One fucked up reunion

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ginger300 requested this and I may have gone a little too far

"Well, I'll be. Never thought I'd see the day I'd see you nervous," Dick chuckled. He was doing his eyeliner in the mirror and caught his boyfriend pacing behind him.  

"I'm not nervous," David responded sharply. He was wearing his best suit. It was the first suit Dick ever bought him. It was a navy blue piece and he'd paired it with a blue tie, a white shirt, and black dress shoes. An outfit clearly put together by the more fashion-savvy of the pair. "Oh my bad, you must be doing your pacing practice," Dick said sarcastically. He smirked to himself when he saw the frustration in the other's face. David folded his arms unhappily and perched himself on the bed. "It's just my family," he added.

"Your family is your old team, the founding members of the Justice League and every apprentice Batman has had," the ginger complained. "That's at least seventeen people."

"Don't forget Iris and Selina they'll be there too. Besides you've already met the family of one Leaguer and my family," Dick pointed out.

"I met your family when you were going to kill yourself during a genocide of Bludhaven that's hardly anything like what we're doing tonight."

"Depends how it goes." He was shot a glare which only made him chuckle. He finished up his eyeliner and walked over to his boyfriend, sitting himself down on his lap and cupping his face. "You're nervous over nothing. If anyone says anything we can just dip and say we had an emergency," Dick offered. As much as it was funny to see the hitman more nervous than a kid was stage fright on nativity night, it was kind of off-putting. He must really be freaking out and for arguably good reason. Not everyone was into Dick's new life - Bruce namely - and David might be blamed for encouraging his new behavior. If he was honest, Dick was nervous too. He'd hardly seen most of them since the lifestyle change. In all fairness, it was because he couldn't use the Zetatubes and was incredibly busy running his gang. He hoped things wouldn't be too awkward and they could be how things used to but...who really knew. "We already know Barry, Jay and Iris approve of you and right now they're the only ones that matter," he added.

"What about Bruce? He is kind of your dad."

"If I cared about his approval, I wouldn't be the most beloved criminal in Bludhaven and Gotham." David tutted, 

"One magazine said that."

"And are they wrong? No. So buck up buttercup, we're setting off in ten." He kissed David on the cheek and got up. 

"Then we should change your bandages now," the hitman stated, gaining a groan. 

"You're the one who took my bullet." He had a point. The bullet was for the hitman whilst he was helping a fallen gang member and Dick had jumped in the way. Of course, he got hell for it afterward. "I didn't think it would be this much of a hassle. Otherwise, I would've just let you get shot," he joked.

"If that happened then who would you boss around?" Dick thought to himself with a devious look.

"I'm sure there are plenty of men who'd just love to be with me. I could name quite a few just off the top of my head. They're good looking lads as well."

"Jokes over, we're not playing hypotheticals anymore," David stated, suddenly serious.

"Nervous and jealous - love it."

Barry greeted everyone and gathered them in the living room. He'd purposely told them to show up earlier than Dick so he could lay down some ground rules. "I know it's difficult for some of you to understand and come to terms with Dick's massive lifestyle change," he announced, trying his best to look at you know who. "But he's still just as kind as he was when he was a hero and we are his family so we should be at least civil with him. That includes not picking fights about the meaning of justice or his boyfriend who most of you will be meeting properly for the first time tonight." Jason raised his hand. "Yes there is alcohol in the house and no you can't have more than three glasses of wine. I don't want a drunken brawl ruining the china." He frowned, accepting that he was going to have to grin and bear tonight. "Other than that, have fun." He turned on some music and the heroes began socializing, talking about their latest work. Barry helped Iris put out the rest of the snacks and got himself his first glass of wine. He'd need it if he was going to survive tonight. He had an idea on who would stir up trouble but he hoped they could at least play happy families for a couple of hours. There was a knock on the door and sped over to open it. He was greeted by Dick and David, the forenamed man smiling brightly at him and carrying a bottle of wine he'd only seen the richest of the rich drink. "I thought we'd bring a little present for having us," Dick said, handing him the wine.

"You always spoil us," he commented. He pulled the younger in a hug and noticed a bandage around his upper arm. "What happened?"

"This numpty was going to get shot so of course, I had to step in and be the hero who saved him. Call it an old habit," he responded. He held David's hand as he looked down the hall and caught a glimpse of his brothers. He and Jason had really grown close since the change but the others not so much. Barry noticed his hesitance and gave him a comforting smile. "Already had the talk with them. You two will be fine," he assured him. They nodded, took a deep breath each, then walked behind Barry into the hellhole. 

"Everyone this is my boyfriend David," Dick announced. He put on his extravagant persona and prayed none of them saw through it. He didn't fancy a long drawn out talk about how he was never that stressed out when he was a hero or he was never this nervous to meet people when he worked for the good guys. "Harls was right, you're quite a stunner," Selina purred, looking the man up and down. "What's your profession?"

"I'm a hitman," David responded warily. He knew the temptress well. He also knew that she'd jump at the chance for a family and friends discount on one of his hits. An intensity followed his statement as the heroes froze up. "Neutral zone everyone. None of you can drag him to prison," Iris stated just to make sure. 

