Pushover auntie tells nephew about disaster dads

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FandomTrash257 requested this and I tried my best to do it justice


M'gann loved Micah. He was like a nephew and she spoilt him rotten. She gave him everything he wanted. Even when it might not end so well.  

Dick and Wally were on a long mission and, as they always did, they let M'gann take care of Micah. It was a Saturday morning and he was, of course, spending it cross-legged on the couch in front of cartoons. M'gann watched him from the kitchen as she made some breakfast for him. It was his favorite. Waffles, bacon, and syrup. He said it was the perfect mix of savory and sweet so she just had to make sure he had them. Sure Dick would tell her he's not to be so spoilt but she couldn't help it. His smile was just too addictive to see to give him oatmeal as recommended. He watched the silly cartoons with a smile on his face until it soured. She raised a curious eyebrow and glanced at the TV. His dads were on. They were telling kids to stay out of trouble. "They'll be back tomorrow you know," she assured him. She'd gotten the call last night that they were finishing up their mission. It wouldn't be long until he was giving them tons of hugs and telling them all about school. "I know, I just miss them is all," he answered with a sigh. Then his eyes lit up. "Oh, you should tell me what they were like when they were kids! They don't really talk about it all that much," he suggested. She pursed her lips together. This would be an abuse of her powers but it might just cheer him up. Plus, the weather was awful outside so they'd be stuck inside all day anyway. "How about I just show you?" she said. He stared at her with awe and figurative stars in his eyes. 


"Sure! Anything for my favorite nephew. It would be a tad bit boring just telling you about it."

"You're so awesome."

Once breakfast was over, M'gann told the boy to get comfortable and cracked her knuckles. She hadn't done this in a while so it took some warming up to do. "Here are some ground rules. No running off, tell me if you want to leave at any time and don't judge me or your dads. We're all as hopeless at each other," she told him. Micah nodded, putting on a serious look. She chuckled at the sight. He couldn't be serious to save his life. "Are you ready?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Alright, close your eyes and relax." He nodded and did as he was told, excited to finally see what his parents were like when they were only a little older than he was. M'gann put two fingers on each one of the boy's temples and closed her eyes. When they were open, she was in her own mind along with Micah. Her mind was the exact same as her apartment which was slightly disappointing. "C'mon, we've got to go to the Mountain," she said.

"But the Mountain doesn't exist anymore?" Micah replied unsurely. She shook her head.

"Not in our world but in here it's forever immortalized in memory." She walked over to a picture of the old team. It was taken just after everyone was together. Back when things were new and their missions weren't too serious. He walked over to her and she grabbed his hand.

Suddenly they were standing in the Mountain's living room. "Alright, let's start with their early relationship. Do keep in mind that Dick was a little more...Talony at this point," she explained for lack of better words. 

"Got it," Micah responded. She hummed and tried to think of a fun memory. The perfect one came to mind. The room shifted ever so slightly and now Dick and Wally were there. Dick was around about thirteen. His eyes were more yellow than they were now and Micah could actually see the yellow in his veins. He stood motionless as he stirred a bowl of cookie dough. Wally was fifteen or so. He wore a grin on his face as he snuck up behind him and gave a wink over to M'gann. "Do they know we're here?" Micah asked.

"Nope that's just the memory. We're in the exact same position I was years ago." Wally continued to sneak up on the other until he finally wrapped his arms around him. 

"Hug attack!" Dick's pupils constricted and he immediately threw himself back so Wally was slammed into the ground. Micah began to giggle at the sight and moved so he could see the two of them on the floor. They were both covered with cookie dough, the bowl resting on the ex Talon's head. "This is the fifth time you've attempted that," he said in a monotone voice. Wally chuckled and sat up, pushing the smaller off him. 

"And I'll keep trying it until you break one of my vertebrae." He kissed Dick on the cheek and his face turned bright red. He jumped to his feet and helped him up. He grinned at the younger version of his dad. He was so going to bring this up. "You're adorable Dickie."

