five times robin saved superboy and one time superboy saved him

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I see these on archive of our own like all the time and i thought i'd try my hand at it 

tried to keep them short which was so super difficult because i could've written a lot more 

anyways, enjoy!



"Ya know, this isn't how I planned my Friday," Robin grunted out as he gripped onto the wire rope. It was around now that he was thankful for his thick gloves or this would truly be hell. He was suffering enough keeping his legs bent in a sitting position like one of those floating man street performers. He turned to get a good look at the guy as they ran into the night. Of course, they were running away so he couldn't get a good look. He would go after him if he wasn't holding onto a super for dear life, trying to convince himself that there was some sort of possibility that his scrawny arms would yank him up. Well, they weren't scrawny compared to most thirteen-year-olds out there but to the clone, he was holding onto, they were string beans in comparison. Why was he holding onto a wire connected to Superboy's foot whilst he dangled over a vat of positively poisonous substances judging by the smell? Great question! Superboy fell. Robin couldn't blame him; he was rather surprised too when the guy flashed them to getaway. He had to admit he hadn't seen that before. Honestly, it should've happened sooner. But hell, today was the day. Superboy fell back from surprise and tumbled over the banister. Robin shot his grappling hook which wrapped around his ankle. He was forced forwards since he was basically a mouse trying to hold the weight of an elephant but managed to keep himself from joining Superboy in the disgusting mixture by putting his heels on a small upwards edge of the metal pathway. He shook his head, instantly knowing he was in a sticky situation.

"Flying would be asterous right now," he said longingly. God knows there wasn't going to be help for ages. They'd gone on a lone mission for just that, to be alone. They were both quiet, most of the time, and tolerated each other's company if it meant some escape from their teammate's bickering. Right now, they wished they grinned and bore it. "It would be asterous if you had super strength right now," Superboy snapped mockingly. He got a light laugh out of the boy wonder, jostling the rope. He rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. 

"Touche. Still, wishing for something ain't gonna get us out of this thing." Robin responded. Superboy could actually hear the smirk in the kid's voice. It probably should've annoyed him more than it did but he found himself only slightly irritated. "Have you tried calling for help?" he asked. 

"Unless you wanna take a dip, it's not worth a shot. I can barely keep you out of the drink when I'm holding you with both hands," Robin answered. "Just give me a minute and I'll pull you up."

"Just let me go. It won't kill me anyway." Robin scoffed at the notion, instantly dismissing it. 

"Might not kill you but it'll hurt more than anything and I'd rather not put you through that for the sake of my glutes."

Robin tightened his grip and silently prayed that he wouldn't slip. If he did then he may as well jump in with Superboy since there was no way he was going to live afterward. If Superboy didn't kill him then Superman would. Either way, he was dead meat if this didn't work out. With a grunt of effort and all of his strength, he managed to pull Superboy just a little bit closer to safety. "Please tell me you do ab crunches because I am not gonna be able to heave your butt up all the way," Robin announced, taking staggered breaths. This was going to be a long night. "My ass better be toned by the end of it," he thought to himself as he pulled more on the wire and dragged the super up by another inch. 

"Suppose I should say thanks," Superboy said, folding his arms awkwardly. Social interactions weren't his strong suit. His strong suit was smashing things but that was about it. 

"No need. I scratch your back, you scratch mine, right?" Another groan, another inch. That sounded dirty.

"What does that mean?"

"I save you and you save me. Though I doubt the latter will ever happen. I'm pretty competent. Aside from when I'm with KF. That boy could get me to jump off a building with a simple flash of those eyes. Although, I wouldn't need much persuasion-"

"Robin," Superboy interrupted.

"Rambling, sorry. I know you hate it."

It took a while but Superboy finally got close enough that he could do an ab crunch and reach the metal bars. He scrambled to the top and flopped to the ground, finally letting go of the breath he was holding. Maybe he should've had a little more faith in the boy wonder. He glanced to his side to see Robin flat on his back, panting and sweating. Robin turned to him with a tired smirk. "That was probably the best work out of my life," he stated. Superboy tutted and got to his feet, pulling the smaller up reluctantly when he saw his outstretched hand. "Bats is not gonna believe a word of this. He'll probably think we just went off to make out or something."

"No offense, but you're not my type," Superboy replied, wearing the slightest of smiles. The smile brought a grin to the teen's face followed by a cackle. 

"Same here. I wouldn't go for the taken ones anyways. Too much work." He received a tut which only made him laugh more. "C' mon, we better get you back to M'gann or she'll have my head. She's surprisingly intimidating but don't tell her I said that."