"Well, it's nice to see you're with someone who can protect you," Diana said. She was trying to pick up every positive part of this bad situation. His deviation from the life he used to be so dedicated to still had a little sting to it. Their Dick would've never got with a hitman unless it was needed for undercover. The idea that this was all one major undercover plot was much easier to accept than the reality.

The heroes eventually resumed their conversations and Dick's old team soon had him in their clutches. "It's nice to see you again. You're looking...well," Wally greeted. Things were so painfully awkward. It didn't help that every time he looked in Dick's direction he'd get a glare from the hitman. "Yeah, you gotta tell me where you got those boots," Artemis pitched in.

"Oh, thanks. David actually got them for me," he responded. "After I told him where to get them. He can find a guy in a gilly suit but can't find boots." He hoped joking would relieve some of the tension between the group. 

"Connor's the same," M'gann added. They shared an awkward laugh, making the younger sigh. 

"Alright let's just be real here. I'm not the kid you grew up with but I just hope we can be friends." The group sighed in relief.

"Oh thank God, we were kinda worried you wouldn't like us anymore considering we're sort of enemies now," M'gann explained. He chuckled at the very notion of it. He wasn't that bad. Sure he had a little tiny mini genocide but it was all the criminals anyway! Plus he gave them fair warning. "As long as you're not in my territory unannounced you're welcome to stop by. There's plenty of non-illegal things we can do and we've got the press wrapped around our little fingers so you won't need to worry," he explained. "Maybe we can have one of our training sessions for old times sake." They nodded enthusiastically but one person was hesitant. The ginger still scorned. 

"I'll come when he's not around," he prevised. David narrowed his eyes at him. He was about to make a jestful remark but Dick stopped him. The last thing they needed was for him to attack a hero. 

"I'm sure we can arrange something."

"Grayson I wish to speak with you," Damian called. Formal as always. Though his expression didn't sit well with the ex hero. His face was normally cold but there was always something bright about it. It was devoid of his look in this moment. He nodded and walked over to the teen who brought him to the side to avoid attention. "What can I help you with?" Dick asked.

"Nothing. I no longer wish to socialize with you from this night on. I've put a lot of thought into this and I don't believe I should enable your hypocrisy," the younger answered sternly. He caught Dick off guard. He couldn't be serious. They were closer than close! Surely he'd understand that people could change who they were. People's ideas changed. "Wait so you don't want to see me again?" He nodded.

"Quite so. This will be our last interaction so say what you must."

"Oh. Well. Erm. I," he stuttered, trying to wrap his head around this. "Right well, you know I'll always be here for you if you ever change your mind." Damian nodded and walked away, leaving him there in shock. He didn't regret his choice to be the way he was but he did regret the consequences that came with it. Perhaps there was a way to go about things that wouldn't have led to so much tension and dissociation. He didn't think he'd mess up so much.

The teen walked straight over to Bruce who'd watched the interaction and frowned at the man. "If this doesn't get results you'll have hell to pay Father," he told him. He didn't want to do this. Bruce told him to, promising this would be a wake-up call that would get his brother back to how he used to be, and he had no other choice but to comply. "Just watch him," Bruce said. So he did. Dick stood there for a few moments, staring into space. He looked green. Sick with what just happened. Damian felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He shouldn't have agreed. "Tim," Bruce called. The younger paused his rather insightful conversation with the hitman his brother was dating and walked over. "Now you go," his mentor said.

"You know Bruce, I can't do that. David isn't that bad. He's actually really smart and he clearly cares about Dick," he answered.

"He might be smart and like Dick but that doesn't matter. He's allowing your brother to be in a dangerous situation," the older argued. He scoffed at the hypocrisy laced within his words.

"Says the man who let a nine-year-old fight crime and multiple children after that. Honestly, what did you expect? He's spent most of his life seeing justice fail no matter how hard he worked and you just thought he wasn't going to try a different route?" he pointed out. Damian swore under his breath. He was bagging on sharing his guilt with Tim but if he was being the bigger person then that just made him feel even worse. His eyes darted back over to Dick. He was smirking. Not a nice smirk no. It was one that lacked no humor nor happiness. He looked around and found Jason. He walked over and snatched him from the boring chatter he was having with Clark and J'onn. "No matter, Damian was close enough to do some damage," Bruce commented, not noticing that his two eldest foster sons had just left the room. 

"You're more screwed up than David who I left in a conversation and now Diana and Selina have him so I won't get him back for the next hour," he complained.

"Thanks for saving me back there," Jason said as he was pulled into the kitchen. Dick cackled.

"I haven't saved you just yet." He began looking through the cupboards with a prize in mind that he was sure would be there. 

"What're you looking for?"