"Oh my God, you two are together!" a voice exactly like M'ganns squealed. They snapped their heads towards her then worriedly at one another. "Uh- I- uh," Dick stuttered. Was this bad? Was this a social bad? He couldn't remember from the culture lessons he'd been having with M'gann that there weren't many couples made of the same gender. Did that mean it was rare or looked down upon? Wally did tell him not to tell people for now but was that because he was ashamed or because he wanted to keep this on the down-low? He felt his palms get sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy - There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti. Wait no they were lyrics. Why was he thinking of lyrics? M'gann didn't ask for lyrics! Wally's lips against his cheek to calm his mind and, without thinking, threw him into M'gann. Right, where Micah was standing. He flinched as the body got close but didn't feel the impact. He opened his eyes to find that he was a good few feet in the air. That's when he realized something. How did he hear Dick's thoughts? He looked over to M'gann for some sort of explanation but she was too busy laughing at the memory. "We're dating," Wally wheezed. "Shoulda proved it after I said that."

"I'm so sorry!"

Micah's feet finally touched the ground and the pair disappeared. "What was that?" he asked M'gann. She got over her laughing fit and wiped a tear from her eye. She did love that memory. It had to be one of her favourite from the old Talon days. "My memory. Since you're in my head, you can sense what I do. I may have done a little reading of Dick's thoughts when he went really pale to make sure I hadn't stuffed things up so you heard it too. When he threw Wally at me, I flew up and so did you," she answered helpfully. "I can stop you from hearing those things if it makes you feel better." He nodded. Although it was quite funny to think of his ex Talon dad listening to Eminem, he didn't quite like how he caught the sense of panic. The sense of worry. "I'd prefer to just watch it like a movie," he replied. She nodded and snapped her fingers.

"In the next memory, you shouldn't hear a thing. Let's see, what should I show you next?" she pondered. The world glitched slightly. They were standing outside. Screams. What? The world returned. "Sorry! Just an intrusive thought. Let's go to something else quickly," she offered. There was a tone in her voice that made Micah ever the more curious about what that thing was. And when he was curious about something he investigated. People said he got it from his adoptive parents but he thought he had it for way longer than he'd known them.

The room shifted before he could ask about anything. The couches were pushed against the wall and a disco ball was precariously hung from the ceiling. It's mirrored lights shimmered and sent rectangles of white around the room. Around them heroes were dancing to the music, holding red solo cups and wearing nice clothes. "Is it someone's birthday?" Micah asked. M'gann nodded happily and looked around. 

"This was Dick's first birthday with us. Wally set up everything all on his own. He was up at all hours of the night to make sure it was perfect." She put a hand on his shoulder and pointed over to the couple. Dick was sitting on the couch with his drink whilst Wally was pulling his best puppy dog eyes. "C'mon Dickie, won't you dance with me?" he begged.

"You know very well I don't dance," he replied.

"Do it for me, babe. Consider it like a birthday present where the present is getting out of your shell," Wally offered. The boy smirked at the pet name. It was soft and almost hidden by the odd lighting but they both saw it. M'gann smiled softly. He took Wally's outstretched hand and was pulled up. As he was led to the dance floor, the music changed to a soft love song. The senior heroes smiled to themselves and paired up. "You planned this," Dick said. Wally put his hands on the other's hips and pulled him in close. 

"I know how much you love planning so I thought you'd appreciate it." Dick glanced around at the other couples then put his arms around the ginger's neck. 

"I really do," he responded shyly. They began to sway to the music and Dick continued to copy the actions of others. His lover seemed to notice and turned his chin so they were looking at one another. "You're making me jealous," he joked. Dick bit his lip as he looked down. What was he plotting? 

"Then I suppose you should have some assurance." Everyone raised an eyebrow since they were all listening in on the conversation. It wasn't just the memory hoppers who were trying to get involved in their personal lives. "And how will I get that?" Wally asked. The ex Talon tensed for a moment before quietly sucking in a deep breath. "Dick?"

"I-i love you Walls. At least, I think that's what this is. It may be a disease that I'm unaware of and if so we should probably-"

"I love you too, bird brain."

Micah was about to remark on how he never knew they were so hopelessly in love the pair was when the room glitched again. "What-"

"Just need to repress it," M'gann muttered, squeezing her eyes closed.

"No, I wanna see. It's all well and good seeing the highs but I wanna know the lows too," he argued. She gave him a sorrowful look. 

