One fucked up reunion pt 2

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ginger300 wanted a pt 2 so here we go

The day I spell Selina right on the first try is the day the world ends

Last time on the tella novella that is the Villain Dick AU

Bruce decided to traumatize his child by making those he loved most turn on him would be a good idea and bring him back to being a hero. After drinking with Jason, Dick found out about this plot and had to be taken home after an explosive argument with his mentor. This leaves our heroes at a loss for words except for one.

All eyes fell on Bruce. "What the fuck dude?" Oliver stated.

Bruce's jaw clenched as he saw the sea of angry expression staring at him. He reminded himself that he'd been in the right all along though that soon became hard to see as the truth. But he was stubborn so he wouldn't relent from his view for a while yet. "What?" he asked. 

"What do you mean what? You intentionally tried to turn your children against one another!" Diana exclaimed. She threw her arms up dramatically just to prove her point but it fell flat as Bruce continued to look unimpressed with her demonstration. Why did he have to be like this? "I was doing it for his own good," he responded firmly. 

"That logic doesn't make sense even to me and I'm drunk," Jason commented as he hung off of Clark. The superhero was the only way he was going to stay on his feet whilst his body tried to work through the masses amount of alcohol he'd just given it. He hiccuped softly under his breath and glanced longingly at the couch. He could just crash on it right now and sleep for 20 hours but that would have to wait. "It doesn't have to make sense to you," Bruce spat disapprovingly.

"Because it only had to make sense to you, didn't it? You and all your infinite wisdom," Selina mocked. She narrowed her eyes spitefully at him. She hated this side of Bruce. He could be so selfish and stubborn sometimes. So resistant to change that he'd do anything to prevent it from happening no matter what. "And I'm very disappointed in you Damian for going along with this. You're smart kid, I don't know what made you act so stupidly," she added.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Kyle. My business is my own- OW!" Jon had grabbed his arm with a crushing grip and dragged him into the kitchen before he could say anything else. They watched the pair go into the kitchen then shrugged. Hopefully, they wouldn't kill one another in there whilst they ripped into Bruce. 

"You're all being ridiculous," Bruce stated.

"We're being ridiculous? What about you? Why can't you just accept that Dick wants this path in life? He's old enough to make his own decisions," Barry defended. Couldn't they all have one nice party together without it devolving into an argument or a surprise attack from a villain? "Because he was my boy and I know him better than all of you so I know that he'll regret this. He just needs to be reminded of what he can lose," he explained. 

"Was?" Tim pointed out. He felt something tighten in his chest and a surge of warmth run through his veins. Dick was still a member of their family. He didn't do anything that awful when you thought about it. Most of what he did benefitted the powerless. "Yes. Was." His eye twitched at the response. 

"How dare you! You don't get to disown him, he should disown you for what you've done. He trusted you to always be there for him but the moment he decides to do his own thing you can't stand him."

"You're twisting my words. I will support him in any endeavor he chooses as long as it's not breaking the law," Bruce corrected. He got a resounding look of stunned confusion. As though what he said was both the stupidest and most surprising thing ever said in the history of saying things. And that was a long time. He tutted at them. "I'd appreciate if you acted like adults."

"You're a vigilante, you break laws all the time! They're just the overlooked ones," Oliver stated. He could feel a migraine from how stupid his peer was coming on at full force. If only he'd been drinking with the boys, maybe this wouldn't be as infuriating. "You really don't get it, do you?" Selina asked. "This is exactly the reason we broke up. You're stubborn and rude and so far up your own ass that you can't see what you're doing. Let me lay out what happened tonight for you. You plotted against the boy you raised and "cared" for by getting your children to disown him so you could traumatize and play on his fears enough that he'd give up his career as a bloody fabulous criminal who has done more good than harm." She got right up in his face with an accusatory finger pointing at him. Her face got red as she snatched up the collar of the man. "You, Bruce Wayne, are a fucking disgrace." She violently let him go and pushed him back a few feet. 

Damian finally got away from Jon's grip once they were in the privacy of the kitchen and rubbed at his arm with a pout. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he spat. 

