Of course, this would happen to me

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Imma just leave this here  

There wasn't a lot that could surprise Nightwing after his years of hero business. He'd seen his friends be turned into children, mind control through free headphones and a few heroes, himself included, turned into animals. Villains had to do a lot to surprise and this one sure did hit the mark. Had he been in a better position, he definitely would've congratulated the person behind the crazed antic. Unfortunately, he was sitting in a different dimension eating mochi with an odd-looking doctor trying to fix his problem.

It started at the end per se. He'd just finished up a job that had been largely reported on. He decided to be nice on that day and do an interview for the local news station. It wasn't often that he stayed behind but the reporter was kind enough to convince him to stick around for a little longer. As the criminals were put into police cars and he answered a few questions, a crazed laugh came from the roof. They looked up to see a large machine beside a man who looked like a mad scientist clip art. He typed something on the keyboard, causing the machine to let out a large hum. Nightwing quickly threw an updated version of a Wing Ding that had a ticking bomb against it. Before it could reach the machine, it let out a green beam towards the reporter. Nightwing instinctively pushed the woman aside and took the hit. A warming sensation filled his chest as he was thrown back into who knows what.

The first thing he noticed after the blast was the lack of familiar sound. There was sound but it wasn't the sound of policemen shouting through their radios or the worried ramblings of a reporter who had a near-death experience. It sounded like conversations going on in a language he couldn't comprehend. The second thing he noticed was that he wasn't standing in the car park whilst police raided a laboratory. He was sitting in what seemed like an airport, with things scurrying around to catch their flights. Things were the best way to describe what he could see. Around Nightwing were humanoid green beings as well as purple blobs. It looked like something straight out of Star Trek or Rick and Morty. Either way, he didn't like what he saw. He jumped up after collecting himself and looked around closer. There were signs but they were written in some made-up letters. Nobody around him seemed to take much notice of him even though he looked nothing like anyone there. "Of course this would happen to me," he muttered. Lady Luck had been on his side intermediately nowadays and this just proved it. At least he wasn't dead but being stuck in some distorted version of reality with no hope of returning home wasn't much better. To sweeten the deal, it wasn't like people back home would be looking for him. He'd cut off all contact with the Teen Titans as well as Batman. Last he heard, he'd been replaced rather quickly by both so he didn't see a reason to reconnect. It was just his luck that this would happen.

"Ahem," something proclaimed, tugging on his suit in the process. He whipped around to find a short green being. They had horns and fangs paired with big purple eyes. They were cute in an alien sort of way. "You look confused. Is there a problem?" He was surprised they even spoke English. Today was just full of surprises or so it seemed. 

"Would you believe me if I said I came from a different dimension and don't know how to go back?"

"Yep! It's pretty common here. Our dimension is like a central hub for that sorta stuff," they said with a shrug. He let out a sigh of relief and smiled. 

"Do you know where I could get help?" he asked. Maybe there was some sort of customer service desk he could go to or a travel guide he could get in English. 

"That would be me," they proclaimed. "I'm Dr. Garr. If you'd like to follow me, I'll see what we can do about your situation." He nodded and began following her through the crowds. There must've been fifty different species around of him. Some were being confronted by things similar to Dr. Garr. He wondered just how common his situation was for beings across other dimensions. It seemed far too common for his liking. "What's your name then?" Dr. Garr inquired.

"Nightwing," he replied on instinct. He couldn't help but keep his secret ID even in a different dimension. He'd been trained too well. 


They turned into a hallway and Dr. Garr put her hand up against it. A door slid open to reveal a space that looked like a GP's office. He stepped inside just as the door closed and the alien pointed over to the seat in front of their desk. Nightwing took it nervously as they typed up something on the computer. "I'm guessing you don't know what dimension you're from?" He shook his head.

 "Am I supposed to?"

"It's good practice in case this happens again," they replied.

"I doubt that this will happen again. It's not that common where I'm from," he responded. "People prefer time travel," he added. Now that he thought about it, that was an odd trope. 

"Ah, I'm guessing this is a rather new tech then. That sure narrows it down." Nightwing couldn't tell if they were being sarcastic or not. They rifled through a draw then pulled on his arm and pulled off his glove. Suddenly a sharp pain ran throughout his hand as blood was sucked up through a concealed needle. "Consent to that would've been nice but go off I guess."

"Beings nearly never consent. Surprise makes the process easier," they answered. Who knew aichmophobia was so common. Dr. Garr put the needle into a machine that looked similar to a printer and pressed a few buttons until it emitted a whirring sound. "What colour was your sky?"

"Blue I guess?"

"And was there gravity?" He nodded. They let out a hum and typed in his answers. The machine let out a loud shrill beep and printed out some notes. They hummed once again and typed in a few more things. "I need to confer with a higher up but I think I've found your dimension. I'll be back in five glorfs." Before he could ask what that meant in minutes, the alien had disappeared.