"I can't show you that. You're too young," she protested. She couldn't be responsible for him knowing. Dick couldn't even remember half of it and Wally spent months trying to forget. It was just some stupid mission that they didn't do right at the wrong time. Any other time it wouldn't have been as bad. She didn't mean to do anything but he didn't know what he was doing. She had to do it! She had to. M'gann's eyes shot open when she felt Micah's small hands wrap around her wrists. They were in the field. She desperately tried to get them back to the mountain. She tried everything. "Just let me see. The team wasn't that much older than me. Connor is even younger!" he pressed. The martian sniffled.

"You two aren't the same," she pointed out.

"Please M'gann." Oh God, he said please. Her ultimate weakness. He wanted to see. She couldn't get them back. She sighed and snapped her fingers. He couldn't see this from her point of view or he wouldn't sleep. "Okay. Don't judge me though," she said. Awfully selfish she knew that as soon as she said but she had to. What she did was out of necessity. 

"I wouldn't judge you anyway." She nodded and let the intrusive thought take over.

They were sitting in a field. In front of them was a building on fire, the hot flames bursting through every crack it could. Most of the team was laying on the grass. Artemis was coughing pathetically. Her arms were burned badly and parts of her suit had been burnt off. Kaldur was off near a tree, far from the fire. His eyes were half-lidded as he desperately tried to stay awake. Connor was unconscious next to him. He must've been pulled out of the fire by the leader judging on the soot and burns covering his exposed skin and clothes. Then there was Wally. M'gann had his head on her lap. Dick was beside him. He was rigid. Cold. Not the Dick Micah knew. He instantly caught on to what was wrong. He was in the Talon state. Micah stalked closer so he could get a better look at Wally. He was badly burnt. His breath was ragged and his eyes were closed. Suddenly, Dick stood up and began to walk off. "Where are you going?" M'gann shouted after him. She didn't know what was going on yet. 

"The group will still be getting to their boats. I shall sink them whilst they board," he replied. Despite his harsh words, there was no inflection on any of them. It was perfectly monotone. In fact, everything was perfect about him. Micah shivered. He was like that when he was going to kill Joker. The memory was burned into his mind. He heard M'gann, his M'gann, holding back her cries. What happened next? "No one told you to do that!" past M'gann yelled after him.

"It is a mission out of necessity. To get revenge would be to honor those I'm loyal to," he explained. 

"What if I gave you a mission?" He stopped walking and turned around to face her. Micah glanced at M'gann. She wouldn't do that, would she? He couldn't stand the missions. Since Micah had been told about his past, he'd opened up a bit about it. He said he hated them. Hated the fact he had to take them. Hated that he was no more than a robot. She had to have known about that. She had to have known that he'd hate having that mission. He'd hate waking up from it and realizing. "Is my mission a deviation?" She bit her lip. Her eyes flickered to her friends. 

"Yes. It is a deviation. Your real mission is to help the team onto the ship. That's an order." He nodded. The bioship was brought to their location and he began putting everyone in.

"You forced him," Micah stated as he watched the younger version of his dad tenderly pick up his friends. 

"I couldn't afford for him to leave. He would've killed hundreds of people if he blew those ships up," M'gann insisted. They glitched into the ship. People were awake now. Dick was about to go back to normal when M'gann pitched up again. "I order you to treat Connor, Wally, and Kaldur," she announced. He went back to perfect and fetched a first aid kit.

"But you did it again!" Micah proclaimed, gesturing to what just happened.

"I had no training for the more serious burns. He'd know what to do. If he went back to normal, he'd be out for the next few hours and I couldn't wait that long," she responded, wincing at his raised tone. He was angry but he didn't understand the gravity of what was going on. She didn't have a choice. She wished she did. It would take five hours to get back and he'd be passed out for three of those then one more would be wasted so he could get back to himself. Yeah giving him another order would make his recovery time longer but she had to. "M'gann I can do the other's," Artemis offered. She looked half asleep. Micah doubted she could raise her arm, let alone help someone. 

"He's taken the order. Just let him do his thing," M'gann snapped. She nodded and kept quiet. The memory glitched again.

Everyone was in the med bay. Dick was the only one in the bed. He was on a feeding tube. Wally squeezed his unconscious hand and watched his chest rise and fall. Micah shivered uncomfortably and walked over. "What happened?" he asked. M'gann choked back a cry and swallowed a sob. 