"Not a word."


"Connor! Guess what day it is?" M'gann squealed excitedly. He gave her a curious look then glanced at the calendar. 

"It's Tuesday," he stated dryly. She tutted and rolled her eyes, floating to his side on the couch with a small box. He stared at the box. It looked like a present. It wasn't anybody's birthday, why would she have a present? What other days did people give presents? He ran through them. Birthdays, Christmas, sometimes Easter, Weddings, anniversaries- shit. Today was their one year anniversary. How could he forget? Oh, he was dead. "Don't be silly, you know the day!" she handed over the present and clapped her hands excitedly.

"It's our one year anniversary."

"Ding, ding, ding! You did remember, didn't you?" That question was loaded so he just nodded nervously. "Good, where's my present? It's fine if you only got me a card, I know money isn't really something you understand. I don't either."

Connor opened his mouth to spill the beans but shut it when Robin promptly walked in with a present. Was there something going on as well as their anniversary? "There you are! I've been looking all over for you two," Robin announced with a smile. They looked at him oddly. "You know, for someone who wanted me to keep this present in good keeping, you could've told me where you wanted me to give it to you. Ah well, a surprise is a surprise," he rambled, walking over to the pair and handing the box to M'gann. He gave Connor a wink as he handed it over but still the clone was clueless as to what was going on. So was M'gann. "Erm Robin, I'm confused," she said politely. 

"This is Connor's anniversary gift for you." Well, that was a plain lie. Connor completely forgot about it. "He asked me to take care of it because he was afraid you'd spoil the surprise for yourself. Being the master of hiding, I was glad to take the challenge. Nearly came close to finding it a few times, I have to say, really kept me on my toes." M'gann's confusion formed into bright-eyed excitement. She looked at Connor lovingly whilst he stared at Robin still confused by what was going on. "Oh, you're so sweet. To think I thought you'd forgotten." She placed a light kiss on his cheek then tore open the present. Inside there was a cookbook she'd been having her eyes on since their first trip into town. She held it close to her heard with an excited giggle. "Thank you so much, Connor! You too Robin, I'm so glad you kept it a surprise!" M'gann added, kissing the younger on the cheek as she floated back to the kitchen. She was all too eager to start using the recipes inside and buy all the ingredients.

Robin sat beside Connor with a smirk. "I knew you'd forget," he whispered.

"Thanks. You really saved me on this one," Connor responded. He flashed a smile at Robin in payment. 

"Count your lucky stars I came in here in time or you'd be up the creek with no paddle."

"Why wouldn't I have a paddle?"

"One day you'll understand metaphors. Too bad I'll be dead by then the way things are heading." Connor tutted, withholding a laugh. He had to admit, Robin was growing on him.


"How many times do I need to tell you to dodge a bullet?" Robin yelled. He'd pushed Superboy out the way just as a kryptonite bullet was heading towards him. The push sent them both to the floor, with Robin toppling on top of him. Blood trickled down his arm but since he wasn't yelling out in pain, he knew it wasn't something to worry about just yet. Though, it did sting. Stung like a bitch. "I've counted ten so far," Superboy responded. Whoever shot the bullet was now being floored by one of their team members. 

"And yet you still forget to use those ears of yours to hear a gun being cocked or a speeding bullet," Robin scolded, pinching the other's ears.

"You're bleeding on my shirt."

"Shut up. I'm bleeding because somebody isn't using their powers," he snapped, getting onto his feet. "That would've killed you." Superboy started to smile and it was silently growing. "What're you smiling at? I just told you it would've killed you," Robin stated. The smile only continued to grow. "You're running up a tab. You better hope I'm about to die somehow so you can start paying it off."

"Oh please, if that were true everyone in Gotham would spend a lifetime saving your ass," Artemis commented, overhearing the conversation.

"Doesn't count for them. Definitely counts for heroes. Especially supers and especially if I took a bullet to my arm." Superboy rolled his eyes and glanced over at the wound. 

"How much does getting that seen to cover?" he asked, playing along. It got a cackle from the injured bird at least. 

"Not even half supes."