"I dated Wally long enough to see that speedsters need a lot of booze to get drunk. If he's anything like his uncle then they're going to have a big stock," he explained. He opened the cabinet underneath the skin and grinned, pulling out two bottles of whiskey. Jason grinned back. "God you're so much more fun now," he commented. The older of the pair set the bottles down, making note of the names so he could replace them another time, and went on the search for something to drink them out of. "Do you wanna get turnt or fucked up?" Dick asked, holding a whiskey glass and a pint glass. The younger gave him a devilish look. 

"Let's get fucked up."

After talking to David for a little while, the heroes didn't actually mind him. Whenever he talked about his boyfriend there was a loving look in his eyes and he only spoke highly of him. He was polite too. He knew when to make a joke and when not to. Part of that had to come from being a hitman and having to pretend but the rest was all genuine. "So how did you two meet?" Clark asked. 

"Well, he was actually my hit. Some guy wanted him dead since he was up and coming. Put a lot of guys out of business. I go up to do it but he held me at gunpoint. Must've heard I was coming for him," he explained.

"That's Dick all over. Two steps ahead of everyone else," Barry commented.

"Exactly. So we're both at gunpoint but he gives me an attractive deal. Steady pay just for protecting it. I could do jobs on the side but between you and me he was offering ten times what they did," he continued. "Over time, we got to know each other more and being with him was all the payment I needed." The girls cooed at the comment. It was rather sweet. Would be enemies turned devoted lovers. Maybe Dick's new life was better than they thought. Of course, Wally would tell you otherwise but they were fazing out his salty nature. "Speaking of Dick, where is he? I've not seen him since he pulled Jason into the kitchen," J'onn asked.

"HE DID WHAT?" came the shrill cry from the kitchen. They tensed. This wasn't going to end well. Dick stormed out the kitchen with a face like thunder and pint glass in hand. He threw it at his former mentor but he ducked out of the way so it just shattered against the wall. "You're sssuch a dick, Bruce!" he yelled. For being almost blackout drunk he was a good shot. He stumbled towards the man ready to fight but David stood in his way. "What did he do?" he asked, putting his hands on his boyfriend's shoulder, careful not to aggravate his wound. 

"He fuckinnn put my brotherss against meh," Dick slurred. "I'll fuckinn 'ave him."

"How much have you drank?" Barry asked. He was far beyond his three glasses of wine limit. Unless he was using a really big glass. Jason shuffled in after him, equally as drunk. "Like two bottles of erm uh Jack and a tinsy wincy bit of tequila," he answered. He leaned on the most sturdy thing that was close to him which happened to Connor and clung on for dear life. He could hardly stay upright. "He-he told me everythin," Dick proclaimed, returning to his argument. "You're pathetic. Fuckinn puttin a kid up against me. Guess what Brucey dearest? I know now. Dami is-is on my side and you're jus bitter that I came out like a fuck up 'cause let's face it. That-that makes youu look bad."

"You're drunk," Bruce stated as though that invalidated everything. It didn't. None of the heroes agreed with him either. He was so determined on getting that little kid Dick used to be back that he was just ruining him. He was doing more harm than good and he couldn't even see it. "Fuck you!"

"That's enough now," David said in a calm tone. Dick began welling up and sniffled quietly. He pulled the smaller in for a hug and placed a kiss on his forehead. "You're not supposed to drink on your medicine."

"He offered it to me! I'm the uh I'm the victim," Jason shouted. He wasn't about to be blamed for that bombshell.

"Needed to take the edge offf," the acrobat mumbled into the other's chest. He hadn't bothered to break away from the hug so David guessed he'd wanted that. He sighed and brushed some of his hair out of his face. "You need to go home." The smaller nodded and pulled away from his chest. 


"You can repay me later. And as for you Bruce Wayne, be glad he doesn't let me do heroes or this lovely couple would have to wipe your brains up from that wall." He quickly swooped Dick into his arms since there was no way in heaven or hell that he was going to let him walk out, said his goodbyes and left. All eyes fell on Bruce. "What the fuck dude?" Oliver stated. 

It was an unnerving motorbike ride home. Dick's grip kept slipping as he tried, and failed, to stay coherent enough to know the dangers of letting go. David slowed down every so often and held on tight to his arms to make sure they stayed around his waist. He should've known this would happen. He could tell something had happened when he saw his lover pull Jason into the kitchen. If he hadn't been so caught up on proving he was an amazing boyfriend then he would've been there. He was grateful when he saw their compound come into view and once again held Dick in his arms. The acrobat winced unhappily then snuggled into his chest. "Did I knock something?" David asked.

"Sshot. We should uh uh we should get some food," he answered, his train of thought completely derailing. 

"That's not a bad idea. Let's get you to bed first."

"I love you," Dick muttered, resting his head back down. He wasn't tired. He just knew he felt better when his eyes were closed and didn't have to see the spinning world around him. David rolled his eyes. "Ditto." He walked to their bedroom and set the man on the bed. "Dick."

"Yess my love?"

"You're not a fuck up." Dick sat up straight.

"You mean it?" David connected their lips together, tasting the whiskey the other had been drinking. He wished he could take it further but he couldn't do that in good conscience. They parted. "Yep. Lay down and I'll order a pizza."


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