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Birdflash just makes me happy


Red Hood spied Dick's apartment as he stumbled through the moonlit alleyways of Bludhaven. They hadn't talked in a while, he didn't count the months they hadn't but if he had to guess it would be ten. They'd had a fight that got a little too personal and he'd been ignoring Dick's attempts at sorry since then. It wasn't that he blamed Dick completely, he just didn't want to deal with how empathetic he got. Pity was something he hated. But he had to suck it up and get the help he needed. He groaned at how high it was but unless he wanted to die in the alley, he'd have to suck it up. He'd been shot whilst catching his latest batch of criminals in the deed. In a way, he was lucky to only get one shot wound but he would've been luckier to not get shot. He scaled the fire escape then knocked on the window. No response. He sighed and reeled back before smashing the window open with his elbow. With that, he reached in and unlocked the window before falling through it. He pulled off his red helmet and tossed it to the side. "Goldie!" he shouted, hoping the older wouldn't just pick him up and leave him outside. He knew Dick wouldn't do that, even if their fight had been bad and there'd been radio silence. 

Footsteps came rushing into the room much too fast to be Dick, making Jason look up to find Wally staring down at him with a disappointed look. "This is the first time in months I've had him alone and now you drop in," he ranted, his hands on his hips. His shirt was missing and it wasn't hard to miss the darkening hickies. Jason couldn't help to cringe at the sight; the thought of his brother getting it on with the ginger was an unwanted and unpleasant one. "Sorry to mess with your love life but I'm bleeding out," Jason snapped, attempting to sit up. Dick came in and gasped at the sight of his brother and the blood patch growing on his jacket. He rushed over and helped him onto the couch, completely ignoring his clearly irritated boyfriend. "What happened?" he inquired, looking for the wound.

"Got shot whilst working a case. Thought I'd stop by since I was in the neighbourhood." Jason watched Dick's frantic eyes pass over the bullet wound then fell onto his chest. Wally had given him way more hickies, one of them was even bleeding. "You two were really going at it then?" he said with a small grimace of disgust. The comment made the older blush bright red but didn't have the same effect on his boyfriend. "We were and now we're not thanks to you," Wally said venomously.

"Walls, fetch the first aid kit for me," Dick ordered.

"Fine, but he's not staying here! I've had enough of sharing you with your family."

They watched him leave then turned to each other with a quiet laugh. Dick shook his head at his boyfriend's childish nature and stood up to take off Jason's jacket and shirt. The bullet wound went through the fatty part of his hip, luckily missing all of the important things, but it was sufficient enough to look rather nasty. Dick bent him forward slightly, causing a grunt of pain, and sighed when he saw there was no exit wound on the other side of his hip. "Oh we've got a doozy," he muttered. He let Jason sit back then went to a draw in the kitchen, digging out some tweezers which he ran underwater to give them a quick clean. They were clean since he'd washed them the last time he used them but he liked to be sure. Wally returned with the first aid kit and tossed it on the couch grumpily, sneaking a glare at the intruder. "Thank you, Wally," Dick said, kissing him on the cheek. "Go back to bed, okay? I promise this won't take long." The ginger sent a final glare to Jason and snatched a long passionate kiss before trudging back to bed. "Don't mind him," Dick said, sitting beside his brother. "I've been busy for a while now. He's just disappointed work caught up with us again but that's the life of a hero." He opened the kit and found something to sterilize his tweezers. "Did you catch the guys then?" he inquired whilst he began working to get the bullet out of the other's body. 

"Yep, the police have them now. They're looking at ten years in prison, fifteen if they can't find good lawyers," Jason responded.

"I should get you a key for this place, would've saved my window," Dick said passingly, glancing over at the smashed glass he'd have to clean up. They'd have to find a way to block the window unless they wanted to wake up with everything of worth missing. Jason laughed, looking back at the smashed window. "I'd still use your window."

"I know you would."