"He didn't wake up. I gave him three more orders during the trip back. By the time we got back, he just collapsed. He was like this for two days."

"But last time he was fine after a few hours," the boy disputed. He averted his eyes from Dick. He didn't want to see him that deathly pale. Why were there eyebags when he'd spent so long sleeping? His lips were chapped. He wouldn't be able to wipe that from his memory. "I told you, he was a little more Talony," she replied. She slowly walked over cautiously as though the unconscious body of her friend would jump up and attack her. "He didn't have much resilience. The orders flooded his head and being so perfect for that long exhausted his mind and body. I messed him up." She smiled a watery smile. "But he forgave me. Wally did too. And he never left Dick's side the entire time. He was always there just waiting for him to wake up."

"He still does that," Micah began. "Hold Dick's hand when he's asleep. Even when it's just a nap." He softly smirked to himself. "Does it with me too."

"You don't blame me, do you? If I just knew what else to do like I do now, I wouldn't have done it." He took M'ganns hand in his and lightly squeezed it.

"'Course I don't. I wouldn't know what to do either." He looked up at her. "Can we see one last happy one? Then go?" She wiped the tears that had managed to escape and nodded. She knew the perfect one.

They were in the mountain living room. Dick was in his Nightwing suit but he looked young still. He must've only just made the change. He was reading something, probably reports knowing him. The whole team was there too. They had this giddy look about them like they were sitting on pins waiting for something to happen. Wally came through the door and gave a wink to M'gann before walking in. "Dick, there's been something I've been meaning to say to you," he announced. Dick looked over to him with piqued interest. He put down what he was reading and turned to him attentively. "What is it?"

"Ever since the day I met you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You were loyal so I knew for a fact you wouldn't cheat on me." They chuckled whilst Dick listened with a confused expression. "You were blunt so I knew you'd always tell me the truth. You were compassionate so I knew you'd always be there for me."

"Where are you going with this?" the younger asked. He was pulled to his feet by the ginger.

"What I'm trying to say is, you're more than anything I could've asked for and I never want to spend another moment without you having something to show you're mine," he continued.

"This is the wrong time and place for a hickey," the other stated, getting a giggle or two. Wally smirked and got on one knee. He pulled out a box and lifted the top to reveal a silver ring. 

"Richard John Grayson-Wayne, will you marry me?" Dick covered his mouth in shock. The team leaned in as they awaited an answer. 

"You're not going to believe this," he said quietly. He got down on one knee with Wally and reached into his utility belt. There he pulled out a gold ring. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

"I'll take that as a yes then?" Wally asked through a laugh. Typical. They couldn't even propose to one another without mucking it up one way or another. But not every mistake was bad. As Bob Ross used to say 'there are no such thing We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.' This was certainly a happy little accident if Micah said so himself. "Yes, I will marry you. Will you marry me?" Dick asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"You ask that as though I'd ever say no," he replied. He quickly moved in and gave the raven-haired man a passionate kiss. Artemis sprinkled confetti over their heads as they did with a chuckle.

When Micah next opened his eyes, he was back in the living room. He felt warm and fuzzy inside. Most people when they saw their parents kiss were grossed out but he couldn't help but admire their relationship. They truly seemed like soulmates in every sense of the word. He looked over to M'gann. She looked a little tired yet she still gave him a reassuring smile. "They really love each other don't they?" he commented.

"There's probably only one person they love more since I've known them," she responded. He raised a curious eyebrow. 


"You. They'd move heaven and earth for you. I might even dare to say that Dick, despite being the workaholic night owl he is, would give up Nightwing if it meant you'd be happy," she answered. He grinned as a blush dusted his cheeks. Wow. He really meant that much to them. To people, he wasn't biologically connected to. His parents would be so happy to see him in the place he was now. They'd be relieved to know that people loved him here. "Hey, what's wrong?" M'gann asked when she saw a single tear run down his cheek.

"Oh nothing, it's a happy tear. Just grateful for everything you know. I hope nothing changes." She smiled and wiped the tear from his face.

"Me too."

"I do have one question though."


"What's a hickey?"


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