Making out to coming out

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beamerboyx requested this a while back so very sorry for the wait 

When Dick came out, a boy named Thomas approached him. He was also gay and knew nothing about being with a guy. Neither did Dick. This brought them to the conclusion that they should practice with one another. They became great friends first then started practicing. Thomas was his first kiss. He was also the first person he ever made out with and he was also the first person Bruce caught him being gay with.

Dick was taking a few things out of his locker when arms snaked around his waist. He smirked to himself and turned around, knowing it was Thomas from the get-go. "Can I help you?" he asked in a nonchalant tone.

"I heard your Mathletics meeting was canceled," the taller responded.

"Funny because I also heard your science club was done for the term. I suppose that makes us both free," Dick said.

"Exactly. I was thinking that we could try some experimenting behind the school. No one will know," Thomas suggested. He was always soft when he put across ideas. That's partly why the acrobat agreed to this. He was never pressured into it. It was always a unanimous thing. He thought to himself for a moment. Did he have time to fool around? He checked his watch. Bruce shouldn't know that the meeting was canceled so he'd come to pick him up at four. "Alright, I have some time. Let's have some fun." Thomas grinned and took his hand, taking him to the backside of the school, making him cackle. "Someone's excited," he teased.

"Hey, I've had a rather stressful day and you're like a fidget spinner."  

"Dude...that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me." They went to the back of the school as they always did when they fooled around. Behind the school was a lot of greenery that hid them from the public. It was also a Wednesday so all the sports teams were either not playing or at away games. Plus, the only other people who went around there were cool with what they did. That or they were so far off their heads on drugs that they couldn't tell if they were hallucinations. "Who's taking the lead?" Dick asked before being pushed against the wall. It wasn't rough but he did find it rather lustful. 

"You say that as though you're anything but a bottom."

"Watch it smart mouth. Remember what I said about being slow, you don't want a repeat of last time," the acrobat warned. The taller nodded, remembering the pain of being kicked in the balls in the midst kissing. He rested his arms on Dick's hips and leaned in, connecting their lips together. He felt Dick relax so he deepened the kiss by slipping in his tongue. He felt the other smirk against his lips and put his arms around his neck. They pulled away to breathe. "Can I pick you up?" Thomas asked. The smaller nodded. He moved his hands to the underside of Dick's thighs and picked up his legs so Dick hooked his legs around to distribute the weight. "You're really light."

"I'm an acrobat," he replied with a smirk. He pulled Thomas back into the kiss and weaved his fingers through his shaggy brown locks. He shivered in delight when he felt the other's hands trail up down his thighs. Then he felt a squeeze and moaned indecently into the kiss. "Sorry-"

"You're more than fine, love."

Bruce was quite pleased with himself when he managed to finish all his work earlier than hoped. He'd called Alfred to pick him up and on the way home, he got a text from Gotham Academy. "It looks like we'll be picking Dick up, his meeting got canceled. I'll shoot him a text so he knows we're coming," he announced.

"Inform him we're twenty minutes away. I'd rather him wait inside." He nodded and added that to the text. Dick would probably wait for them on the stairs as he always did. He never saw the point in it because his face always seemed rosier whenever he did wait there. The cold must get to him more when he's wearing a thin blazer. "I'm sure he'll be happy to be picked up early. You know how much he loves training now."

"Indeed I do but do make sure he doesn't become too infatuated with it. Sometimes I fear that boy has little social life due to his nightly biddings."

Thomas bit lightly at Dick's bottom lip and made it more swollen despite the fact they were supposed to be limiting their chances of being caught. Both of their lips were red and puffy but neither felt bad about it. They were having fun. It wasn't like they were doing things no one else their age did. If anything, this was the most normal thing they did. Though Thomas didn't know about his friend's secret identity, he knew he wasn't in the least bit usual and that's why he liked him. They were two less than straight nerds who were normal together. They took a small break between the more deep kisses to make sure they were still breathing. The last thing either needed was a fainting spell in the middle of making out. The taller chuckled at the near dazed expression on Dick's face. His pupils were dilated to the nth degree and his lips were matching his cheeks with how red they were. Thomas moved some strands out of his face with his free hand and rested his palm on the other's cheeks. He could feel the heat coming off them. "You're such a bottom," he commented.