Loud. Very loud. It was normal for everyone else but to Connor, it felt like his head was going to explode. His eyes were squeezed closed and he had his hands clamped over his ears. He winced at the sound. Breathing. There was a lot of breathing. Maybe four people no five. Definitely five. Three of them were fighting. Arguing. He couldn't tell over what, their voices were being overlapped with harsh punches to punching bags. Hitting. Breathing. Another set. Fast and slow. The fast one was getting faster and faster and faster. Oh, now there's footsteps. He could hardly hear it. It was like a mouse was running around the pattering was so light. No, the fast breathing was fast. Very fast. God make it stop. There was a dull calling for someone. C, he knew it was beginning with a C. Who began with a C?

Suddenly something touched him. It was a small hand on his shoulder. It gripped lightly to get his attention. Unable to pause for thought, Connor smacked whoever it was away. The connecting of the back of his hand and whoever's face the hand belonged to. "Well, that was a mighty bitch slap," a voice stated. It got Connor's attention. He could hear the quiver in the voice. He hit whoever it was very hard. His eyes opened to see who it was. Oh shit. "Breathe with me alright? Think you can do that?" Robin said. His right cheekbone had a small cut and Connor found himself concentrating on the trickling blood. Robin wiped it away and snapped his fingers. "Eyes on my eyes- or I guess white eye covers- just look in that general area," he continued. He cautiously grabbed the super's hands to get his attention. Finally, Connor began to copy his breathing and slowed down. "That's good supes. You're doing great. I'm gonna fetch you some water so you keep going with the breathing," Robin stated. He vaulted over the couch and ran to the fridge, snatching a bottle of water before he ran back to sit in front of him. "Nearly as quick as the speedsters, eh?" he said, handing over the bottle of water. Connor tentatively took it and downed the bottle. "That was more of a sipping thing but downing it works. I get thirsty after them too," Robin stated, making conversation.


"Panic attacks dude. Is this your first time on the rodeo?" Connor tilted his head, making the other sigh. Though it wasn't a sigh that made him feel bad about himself. It was a sigh that almost came out as a chuckle. "Is this your first panic attack?"

"Oh, that's what that was? No, I've had them before. I'm not normally outside of my room when I have them," Connor explained. He received a sympathetic smile from the smaller. 

"You should've told me. Let me guess, those ears make things overwhelming real fast?" Connor nodded. "I'll make some headphones to block out the sound. How's that?"

"Good. Thank you. I-I really appreciate it."

"Anything for my wittle brother," Robin responded cheekily. "Between you and me, I got this stopping a mugging on the way over here," he added, pointing at the cut on his cheek. "I'd rather not see you in Bats bad books."


Robin walked into the training room only to see a punching bag come flying towards him. He dodged it easily and looked for the person who sent it flying. When he saw the culprit was Connor, he wasn't surprised. "You could've taken my head off Supes," he proclaimed, walking towards the super. Around him, he noticed punching bags that had met a similar fate of being thrown through the air with one of his punches. Sure they were there to be punched but this was a little excessive. Connor didn't seem to notice him, his eyes focused on his shaking fists, and Robin just shook his head with a weary sigh. Something must be wrong. He lightly tapped the Connor on the shoulder and, learning from his last experience, ducked before he could receive a punch to the face. Connor gives him an odd yet sorrowful look when his eyes drop to see Robin crouching on the floor. "I'm a fast learner," Robin stated with that smirk that was always on his face. It didn't annoy him as much as it used to. Somehow. He didn't respond however which drew a small grumble from Robin. Robin moved to the supply closet and grabbed another punching bag, dragging it over then put it on the empty hook. "You don't have to tell me what's up but it would save our gym budget if ya did," he stated, patting the dust off the punching bag's cover.

Connor thought over it, deciding if he actually wanted to tell him. It was Robin after all and they'd grown closer. Plus, they'd run out of punching bags at some point. "Superman."

"Clark's got you all rilled up? What's he done?" Robin inquired.

"He hardly acknowledges me as a person let alone someone with the same genetic makeup. He should be down here helping me with my powers but he's just ignoring me," he ranted. He meant to sound angry but his tone sounded like begging for attention. That's all he wanted really. Some attention. Even if they weren't supposed to be biologically related, they were now and Superman had to suck it up. There was no changing the fact that he existed. "I wish I didn't want him to be there, you know? Sharing the same feelings for each other would be so much easier," he added defeatedly. 

"I'm in the same boat," Robin admitted, catching the taller's attention. He chuckled at the shocked expression. He perched himself on the stack of gym mats and patted the space next to him, silently calling the other to sit beside him. Connor did so, interested to hear how their situations were similar. "You think Bats and I are always on good terms? Sometimes I can't stand to see him. Sometimes he can't stand to see me," Robin explained. "Then there's the legacy of Batman to live up to. Makes me want to curl up in a ball and scream into my pillow half the time." He laughed dejectedly.

