Please just be normal

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CloeTheTealSnake requested this and i hope this turned out well

I know Dick speaks Romani but as we all been knew i can't find a translator for that so we'll have to go with Romanian

Sorry to anyone who actually speaks the language or just wanted some real Romani

Btw if you speak it, comment what it would say and I'll change it

"You've got to be kidding me," Artemis muttered defeatedly. She'd ran ahead with Kid Flash to clear the path to their end goal when she came across the thing that made her shoulders fall and her stomach do a flip. Yes, they were all fit and capable of things no one else their age was but this was something else. This was something she wasn't trained to deal with and she was damn sure none of the others were trained for it either. "What's wrong?" Aqualad asked as the rest of the team caught up to the pair. Kid Flash pointed to the sight that was before them. An obstacle course kitted out with a zipline that led onto a tightrope, trapezes and thin poles to stand on. Below the course was a very long fall on spikes. From the looks of it, some people had already tried the course and hadn't been lucky. Unlike his female counterpart, Kid Flash had a smirk on his face and looked rather excited for something. It couldn't be for doing the course since it was going to be an arse for Miss Martian to carry everyone across so what was it?

Robin was the last to catch up due to him finishing off a hacking job though his arrival wasn't unnoticed. How could they when the teen let out an adorably excited squeal? He ignored the cooing of his friends in favour of marveling the course. It was perfect. Wonderful. He wished there was something just like it in the Batcave. He'd have to beg Batman for it for months on end to even get something similar to this thing. Shame it was in the villain's hands and in their best interest to have to keep out heroes like them but it was beautiful. "Holy Batman, este uimitor!" (It's amazing) he exclaimed. He could hardly contain his love for the course and had taken to jumping up and down to get rid of some of the energy. The team was sure they'd never seen him that happy before. "That's not English," Superboy stated.

"His accent is different too," Miss Martian added. Continuing to ignore everyone, Robin praised the course in a different language. He commented on every little detail that had to be planned out carefully in order for it to even work. They let him have his little moment before Kid Flash tapped him on the shoulder to get him to pause for breath. "We get it, you're really excited but you're talking faster than me on a sugar rush," he informed the younger.

"Oh right, sorry, yeah, we're on a mission," Robin replied, his demeanor returning to normal. His accent was a little shaky but at least he was speaking English now. "Yes well, the gap is too big for Supes to jump over so Miss Martian will have to carry us across."

Usually, his tone would be fine with the team but that was before they heard the eager ramblings in just an upbeat tone there was no way they were going to bring him down from the high. That would be just plain mean. Not to mention he was absolutely the cutest thing they've ever seen when he was that happy. They'd melted away all their autonomy and all they wanted to do was see him that happy again. They wondered how Batman was able to deal with someone so pure. It must be impossible not to spend every waking minute trying to see that look on Robin's face again. "You know, I could be very tired trying to getting everyone across," MIss Martian stated. Robin caught on exceedingly quickly, beginning to hop from one foot to the other. 

"So it would be helpful for me to do the course, right?" he asked, waiting for confirmation. 

"I'd say so. For the benefit of the mission of course," Aqualad answered. There was a smile pulling at his lips when Robin looked at them and then the course then back again. 

"Of course, purely for the mission. Va fi atât de distractiv !" (This is going to be so much fun!)

"We have no idea what you're saying," Kid Flash reminded him but there was no use in it. He'd already been tuned out by Robin who was preparing himself for the time of his life.

As Miss Martian made the treacherous journey across the course with Artemis, Robin began. He skipped up to the grip mount with a grin and cracked his knuckles. Any normal person would think that he would grab the grip mount and ride the zipline down to the tightrope. So, due to it being a normal assumption, the team was wrong to think it. Robin wasn't normal. He did grab the grip he could climb onto the wire and handspring along with it. "Why can't you just be normal for five minutes?" Kid Flash complained, almost having a massive heart attack at the sight. He was making it much harder for himself and much easier to fall. Naturally, this made his teammates regret their decision to please him and silently agree to never let him do whatever he wanted again for the sake of everyone's health and sanity. He got to the end of the wire and backflipped onto the tight rope, deciding that he wouldn't walk across on his feet. No no that was far too predictable and wouldn't be truly making the most of the situation. He was walking on his hands, occasionally throwing in a cartwheel or two when he felt the need to really push his look. "Robin, I'm begging you to just be normal this once," Miss Martian said as she passed by him with Aqualad in her arms. She could feel his excitement coming off him in almost tsunami-sized waved but that didn't stop her own waves of concern canceling them out. How could she enjoy the bright joyful smile on his face when he could fall to his painful death at any moment? It was dangerous before but especially dangerous when he was messing around. "In nici un caz!"(No way!) he responded, doing another cartwheel to show how committed he was. "Acest lucru este cu atât mai distractiv!" (This is all the more fun!)

With an artful leap, he balanced on top of the thin poles. They were barely any wider than a stick of bamboo yet here he was hopping from foot to foot on it like it was nothing. "How has he not killed himself yet?" Connor commented, unable to fathom the sight. Robin winked at him as he jumped into the air, performing a flip then landed onto the next pole on his hand. His body moved instantly into a position to keep his balance. It seemed that he didn't even need to think about his actions, he could just do them then balance with ease. If they weren't in the circumstances they were in currently, they would be marveling at their friend messing around and effortlessly pulling off moves they could never do. Unfortunately, there was a death drop right below him. He pushed himself into the air and landed on the same pole with the opposite hand. "C' mon, you've had your fun but we must really get going," Aqualad called to him once Miss Martian had carried Kid Flash over. 

"Ugh fine," Robin replied in a thick accent. He wasn't too happy but they did have a mission to complete. He did a handspring to the next pole, this time grabbing the side of it instead of going for the top and swung around. This built enough momentum for him to leap to the next and push himself off it upon a second of landing. With a final backflip, he'd joined his friends on the other side. "Can I do that again?" he asked hopefully. And, despite their best interests, they said yes.

When Batman came to the Mountain to pick up Robin, he was surprised to find his protege tuckered out and sleeping on M'gann's lap. He gave the team a questioning glance since it took a lot for the teen to be tired. "We were weak. He went on that course six times," Kaldur told him. Deciding he didn't want to know the details, Batman just sighed and picked the teen up. He cradled the younger in his arms, lovingly looking at Robin's content smile. 

"He's hard to say no to isn't he?"

"How do we say no?" Kaldur inquired, hoping to get some advice.

"I'll let you know when I figure it out for sure."

Imma go have fun and watch Doctor Who with my mate so I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoyed this story 

because there's some sadness coming ;)

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