Whilst alone Nightwing began to dwell on thoughts that had previously been pushed to the back of his mind. What if he never got back? Dr. Garr hadn't promised to return him to the right place and there was no way of verifying if that was his dimension since he had no idea which dimension he came from. Would people be looking for him? He did go missing on Live news and no doubt that villain would take credit for killing him or something. The League might not even get involved. The Teen Titans definitely wouldn't. He'd left them to pave is own way and they probably thought he was a dick, pardon the pun. To ease off some of the nerves, Nightwing tried a few handstands and backflips. His hyperactive mind didn't let him escape the thoughts though. Would Batman mind if he went missing? He'd already been replaced with some other orphan, further cementing the idea that he was a charity case all this time. Sometimes he thought Batman purposely took Robin away from him to get some sort of reaction. He was getting older and was far past his "adorable" stage as newer partners were being introduced. Had he reacted more violently instead of running away, Batman might've kicked him out with a good reason to. A well-known pain stabbed through his heart when he thought about when life seemed so much easier. Before he left the Titans. Before Jason died. Before Batman tried to take Robin. Before, being a kid hero was as fun as it sounded. He'd been sucked into such an addictive career at such a young age that he sometimes wondered if this was what he really wanted or what he was used to. He couldn't imagine a life where he didn't help people but he could imagine one where he didn't come home with a bruise he got trying to solve the unsolvable problem.

"Would you care for some mochi?" Dr. Garr asked, returning with a plate of said food. He returned to his seat and nodded, gladly taking a few off the plate. He felt like he hadn't eaten in ages though he couldn't have been in this dimension for more than an hour. "We've managed to find your dimension. All we're waiting for is an acceptance form from my boss to state the meaning of your travel and the time as well as the date you left." He nodded, bearing a relieved smile. There was a definite way home at least. "In the meantime, can I interest you in your very own travel guide with a way to return to the dimensional hub when you choose to?"

"Thanks for the offer but this is enough dimensional traveling for me in this lifetime." They nodded with a small chuckle. 

"We don't get many takers for that due to the circumstances. I can only commend you on how well you've behaved during this time," they responded, chomping down on her dessert. 

"I'm used to high-stress high-risk situations. This is probably the most relaxed surprise trip I've ever been on," he said. He should go on vacation more but, then again, they'd always turn into some mission or other. 


"Do you get many people from my dimension here?" They shook their head after thinking for a minute. 

"Your dimension just made the technology. Now you've reminded me, I should put it on the high-risk database." He waited until they were done to ask a burning question. 

"How come I can understand you but nobody else in this place?"

"My species are very sensitive to the types of matter that arrive when someone travels. I simply had to touch your clothing in order to get a handle of your language and mimic it."

"That's pretty fancy."

"That's evolution."

An electronic ringtone interrupted their conversation and their attention turned to the computer. They printed out a piece of paper and passed it over along with a pen. "Fill out the information below and we should have you home in no time." He nodded and worked through the sheet. He noticed that it asked for his residence, making him wonder if they were literally going to send him home. He wouldn't mind though. After a quick shower, he'd be able to get back out on patrol since the night would still be young. Thinking about being in that run-down apartment of his made smile. He loved that place. "Done!" Dr. Garr picked up the piece of paper and slotted it into a type of portal gun that was way too similar to the one seen in Rick and Morty. "Alright, you may experience a slight burning sensation in your chest and a small headache once you return home. Are you ready?" they asked, pointing the gun to Nightwing's chest. 

"You betcha."

In a flash, Nightwing found himself standing in his apartment as though nothing had happened. To the outside world, he'd simply been teleported halfway across the city. He supposed the odd adventure would make for good enough story to share if he ever got the chance. As he planned to, he took a long and weird shower then got back out onto the streets. Something about himself felt odd. Like he'd only just caught up with the world around him even though he couldn't have gone for more than an hour or two. Maybe it was just the feeling of homesickness subsiding. He tried to shrug it off as he went from rooftop to rooftop but he eventually had to stop to get a reality check. He focused on his senses. He could see the bustling streets below him and a big tower which told him he'd been gone for an hour. The wind against his skin was cold but wasn't strong enough to bite at it. He could smell polluted air but that wasn't anything new. He moved onto hearing. Cars. Starfire. Chattering. Wait, Starfire?

As Nightwing turned around to confirm what he thought he heard, said alien flew into him and enveloped him in a tight hug. "We have been looking all over for you! Why must you scare us so?" Starfire exclaimed

"I was only gone for an hour?" he replied, only now he wasn't so sure. She shook her head, causing him to frown in confusion. She let him out of the hug but kept a told hold of his hand whilst the other Titans caught up. "Dude we thought you died or something!" Beast Boy exclaimed. 

"How long have I been gone?" Nightwing asked shakily. The shock of what happened was hitting him, he could feel his knees wobbling like they were going to give up on supporting his body and sick feeling rise to his throat. "Three days. Batman had us searching day and night for you. What happened?" Cyborg asked. Three days? He was gone for three days? 

"I was gone for three days?" he exclaimed. It had only felt like a matter of hours. 

"Time may have been slower where ever you were," Raven pointed out. "I'll contact Batman to let him know you're safe."

"I can't believe I was gone for three days. More importantly, I can't believe you guys were looking for me," he muttered. They shot him unhappy looks like he should've expected them to move heaven and earth to figure out where he went. 

"Of course my friend. You may have left the team but that doesn't prevent you from being dear to us," Starfire reasoned as though he should know such information. He laughed tearfully as the gravity of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks. "Mind if I hang with you guys a little bit? I don't think I've fully got back yet if you get me?"

"We're probably the only people who get you half the time," Cyborg commented. "Like the suit by the way. I see you've actually thought about it this time."

"I just got back from a different dimension, I don't have the mental capacity to deal with your attacks on my fashion sense."

this was over 2000 words 

Fun Fact: this was also purely based on a dream I had when I was stressed

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