down to prevent another attack. "Give up?" she asked, remembering Artemis' request. The blonde chuckled and nodded. 

"Yeah you got me but only because I was already tired," she answered.

"Oh is that right?" Batgirl said dismissively.

"Not my fault I've got Gym tomorrow. Rematch anytime," she offered. Batgirl was about to answer with a time and place, Robin's glove began tinkling like an alarm. He brought it up and pushed a button on it. "Bats wants us back at the Cave. We've got a few minutes."

"Then I can steal you for a bit then?" Zatanna announced, finally reappearing from the kitchen. "You guys can talk with Batgirl and we'll have a private chat in the kitchen." He raised an eyebrow. What did they have to talk about? He glanced over to Wally to see if this was connected to his conversation with the raven-haired girl. The ginger just gestured for him to go with her. "Alright. Meet you back here in a minute," he said to Batgirl. She nodded.

He followed Zatanna to the kitchen with an unsure expression. "Is something wrong?" he asked. Did she and Batgirl meet previously? Did they have a history he didn't know about? He didn't remember either mentioning anything about each other. "Are you dating her?" she asked. She'd spent her time in the kitchen thinking about how to approach this but she was just getting even more jealous. Yeah, she initiated the breakup but she still felt something for him. He scoffed at her. "Really? We're doing this?"

"Yes, I have a right to know," she insisted.

"No you don't! You just want to know. Where me and Batgirl are is none of your business," he argued back.

"I want to know as your friend," she offered, hoping that would give her the seemingly classified information. He rolled his eyes and folded his arms, his body language yelling at her to drop the topic so pressed so hard on. "You clearly don't! If you cared so much then you wouldn't have spent your whole time stewing in here and actually met her," Robin pointed out. He almost laughed to himself about what was happening which caught the eye of the girl. "What's so funny?"

"You are. You really love playing with me like this, don't you? You get a kick out of this whole teen soap opera you've got going on in your head like M'gann but at least she doesn't try to manipulate people into the roles," he answered.

"I'm not manipulating you," she defended, offended by the suggestion. She liked Robin, that was a fact, but she didn't want to force him to be with her. She just wanted to know. Did she miss her chance? "Really because it feels like you are. You're waiting to jump at the chance of me being single because somehow I'm more attractive when I'm taken from you than when I'm with you." Robin sighed to himself and turned to leave. They were friends and if he left soon enough then they could continue being friends before either of them said something they couldn't go back on. "I like you Z but not like that. Not anymore."

As he walked out, Batgirl appeared from the shadows once his back was turned. She'd used the excuse of needing the bathroom to get out of the conversation with his friends and had been hiding in the hallway during the conversation. Was that an invasion of privacy? Yes, but she had good reason to. She'd seen what Zatanna had done to him. He did such a good job of pretending that it took her longer than she'd like to admit to find out how sad he really was. She wasn't going to let that happen again. She slipped into the room and confronted the ex-girlfriend of her best friend. "I don't know what you're playing at but if you think you're gonna get him back, you're kidding yourself," she stated.

"Who are you to speak on his behalf?" Zatanna asked. She didn't want to talk Batgirl. She didn't want to look at her. Was she what Robin wanted? She couldn't be that. 

"I'm his best friend thank you very much. I'm gonna put this as simply as I can. You had your chance, it's someone else's turn now. Got that?"

"You say that like a threat." Batgirl smirked.

"Then you got the intended message. It's been nice meeting you Z. Maybe next time you see me you won't be so green with envy." She turned on her heel sassily and casually walked back to the group. 

"Ready to go?" Robin asked once she came into view. She nodded with a genuine smile. 

"Yep." They left together through the Zetatube and Zatanna watched from down the hall. It was official. She missed her chance.

Hope you like it! It's nearly 3 am and I should probably sleep but I can'tttttt

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