"Shut up and kiss me," Dick snapped playfully.

"A bratty bottom too? Aren't you every top's dream?" He kissed down Dick's neck. He was careful not to leave anything noticeable. 

"Hold on a sec, I'm boiling with this blazer on," Dick complained. Thomas stepped away and held him to get the garment off. He was pleased that he got it off since it always swallowed up the acrobat. His body was definitely something to marvel at but that blazer always covered it up. "Okay, ready," Dick stated. He nodded and pushed him back up against the wall, deciding this time to pin his wrists beside his face in line with his eyes. "Such a top," the smaller tutted but he didn't argue against the new position. They leaned back into a kiss, their bodies gradually getting closer and closer together as they got needy for more contact, blissfully unaware of what was to come.

The limo pulled up to the school but Bruce was surprised to find Dick wasn't waiting outside. He hummed to himself and texted his foster son that they'd arrived. Maybe he did wait inside for once. When he didn't get a response for a few minutes he shrugged to himself. He knew Dick kept his phone off during the day so he supposed he forgot to turn it back on. "I'll just go get him, wait here," Bruce stated. His faithful butler nodded and got out the newspaper from the glove compartment whilst he waited. The billionaire stepped out and walked into the building, making a b-line for reception when he found the general lobby empty. Maybe Dick went to a different club to waste some time. He wouldn't pass his lad to do so. He walked up to the lady at the desk with a smile. "Hello ma'am, I'm looking for my ward Dick Grayson. His maths meeting was canceled and I was supposed to pick him up but I can't find his normal waiting areas," he said.

"Oh, Dick? He went to the field with Thomas. The pair visit there quite often. It's just through those doors to your left and straight on to through the double doors."

"Thank you." So he walked on through the halls. It wasn't often that he got to get a good look at the school but when he did, he realized that it didn't look too different to the public schools aside from all the trips they were supposedly running. He strolled along until he got to the double doors he was instructed to go through. He pushed them open and took a look around. Immediately he found who he was looking for. Only he was being held up against the wall, sharing a kiss with one of the friends Bruce had seen very little of. His blazer was on the floor and Thomas' knee was between his legs which really didn't help the situation. "Richard John Grayson! Get away from him this instant!" he yelled.

The pair jumped out of their skin at the sound of sudden shouting and pushed each other away. They instantly went pale when they realized it was Bruce. "Shit I'm so sorry Dick- I didn't- shit," Thomas stuttered. Neither of them was out to their families yet and Dick had always been so careful and now he'd been caught. The smaller gave him a panicked look before snatching his blazer from the ground. "Bruce it's not what it looks like-"

"Don't give me that excuse," his guardian interrupted. Bruce stomped towards him and grabbed his wrist tightly, dragging him away from his friend. 

"B let go!"

"No. I'm your guardian and I'll be damned if I let anything like this continue without us having a lengthy conversation about how wrong it is." Dick tried to dig his heels into the grass so he could at least pause to catch his breath but it seemed like the older was on a death march. He looked back to Thomas with tears in his eyes, wondering if this would be the last time they saw one another. Thomas looked back just as terrified for the future as he was. He mouthed I'm sorry one last time. Dick was pulled all the way through the school and into the limo, feeling absolutely humiliated when they went past the receptionist. "Bruce stop it! You're hurting me!" he cried. He was bundled into the car before he could be humiliated any further. Bruce seemed to calm down at that point but he was still terrified. This man was Batman. He could very easily beat him half to death and frame him for some grievous crime to get away with it. He could kill him if he wanted to and cover it up without a second of hesitation. He squeezed his eyes shut and cowered in the farthest corner from where Bruce was sitting. It was terrifying. This was truly terrifying. He'd never felt this terrified of someone he trusted so much. Was this going to be it? "Alfred, drive home," Bruce ordered before rolling up the tinted window that allowed the butler to hear them. Oh God, Dick thought, he was going to get the beating of a lifetime and he wouldn't be able to call out for help. Not that Alfred would help him. If he raised Bruce then he probably shared the same views.