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You betrayed your brother!" Jon exclaimed. He rubbed his temples with his forefingers and contemplated what just happened. All it took was Dick going into a life of crime and boom that was it, Damian would do anything his father told him to. Even after all that time, e complained that he was being bossed around and wouldn't follow orders anymore here he was following orders. "I thought it was in his best interest," Damian replied half-heartedly He sounded like he was just copying a phrase he'd heard before. That was nothing like Damian. Any opinion he had, he spoke about it with conviction and passion.  He may as well have been mentioning what he ate that morning rather than giving a defense. "Because Bruce said it was? What happened to you and Dick being against Bruce? Dick could've sent you back to that boarding school but he didn't. He stuck it out and raised you until Bruce returned," the teen reminded him. "You yourself said he felt like more of a Dad than your actual one."

"I know what I said! And it sucks that I did that to Grayson! You wanna know the truth?" he shouted, finally sick of being reminded of his feelings about the older. Jon nodded. "I'm angry at him. Well, I was when Father suggested the idea. He tells me for years about the no-kill rule and how we need to have it so we're better than the people we fight against then he just becomes one of them? He left me!"

"Your brother didn't leave you. I agree, it was kinda hypocritical but who's to say the views he taught you were his own? You're not his son so he was probably teaching you what Bruce would've wanted," Jon explained on behalf of the absent ex-hero. "No one can change this drastically overnight, he must've felt this way for ages. Who could blame him? Justice only got him pain. I thought you out of everyone here would've known that." Damian hid his face by turning away from his friend. He didn't want him to see how upset he was about it all. This was his brother, his father figure. Dick was his only life-line at one point and then he suddenly wasn't there anymore. Of course, he knew Bruce was the one to cause the disconnect but that would never stop the old Dick. He'd find a way around it. Unless he had and Bruce had hidden that from him too. "I know you're mad but it's not at the right person. You've seen Dick nowadays and he's genuinely happy. David protects him and you two could get along really well. You've just got to accept that the old Dick isn't around anymore. I'm sure he'd still want to be your big brother, even after this," Jon told him. 

"I miss him Kent. I really do but how do I know agreeing with this life won't sign Grayson's death warrant?"

"You don't. Just as you didn't know being Robin won't sign your own."

"I suppose you're right. He is smart enough to not get himself killed. Even then I don't think his lover would allow it."

The Young Justice team had been quiet whilst this had gone down. They didn't feel they had as much authority to pitch in on the matter as the older league members. Yet when Bruce was violently pushed away by Selina, a spark lit in M'gann to speak up on behalf of their former member. She knew him well and she knew that he was happier now. She also knew she'd be damned if she let anyone try and take that happiness away. "We even stand with Dick. He's our little brother and yeah, we're upset that he isn't a hero anymore and we have to sneak around to see him but so what? He's still our little brother. He's still the caring young man we love. If we can stand this change, then you have no reason not to," she announced. Wally sighed and stepped to be closer to her, as though they were getting in battle formation. 

"I'm still pissed about losing my boyfriend to that brute but I agree with her. He was my best friend first and I always promised that it would stay that way if we broke up."

"M'gann is right to speak for us," Kaldur added. He and the remaining members stood beside one another to create a front. They found the League members copying in their actions, joined by Selina as an honorary member. "I think it's time you leave. I'll make sure Damian starts patrol," Selina stated, narrowing her glare at Bruce. He squinted at her before looking around. He knew where he wasn't wanted and this was that area. 

"Fine. Thanks for having me, Barry."

"The pleasure certainly isn't mine."

Back at the Davick lair 

"Hey, do you think B is being torn a new one?" Dick proposed, semi sober. The pizza really helped. He was leaning on David's arm since lying down made him "feel icky." 

"Definitely. I expect you'll get a drunk text from Jason poorly trying to explain what went down at some point tonight." There was a ding from the bedside table. 

"Huh, creepy."

ginger300 again sorry for being super awkward with this request and having it out after ages XD

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