"How do you deal with it?" Connor asked.

"Not by destroying punching bags, that's for sure," he answered jokingly. "Just know your worth isn't dependent on how they treat you. Everyone is important here, even Plastic Man." Connor chuckled. "Look, I can't say if Clark is gonna stop being an idiot and be your mentor like he ought to be but I can say you've got me."

"I don't know which is worse." Robin lightly punched him in the shoulder, grinning. 

"Oh shut up, you love me."

"I'd say I tolerate you."


Fire lit up the night sky as the team ran out of the building that was fueling the bright orange flames. They panted and checked themselves for any stray flames that had found a new fuel source in them. "Sound off!" Aqualad announced. There was a panic to leave the building and he couldn't be sure that everyone had gotten out. "Miss Martian!"


"Kid Flash!"



Silence. Robin should've said something. They looked around to see if he'd just been winded from the escape and couldn't speak. There was no one else around them which meant only one thing. "Robin's still in the building!" Miss Martian exclaimed.

As panic set in, Superboy ran back into the firey building to find his friend. He was practically indestructible and could survive the flames, he just hoped he was fast enough to find Robin. "Robin! Robin, where are you?" he shouted into the flames. He punched burning furniture out the way and smacked away falling beams. "Robin!" Through squinted eyes, he spotted the familiar yellow underside of Robin's cape. He dashed over to the area to find Robin shielding himself with his cape. He wondered why he wasn't attempting to escape, then saw that his leg was being trapped by a fallen beam. "Robin," he called. The smaller shifted his cape slightly to see who was calling him. Superboy had never seen him that terrified in his life and he never wanted to see it again. Even though his eyes were covered with a mask, the white lids that covered his eyes were wider than saucers and his face was slightly damp from tears. "Thought you'd left me for dead," Robin replied, coughing from the smoke. It didn't sound like Robin talking to him, which only made things worse. That sarcastic smirk was long since gone. Superboy grabbed the beam that had him stuck there and threw it to the other side of the room to reveal Robin's most likely broken leg. If it wasn't then it would be a miracle. He carefully scooped Robin up in his arms, gaining a pained hiss from the teen, and began to run back through the raging flames. He notes that even with the extreme heat of the building, Robin is shaking so he pulls him closer. Robin smiles timidly and grips onto the taller's shirt tightly, hiding his face in the crook of his neck. "I really thought you wouldn't help," Robin admitted. 

"I've got a tab to pay off remember?" A quiet cackle came as a response but it wasn't as joyful as usual. Superboy couldn't blame him. His leg was broken and he'd been powerless to save himself. "You'll be alright. I've got you now."

"This'll sound stupid but don't leave me okay? Please?"

"No problem."

When they got back to the group, their teammates crowded around them. Although he appreciated their worry, the sudden group panicked Robin. He'd just been saved from a fire where he was sure he was going to die so he couldn't really be blamed for not enjoying the sudden presence of his friends. Superboy noticed his breath pick up and immediately became protective. "Give him some space. You're not helping," he announced. They stepped back awkwardly and found themselves a little confused. Since when was Superboy so protective of their youngest member.

"Is he alright?" Kid Flash asked worriedly. 

"His leg could be broken. A beam fell on it," he responded. Miss Martian called the bioship around then, once they were boarded, got them back to the Mountain as fast as she could. During the trip, Robin remained in Superboy's arms, occasionally laughing at something the taller said. Admittedly, it made a certain ginger a little jealous. He was supposed to be his big brother but it appeared that there was another contender for his role. "You know, this still doesn't cover your tab," Robin muttered. 

"Really? How many more times must I save you?" Connor asked, playing along. The smaller tapped his chin and thought of a number. 

"Five. I doubt you'll ever make it up since I'm great at saving myself. Treat it like a student loan since hardly anyone pays them back." Connor tutted and rolled his eyes, his lips turned up into a bright smile. "Mind if I have a nap? I feel like I was thrown into a sauna after being body-slammed by half the League," Robin said.

"Nap all you want. I'll still be here when you wake up," he responded, sensing some hesitance in Robin to fully sleep.

"Thanks, Supes." He closed his eyes and got comfortable then smiled. "Wally stop glaring at him, jealous isn't a good look on you," he added. Wally frowned and turned to look away from the pair with a dramatic sigh.

 it's my birthday soon so I might do a request for it so if y'all wanna give me a few short ones I can put them all together and have it out for the 19th

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