The limo hummed to life and things were silent, only being punctuated by his own soft sniffling. He held his wrist to his chest and rubbed the skin that would definitely be bruised by tomorrow. His eyes remained on the floor of the limo, staring deeply into nothing. Any moment now and he'd be in a world of pain with no one to help. What if it didn't stop at one beating? What if it was a beating every time he did something considered even slightly gay from now on? He wouldn't be able to stand the name-calling, he already got enough at school. He might be chucked out entirely and then no one would want him. He'd be on the street. Another drifter LGBT+ teen who had nowhere else to go. The thought scared him. He didn't want to be on his own again. He knew the streets of Gotham well and he wouldn't last very long even if he did decide to fight at the level of Robin. "Put your seatbelt on," Bruce demanded but he wasn't listening. He was spiraling further and further into a web of what-ifs. He was numb to his surroundings. Bruce huffed and reached over to grab his seatbelt but pulled back when Dick flinched and put his hands over his face to protect it. He frowned. "Dick, I'm just putting your seatbelt on." Shaky hands weakly pulled on the belt and clicked it into place before going back to their previous position. Bruce suddenly lost all the anger he had in the heat of the moment. He'd really affected his ward in a way he was certain he didn't like. "Chum, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Don't do that with me, Bruce. I'm not dumb. If you're going to do it then do it now!"

"I'm not going to do it ever. Did I hurt you before?"

"Stop it! Stop messing with my head. You've got a problem with me being gay so just express it and stop toying with me," the younger demanded, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm not mad with you being gay! I'm mad because you're making out when you're only thirteen!"

A beat of silence passed. "You're what?" Dick asked softly, his voice shaking.

"I'm mad because you're making out when you're only thirteen. You're too young to be doing things like that. Not to mention the way it looked, I thought it was going to go further had I not showed up." Dick stared at his guardian blankly for a few moments, blinking quickly. He was mad he was making out with someone? "I would never be mad at you for something you can't choose. Why would you even think that?"

"I just thought since you're, you know, you. Rich, white, cis, straight guy. Kinda the stereotype for homophobes."

"Then let me make it clear right now. I will never be mad at you for sexuality or gender choices. I will, however, be mad at you for doing mature things you aren't informed about. Now we should probably have a-" he was cut off as his ward hugged him tightly, his face burying into the older's chest. "Hey, hey, what's with the waterworks?"

"I'm just came out in the most embarrassing way possible, give me a break." He hummed and rubbed soothing circles on the acrobat's back. He supposed it must've been terrifying to be forced out the closet like he was and the initial reaction he got could easily be confused with homophobia. "Alright, alright. Just try to stop crying for me. You're going to make me cry too." Dick cackled under his breath and pulled away with a relieved smile. "Did I hurt your wrist?"

"Only a little, I think the fear made it seem worse than it is." He rubbed the skin and winced slightly at the feeling of pressure on it. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I just..."

"You went daddy bats?" Dick offered with a cheeky look. Bruce rolled his eyes but still smirked. Being teased was much better than terrifying his foster son.

The next day, Thomas waited anxiously by Dick's locker. He felt like he'd been having a non-stop heart attack since they were caught yesterday. When he saw the smaller come down the hall, he couldn't contain himself and ran over then pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank God you're okay! After yesterday Bruce seemed so mad and he was holding you tightly and I didn't know what would happen to you or if you would out me too for revenge-"

"Dude calm down. I'm okay. He was just mad about the kissing part, not the gay part. Put me down!" Thomas obliged with a nervous smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I suppose that means our arrangement is off the table?" Dick laughed mockingly.

"Are you kidding? When have I ever did what people told me to? And you're not telling me Mr. Bachelor wasn't doing the same thing at his age."

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