Sis snapped

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imustbealoner requested this one

I'll preface this by saying writing fight scenes is something i struggle with but i tried so if it sucks, you know why

"What's all the shouting about?" Flash asked after hearing the racket from the meeting room in the Watchtower. A big gathering of heroes had formed to watch something but he was too far back in the crowd to actually see what was going on. "Batman tried to get Nightwing to quit and the kid just flipped out on him. Hal is taking bets on who wins," Hawkman answered.

"Why hasn't anyone stopped them?" Flash asked worriedly. They were both very stubborn people so a fight like this could go on for hours on end before one of them finally gave in or decided to take a break. No one wanted what happened last time Batman told his original Robin to happen again which made Flash a little shocked to find no one was breaking up the fight. "His orders. We only get involved if Nightwing tries to murder him or something," the hero responded. Flash shook his head to himself and decided to speed through the crowd to get a better look at what was going on. He was the fastest hero there so he could easily intervene if he got the hint that something bad was about to happen. Nightwing was pulling at his hair in frustration with his mentor and Batman had his fists curled up as they yelled at one another so loud Flash doubted that either actually heard what the other said. "How long has this gone on for?"

"Like two hours," Red Robin said solemnly. "I've never seen Nightwing so angry." Flash had to agree with him there, he hadn't seen the hero this angry. Ever.

The fighting was taken up a notch when Nightwing slapped Batman's accusing finger away from his chest and pushed the older away from him. A resounding ooo came from his audience but he looked like he hadn't even noticed the presence of so many heroes. Batman's fists curled up tighter and he pushed his eldest son back. Childish really but neither was acting like the heroes they should be. "I'd be very careful about what you do next because I'm not in the mood to hold back," Nightwing warned. His voice was low. Dangerously low. 

"If I have to beat you in order for you to see you can't continue then I'll gladly do it," Batman replied gruffly. Nightwing punched him square in the jaw and kicked him back to create space in between them. "Maybe you should quit, old man? It's clear you're losing your touch," he spat. Batman threw a punch, which he dodged, and kicked Nightwing's legs out from under him. The younger fell backward but artfully did a handspring to get back up. He went to kick Batman in the face but the older grabbed his foot and spun him around, realizing him once he built up enough momentum. Nightwing caught himself, backflipping so he could land on his feet. His feet slid to a halt before he pulled out his escrima sticks. "I'll give you a chance to back down before you make a fool of yourself," Batman announced. He pulled out a few batarangs just in case his former protege didn't take the offer. 

"I'm already a fool to you so why not try and make it a general consensus," Nightwing retorted.

"Very well then."

Nightwing ran forward, batting away the batarangs that came at him with his escrima sticks. His teeth gritted together as he jumped up and tried to land a hit that Batman blocked by crossing his arms. He kept hitting the other's locked arms until he'd retreated a few paces. Batman dropped to his feet, swiping Nightwing's legs again. This time the younger jumped up and kicked the older in the face harshly. Batman rolled back and threw a smoke bomb on the floor before sending a flurry of batarangs into the smoke. Nightwing managed to bat a few away but hissed at the three that landed in his shoulder and dug themselves into his skin. The crowd made a sympathy ouch for him when the smoke cleared and they could see where some had hit their target. Nightwing looked down and ripped them out, throwing them at the older. He dodged them and made a disgusted look at them. They had Nightwing's blood on them. Nightwing smirked at his look. "Smoke bombs are a dirty move, thought I'd give you some of your own medicine." Batman gritted his teeth and retrieved two more from his belt, running at the younger. Nightwing ran away until he hit a wall. With the momentum he'd built up, he managed to run up it and flip over the older. He grabbed Batman's arms and pushed him against the wall. "Mercy?"

"Not when I know I'm in the right," Batman snarled. Nightwing frowned and threw him on the floor.

"Red Hood, gun, now," he ordered. Red Hood stared at him dumbfounded, making him repeat himself. "Gun. Now." Red Hood picked a gun from his holster that he was certain had rubber bullets in and tossed it over. Batman attempted to get up but Nightwing kicked him in the face, keeping him down for a moment longer. "Wanna say sorry?" Nightwing asked. The older remained silent so he gave him a swift kick in the side to prompt an answer. 

"I've got to admit, you've been working on your moves," the hero wheezed. Nightwing chuckled to himself at the remark. 

"That's the best I'm gonna get isn't it?" There wasn't a reply so he just sighed to himself and aimed the gun. He shot it a few times in the fatty areas like the thighs, making the older yell in pain. He threw the gun back to his younger brother and lent down to help Batman up. "What was that for?" Batman yelped.

"To make up for you being a dickhead. Plus catharsis," Nightwing responded. He brought his mentor in closer so he could say the next part without the others hearing. "Try this again and I'll use the moves Slade taught me, got it?" Batman nodded.

Nightwing let him go and holstered his escrima sticks with a smirk before sauntering through the crowds proudly. They parted so he could get through, not fancying getting on his bad side. Then they turned to Batman who was holding his side. "Here's a piece of advice, don't think he can't do this to supers too," he said simply. 

"Get back to work everyone, nothing to see here!" Superman proclaimed, shooing the group away. He left Batman's sons in there before leaving himself. 

"Christ Goldie isn't holding back anymore," Red Hood stated.

"He was holding back. Just a bit," Robin replied. He could see the restrain of any fighter when they were in action. The problem was, if that wasn't Nightwing when he was exhibiting all his strength, then what was? "Put it this way, there's a reason he's my contingency plan," Batman mumbled. 

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