I don't do teams anymore

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I feel awful right now so have a story with a dumb ending 

Nightwing typed away on the computer, gathering the last bits of evidence he needed for the mission he had that evening. Unfortunately, he had to use the computers at the reformed Mount Justice considering he couldn't pay to use any more of that month's internet bill. He hated needing the resources there to do his job. He'd much prefer to be completely independent and away from them all right now but he had a job to do. That job came first and personal preferences came second. "Hey Dick, what're you up to?" M'gann asked brightly. She was always so perky. He couldn't help but crack a smile at her. 

"Last-minute research."

"Oh, what for?"

"I've got a mission tonight. Had to make sure the case looks good enough for the guys to get prosecuted," he explained, printing out the last few notes he'd made. She hummed.

"Is anyone going with you? It looks like a pretty big group you're going after," she commented. He cringed. Teams weren't really his thing anymore. Not since Wally. He didn't trust himself to look after a Nintendog let alone lead a team safely through a mission. No, he was done with all that. At most he worked with Batman and Robin but that was the end of his tether. He couldn't trust himself anymore. "I'm going alone," he stated. She made an unsure noise. 

"Maybe you should take a team with you. I'm sure I can get the others on board at such short notice." Nightwing snatched up the freshly printed notes and folded them up, shoving them into his utility belt. 

"No, I don't do teams anymore," he responded firmly.

"I know we're not your first pick but-"

"I said no M'gann and that's final." Her eyebrows knotted with concern but he took no notice. "I'll let you know what happened in the morning, okay?" It wasn't a good compromise by all means but she took it well enough. By well enough, I mean M'gann began plotting meeting up with him along with a team and forcing Nightwing to work with them. Confrontation normally worked well with Batboys if she remembered correctly.

As Nightwing inspected the scene through his binoculars, he heard loud thumps come from behind him. He whipped around and got into a fighting stance. When he saw who it was, he wished it was just some henchmen that managed to find him. "What the hell are you guys doing?" he snapped. In front of him stood Miss Martian, Superboy, and Artemis.

"We want in," Artemis replied simply. He muttered a few curses under his breath. He should've just asked Bruce for the money or something and stayed at home. 

"You're not in. Leave," he ordered. God, he sounded like Batman when a Leaguer got too close. When did he become a hotter version of Batman?   

"Oh c'mon, you're basically asking for death if you do this on your own," she argued. Nightwing huffed. She did have a point. With them, the percentages were in his favour. Then again, percentages could change at a moment's notice. "I meant what I said."

"And we mean what Artemis said," Superboy put bluntly. He just had to be friends with the most stubborn people in the world. He paced for a minute or two, thinking up a plan. 

"So are you gonna admit you need help?" Miss Martian inquired.

"Fine. There's back up waiting a couple of buildings down. Stay there and let me know if you see any movement," he ordered them. They nodded and began hopping buildings over to their assigned spot. He turned back around with a weary smile. Lying wasn't the best thing to do but it wasn't like they gave him many options to do anything else.

After shaking off the guilt and adding it to the massive pile of problems he was repressing, Nightwing made his move onto the top of the warehouse. He climbed up to the windows and looked down into the storage space. Henchman, henchman, henchman... gang leader. Bingo! "Gotcha," he muttered. He reached back and grabbed his escrima sticks then looked for a safe way to land. Boxes would work. Though the temptation to land on one of the gang members was too huge to ignore. He smashed the glass and used the man to cushion his fall. They all jumped back in surprise and he stood up, dusting himself off comically. "Thanks for catching me, thought I was a goner there," he said. "Now, we could do this the easy way or the fun way, your pick." Nightwing was met with bullets racing towards and around him. "Fun way it is." He backflipped to cover then threw a smoke bomb to the floor. Once covered by the thick smoke, he jumped over the boxes and beat those closest to him before the smoke cleared and their gunshots got too close.

Everything seemed to be going well until he heard the back door burst open. Did they actually have back up? Shit, maybe he should've let the others stay. "You're such a dick Nightwing!" Artemis yelled. Oh, he was in deep water now. She was going to kill him if these bullets didn't. 

"I said I didn't do teams, respect my decision!" he yelled back, punctuating his sentence with a punch and a kick. They appeared through the smoke as the gang members surrounded them.

"Respect your decision? You're a grown-ass man who just sent three of his friends two doors down because he won't admit what's going on," Superboy snapped back. Their backs were touching at this point, all of them too involved in their argument to even notice that their exits were slowly being closed off. "I can't believe you did that to us," Miss Martian stated. 

"Yeah, not cool," Artemis added.

"Fine you can help since you're here now," Nightwing replied, giving in.

"Finally. Still, remember the moves we made up?" Artemis inquired. He nodded with a knowing smirk. 

"Thinking B-16 for us and D-9 for the couple?" She smirked back in confirmation. "On three. 1...2...3!"

He threw another smoke bomb to the floor before darting in front of Artemis and let her run up his back, allowing her to get a good amount of air time to shoot an arrow with a rope attached. The rope tied around three of the men whilst Nightwing kicked their legs out from under them, making them fall to the floor. Whilst they did this, Superboy and Miss Martian surrounded the remain four. Superboy floored half of them whilst Miss Martian lifted the other half into the air and threw them into a wall. They fell to the floor limply, expecting terrible headaches in the morning. Nightwing tied up the pair who'd been thrown and Artemis did the same with the pair being crushed by her fellow hero's muscular body. She chuckled to herself when she saw their dazed expressions. "I think you went too hard on them," she commented, dragging them over to where the other criminals sat. 

"Well that was easier than anticipated," Nightwing announced, completing the collection of criminals. "I'm guessing the next time I see you is in 10 years?" he added. 

"Enjoy the decade whilst you can. I have ways of making you suffer."

"Yeah yeah, torture and stuff, been there done that."

He began to walk off until he heard a loud 'ahem' come from his friends. Slowly he turned around. "Don't think you're just walking away from this. You've got some explaining to do," Miss Martian scolded. 

"What? Me? Walk away from confronting feelings I don't want to talk about? Never!" They gave him a soft glare. "How about I just- YEET!" He quickly threw a smoke bomb to the floor and ran off. 


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