They fell into silence as Dick concentrated on removing the bullet without putting his brother in a world of pain. He kept a close eye on the other's expression just in case he touched a nerve but it never moved from a disgusted grimace. Eventually, he found the bullet and pulled it out. "Huh, definitely fifteen years for them," he stated, putting it down and wiping the blood off his tweezers. 

"What makes you say that?" Jason asked.

"Look at the bullet. Think someone using that has a good lawyer?" he said, smiling to himself. Jason glanced at the bullet and came to the same conclusion. 

 "Can't believe that shit was in me. I deserve better," he responded. Dick went through a selection of bandages and plasters, deciding on which would suit the wound best. 

"It's been a while since I've seen you," he began, glancing up at his younger brother.

"Oh Dick, don't go on about it," Jason whined. He knew it was bound to come about and he probably should've played along since he had smashed his window and interrupted something unsavoury but he couldn't bring himself to be silent. Dick sighed defeatedly and put on a big plaster before winding the white bandages around his waist. The sigh was enough to make Jason begrudgingly groan. "Fine, we can talk about it," he said, giving in.

"No, forget it," Dick replied. He picked up the tweezers and went to the sink to wash the blood off. Jason couldn't forget it, however. Now that he'd brought up the subject again and someone who should've taken the bait in a heartbeat didn't, he couldn't let it go. Dick shouldn't have let it go either. "This is like a bluff right?" he asked unsurely.

"Why would it be a bluff Jay?" the older asked. He looked up at Jason tiredly, putting all his weight on his hands that were pressed against the counter. "God knows how many times I try to be your brother and make sure you're alright but you blow me off. What's the point of trying anymore? Tell me because right now I don't know."

Jason huffed loudly and fell back on the couch instead of answering. He didn't want to deal with this. "You know how hard it is to deal with you guys? Damian is bratty, Tim is impossible, Bruce is a twat and you're infuriating. I can't keep being the big brother in this family and receiving nothing," Dick ranted. He walked back over to the couch and packed up the first aid kit. 

"It's not my fault you're a caring soul and I'm the exact opposite," Jason responded with a frown. He didn't once look at the other since one look at those sad blue eyes and he would feel guilty for a week. "You're not the opposite. You're just like the others. Coarse," the older reasoned. His movements paused before he looked back to the hallway that led to his bedroom. He doubted Wally would still be up when they were finished up. "I'm sorry," Jason said. Anything to get rid of those sad eyes.

"Yeah well sorry doesn't always cut it. You ignored me for ages. All I get is push from you."

"Well, what will cut it?" Dick shrugged, getting back to packing things away. He stood up to put the first aid kit back in its rightful place when a hand dragged him down. Arms wrapped around him tightly and he felt the warmth of someone else near him. Although shocked by the sudden movement, Dick knew what this was. He was being hugged. "Thank you, Dick. For everything."

The only sound in the flat came from the zooming cars outside and some soft sniffling. "Uh, Goldie?" Jason asked, slightly worried about the effect he had on his older brother.

"You're all going to be the death of me, you know?" Dick said through a laugh. He turned to the younger with a bright smile and tears in his eyes. 

"I don't doubt it." He let Dick mess up his hair for old time's sake then let go of him. It seemed appreciation was what cut it. Maybe he should mention it to his family. Dick didn't seem happy with them either. But if he didn't mention it he could be his new favourite since he'd be the only one to appreciate the work he did. Now that did muddy things. "Let's get you home Little-wing, Wally will kill me if I let you stay here," Dick stated, standing up. He tossed his brother his shirt then went to the bedroom to retrieve his own. Inside he found Wally, not yet asleep, with a frustrated look on his face and dressed in his hero suit. "He's family-"

"I'm running him home then you're all mine, you hear?" Dick nodded, doing his best not to burst out into laughter over how jealous his lover was. He planted a kiss on the ginger's cheek to cheer him up and Wally reluctantly smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too Dickie but if anything else stops me from being with you alone for at least one night, I'm taking us to Antarctica."

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